Home sweet home : Clear X Aoba

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'......Aoba' Ren's droopy voice sounded throughout the room, hoping to reach out for his blue-haired master who has his legs tucked together, his face buried into his hands, barely showing any sign of life. Unwilling to back down and give up again, Ren tugs on Aoba's shirt with his teeth, dog paws on Aoba's leg.

'....Go away, Ren.' Aoba muttered, his hands moving to push Ren away but yet, his hands so weak that Ren was barely affected. Ren whimpered, moving away and not digging into Aoba's private space, the young man returned back to his original position and silence envelope them once more.

'Please, Aoba...Ever since Clear-' 'Shut up.' With persuasion obvious in Ren's voice, he tried once more to convince Aoba but once he mentioned Clear, Aoba snapped, cutting Ren off. Aoba's head shot up, his blood-shot eyes and tear stained cheeks came to view. Those horrifying eyes focuses on Ren, who retreated away, fearful.

'Shut up, shut up, shut up! What do you know about Clear!?' Aoba exclaimed, standing up as he ran his fingers through his long beautiful hair, twisting and tugging in frustration as pain spike through his scalp. Fresh tears fell from his eyes as his legs buckled, making him fall to the ground. Ren tried to call Tae as he trotted quickly across the hallway and down the stairs, the footsteps getting softer as Aoba was left in the cold dark room, hands covered with bruises from self harming , his long hair messy as Clear lay behind him with a smile on his face, skin tattered like the clothes he wore, burnt black patches covering him. Ren can no longer hide the secret, not with his master destroying himself just to save Clear.

Ever since Clear broke down and no longer moved, Aoba sneak him into his room, purchasing large amount of equipment in desperation to fix Clear but each time he tried, it simply did not work. Instead, it got worse, oil spilling everywhere, sparks flying and Aoba getting burnt. Aoba kept himself in the room, no one really knew what happened, neither did they know what happened at Toue tower. they just thought that Clear disappeared due to Toue taking him away as Aoba was just sad that Clear was gone But little did they know that Aoba was hurting himself and trying to save Clear which was beyond his capabilities. Aoba's lifestyle changed' wake up, fix, sleep, repeat. It continued like a cycle and no one could see Aoba anymore. Days passed, Ren could barely do anything as he only act according to instructions. Aoba became skinnier, losing sanity as he smiled, stroking Clear's soft hair and each day, he mumbles 'I will fix you' again and again.

'I'm home, bacchan!' Aoba smiled, opening the door as he kicked his shoes away, looking up just to see a pair of chopsticks flying to him that just narrowly miss him and dug itself into the wall as Tae's eyes flash with anger, a dark aura around her.

'You stupid grandchild, you left the door unlocked again!!' Tae exploded as she walked to Aoba, hands on her waist, glaring.  Aoba's eyes turn to the surrounding, laughing nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair.

'Ahahahaha...Again? I must have forgotten..' he laughed, cold sweat running down his face as Tae huffed, crossing her arms.

'Your memory is worse than mine! Just what is in that head of yours!? What if someone came in and attack me, I am a old frail lady for your dumb brain sake!' Tae snapped, still mad as she included the teasing tone in her scolding, hoping to knock some sense into her grandchild's head without hurting his feelings.

'Haha, sorry sorry! Baachan is so strong, no one can defeat you. Oh, and by the way, what is for lunch? I'm starving!' Aoba laughed, Tae's words clearly(Erm, CLEAR-ly) not affecting him as he changed the topics hopefully to calm Tae down. Tae's face softened, huffing.

'Curry rice, your favorite. It's still cooking so wait for a while.' Tae waved him off as she turned, walking back into the kitchen as Aoba fisted the air, cheering slightly at the mention of his favorite dish. Setting Ren down, the little dog came to life, his tail wagging.

'Aoba, I presume we are home.' Ren said, Aoba nodding with a huge smile as he walks up the stairs to his room. Throwing his bag onto the bed, he plopped on the soft mattress as it sink under his weight, Ren jumping onto his chest, curling up into a ball of fur. Taking a deep breath, he sighed, trying to relax after a exhausting day.

Ever since Aoba broke down and Ren went to get Tae, the rest realized Aoba's problems. Without any time wasted, Tae sent Clear to one of her college who was skilled in fixing machines and robots, who worked under Toue, as the rest brought Aoba back to his feet. It took some time but nonetheless, after much persuasion and distraction, Aoba returned back to his normal self, happy and smiling as his friends tried not to let Clear come to mind. During that period, Aoba could swear he has never eaten so many takoyakis to the point both Noiz and him got sick due to over consumption, never been glared so much by girls as Koujaku dragged him around town and even had his hair beautifully braided by Mike. Though he tried not to show it, Aoba still missed Clear dearly but given his friend's effort to help, he couldn't let them down, just giving a smile and trying to help himself as well. Clear wont want him to b e like this, surely he can do better.

'Yura, yura~ yurameku, nami no ma ni~' Sweet voice from Aoba came out unconsciously as he closes his eyes, mouth opening as the jellyfish song, that Clear named, came out. His hand patted Ren who snuggled closer to him. Each time he felt sad, he would just sing the song as it was the only thing that could calm him down anymore, Just as he finishes the first verse, faintly, from the window...


'TAKE THE SEX WITH THE BEES AND THE EAGLES!!!!!!!!!'(Reference to attack on titan opening 1) Clear crash into the room naked on a wreaking ball. The window crashed and shattered, but still both had sex and ate curry happily. The end.

Just kidding ahem


 ' Yasashiku, yasashiku~ tadayotte, umi he iku~' a faint voice echoed into Aoba's ears as he smiled, hearing the beautiful voice for a second or two before his eyes shot open, jumping up and startling Ren. Mouth opened like a goldfish, Aoba looks at the window, Ren clawing at his leg not affecting him.

'Yura, yura~ yurameku, nami no ma ni~' It was certain, there is no mistake, The voice rang loud and clear (hah), the voice he knew so very well. Jumping out of his bed, Aoba rushes off to the window, the window moaning loudly in protest as it was roughly slammed open(window chan is the next uke), jumping onto the veranda. He was not hallucinating, it was real. No one could have know this song other than him and... Tears form at the side of his eyes, his legs shivering as he stood there, the voice louder as he took one careful step forward. One, two, as he climbed up to the rooftop. His vision was blurry, tears streaming down as he poke his head up to see the roof, looking and scanning around, oblivious to Ren's warning at the bottom as his eyes fall on one very specific figure which has his back on him. Dressed in the, Aoba once thought it as, ridiculous white coat and carrying a white umbrella that matches his hair. The song stopped as the figure slowly turned around, a smile forming on his face, the bright soft pink eyes focusing on the blue-haired man. He gradually smiled wider as with his normal happy voice, his mouth opens.

'I'm home, master.'

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