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*Daisy's POV*

*Beep Beep Beep*

My name is Daisy Elizabeth Jones I'm 17 years old. I have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, I'm in the beginning of my senior year. I live with my mom, Alyssa, my dad, Jason, and my little sister, Charlotte. My older brother, Taylor, moved out and is in college, he visits often. I've lived in the same town my entire life, I've known the same people my entire life. One thing I will never understand is my best friend in the entire world turned into my biggest enemy. He bullies me everyday no matter what. I don't know why he does this either, I've never asked because most of the time I am with him is when he's beating the crap out of me.
That's all I hear before I throw my hand on top of the alarm clock to shut it up. I get up and I wonder why someone would be so cruel to create high school at all? I open my door and go to the bathroom. I shut and lock my bathroom door and turn on the shower and let it run. While I wait I go on my phone to check my socials. I had one text from my best friend, Lea. She basically just asked if I was going to give her a ride to school and I answer yes. I get in the shower and let the warm water run down my back. I wash my hair with my coconut scented shampoo and conditioner. After I wash it all out of my hair I use my vanilla scented body wash to wash my body with. I quickly check to make sure my legs are shaved and not prickly, thank goodness they weren't.
I dry myself off and leave my hair down so it can air dry. I throw on a white flowy off the shoulder top, a pink suede kirt, and a pair brown strappy boots.
I walk downstairs to see my parents, I walk up beside them and kiss them goodbye. I walk out of my door got into my black Jeep. I take off down the street to school. When I get there I park and walk into my school. I hurry to my locker before he sees me. When I get to my locker I open it and get my books out. I was about to grab another thing when a hand from behind me slams it shut and I feel someone kiss my neck. He grabs me and turns me around, pinning me against the locker. I tried to move away from him but, I couldn't move since his grip was so tight on my wrists.
"Austin, get off me." I say, my voice straining. He narrows his eyes at me and smirks.
"Why should I bitch?" He breathes into my ear. I turn my head away and don't answer him. He tightens his grip on me and pushes me into the locker again.
"Answer me!" He growls at me. He lets go of one of wrists to turn my face to face his.
"I don't know." I say starting to cry. I open my eyes and look into his noticing how pretty they actually are.
"Much better, slut." He whispers, he lets go of me and punches me in the stomach. I fall on the ground and he kicks me hard in the stomach again. With that he walks away leaving me on the ground crying. Thank goodness he left me without hitting me more. I hold my stomach as I walk to my first class, science. When I get there I see my best friend Lea sitting next to her boyfriend, Alex, who also happens to be Austin's best friend.

*Lea's POV*

I'm talking to Alex about my night when I see Daisy out of the corner of my eye, turn to see her enter the room holding her stomach and making a face twisted with pain. I jump up and walk over to her knowing that Austin was probably the cause of her pain. Before I even get to her my science teacher, Mr. Johnson runs into me and spills his coffee all over me. I try so hard not scream because he just ruined my brand new white cashmere sweater.
"I am so sorry Lea! You should go get yourself cleaned up, once I am very sorry." He says to me walking to the front of the class starting the lecture. I'll cut him some slack though he's very old, I don't even think he's supposed to be a teacher anymore. I turn around to give Alex a look of disappointment in Mr. Johnson, but he is leaning over and talking to a different girl, they are laughing about something. I shrug it off because it's nothing and I walk over to Daisy who was still waiting for me at the door.
"What did Austin do this time?" I ask obviously pissed off because he hurt my best friend.
"Keep it down, I don't need the whole school knowing!" She whisper-shouts at me
"Anyways it wasn't anything serious, I already checked it out only a slight bruise, usually it's a lot worse." Daisy chokes out on the verge of crying.
"I mean I guess that's better than the usual. I still hate that you won't let me do anything about it. I want you to know how much I want to beat the shit out of him instead!" I whisper shout.
"Lets go." Daisy says pulling me by the arm out of the classroom. We walk down the hall to the bathroom, making sure to check all the stalls before talking about anything. Thankfully no one was in there.
"Should I make him pay for a new one?" I say trying to rub out the coffee stain.
"I wouldn't, I have an extra shirt if you want it." I nod right away. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a white Nike pullover sweatshirt.
"Thanks, babe." I thank her. I strip off my sweater and throw on the sweatshirt.

*Austin's POV*

After I kick her I walk away because I know if I don't I would fall down to the ground and try to help her. I would want to make her forgive me and I'd tell her how sorry I am for treating her like she's not a person.
Last year I was so completely in love with Daisy so bought her roses and went to her house, to give them to her and ask her out. I showed up at her house and knocked on her, and when she answered she had a guy in the house with her. I'm not sure who he was, but the second I saw him I felt so much anger. Ever since I've kind of just bullied her, even though I hate doing it. I just feel like she deserves it. The first time I hurt her was last year, she was walking home and I saw her. I pushed her down and she started bleeding. I wanted to pick her and help, but kicked her and punched until she stopped moving. I thought I had killed her. After I got scared so I sprinted all the way home and when I got to my house I locked myself in my room and cried for hours. The next morning I woke up still covered in her blood. I hurried to wash it off. I didn't want my family to know what a monster I am.
Daisy is the love of my life. I am constantly beating up the love of my life. I am a monster! I hate myself! Just because I was to much of a coward to come to terms that maybe she didn't like me or even want me!
Hi everyone, I rewrote most of the stuff in this book and I decided to upgrade it because I wrote it when I was a lot younger. I like it a lot more, but if anyone wants it to go back to normal just let me know. Thank you everyone, much love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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