(20) The Ball pt 2

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Fede's P.O.V (8:30 pm)

German: Federico as future King you will have a lot of new responsibilities

Fede: what is this coming from??

German: Federico your 20 years old  you will be King so no more distractions,no more running away

Fede: so your saying that I can't see my friends anymore??

German: Federico your responsibility as King is a very big job I will be helping you but you can't have any distractions

Fede: I wish I wasn't born sometimes (left the room)

Ludmi's P.O.V

Ludmi: todays the day girls

Cami: I know Vilu will wake up today

Fran: plus Federico's coronation is today and you know what that means

Ludmi: (blushed) girls stop it Fede and I have been dating for 3 years he'll ask me when the time is right

Naty: your right

Nadia: girls are you ready??

Naty: yes mom we're coming

The girls and I fixed our crowns and we got our scepterd and went outside into the carriage

1 hour later...

Once we arrived at the castle people we're carrying in a class coffin which was Vilu. So we went in to see people dancing,chatting and having fun

Fede: Ludmi your here

Ludmi: of course I am I wouldn't miss it for the world

Fede: I know you wouldn't

Ludmi: So did Angie manage to combine the necklaces??

Fede: I don't know yet

German: Guests can I get your attention for a moment??

Everyone: (stopped talking)

German: if you can follow me to the gardens

We followed German to the gardens where Vilu was sleeping

German: Thanks to our princesses & princes we can finally awake Violetta after two years

Everyone: (clapped)

Angie: (put the necklace on Vilu)

Angie: (put the necklace on Vilu)

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Leon: (kissed Vilu)

Vilu: (opened her eyes) Leon??

Leon: Vilu

Vilu: (hugged Leon) it's been to long

Leon: it has

Jade: (appeared) aww look at this moment it's so sickening

Vilu: Jade what are you doing here,I killed you

Jade: well let's just say you killed Priscilla but not me (laughed

Fede: we will end you (shot ice at Jade)

Jade: you really think you can defeat me??

Ludmi: we did it before we can do it again

Vilu: (tried to stand up but fell)

Leon: easy Vilu

Jade: this just to easy, Violetta is not strong anymore you will all feel my wrath (disappeared)

Everyone: (gasped)

Vilu: Adara come (Vilu's Dragon)

Adara: (went to Vilu)

Vilu: (climbed onto Adara)

German: Violetta what do you think your doing??

Vilu: dad I'll be back, Adara to the volcano

Adara: (flew in the direction of the volcano)


· I will update later

· How are you liking the story so far??

· I changed my mind and this book will not end right now I refuse, so you have a lot more chapters to go

· And I'll see you soon

- Amani

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