(37) Group 1

591 18 3

Vilu's P.O.V

Vilu: you guys be safe OK??

Fede: we will

Vilu: (hugged them) if you feel that someone touched my stuff I will be there in a blink of a eye

Ludmi: don't worry I'll electrocute them

Vilu: (got excited)

Leon: we should go before she gets to excited

Cami: bye guys, see you soon

Sabrina: see you soon

Group 2: (Fede,Ludmi,Fran,Cami,Andre & Broduey) (went west)

Group 1: (Leon,Vilu,Diego,Naty,Maxi & Sabrina) (went North)

3 hours later....

Sabrina: we're here guys

Vilu: hold up Adara what's the matter??

Adara: (roared)

Vilu: (eyes widened) I knew there was something off when you came in the middle of the night

Naty: what did she say??

Vilu: she said that we have connections here with other dragons because of her "boyfriend"

Maxi: since when did she have a boyfriend

Adara: (Roared "He isn't my boyfriend")

Vilu: sure

Leon: well we should start walking now

The girls and I hid our wings and and started walking into town with the boys

Leon: the map says to make a left

20 minutes....

Vilu: are we there yet??

Maxi: no

Sabrina: how bout now??

Diego: no

Naty: now

Leon: for the last time no

2 minutes later...

Girls: what about now??

Boys: No!!

Vilu: you guys are mean

Diego: we're mean, you want someone electrocuted

Naty: Duh,never touch a girls things

Boys: (rolled their eyes)

Back in Mexico...

Lydia: mom are we going to be OK??

Lily: yes sweetheart

Lydia: are you its been hours since we've been in this tower

Lily: Lydia don't underestimate your mother she has connections,we'll get our kingdoms back

Lydia: when are these " connections" going to come??

Lily: Soon Lydia

Lydia: (sat down and sighed)


That's right double update!!

• it's currently 5:00am right now on a Saturday and I'm like "am I OK?!"

See ya!!

- Amani

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