Its not alexandra

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Alexander put his binder on getting ready for his first day of school, his name hadn't been legally changed but he had asked the school to put him down as Alexander. He ate a little and then left for college.
When he arrived he went to his first class he was moving to his dorm the next day as he still had one night left on his hotel (I say hotel i mean motel). He walked in and sat down in an open seat he got out a laptop that he had gotten from the college as he couldn't afford his own. He turned it on and opened up a word document. When the teacher, Mr Washington arrived he started taking Attendance,
(This won't be in order because cba to have the outburst at the start of the register)
"John Laurens?"
"Here sir" a boy with long curly hair said, he leaned back and started talking to his friends but their conversation was short lived as the names continued
Marquis de Lafayette?
"'Ere Monsieur" one of the Laurens kid friends said he had a very heavy French accent and dark hair similar to Laurens
"Hercules Mulligan?'
"Here sir" the third and final friend said
"Tomas Jefferson?"
A guy with shoulder length hair waved in front of Alex "here"
"Alexandra Hamilton"
Alexander get up "it's Alexander actually sir"
Everyone turned to Alexander, some in shock and some confused and Jefferson just laughed "the girl thinks she's a guy"
Alex grabbed Tomas my his shirt "don't call me a girl!", he was about to punch him when he remembered he was in class and shoved Tomas to the floor and sat in my seat again
Lauren's started clapping "now that's what we've been waiting for" he walked over to Alex and hugged him "now this is what I'm talking about standing up to Jefferson on their first day, and standing up for what they identify as" he smiles
Alex blushes at this and tries to hide behind his computer but as he sat in the middle of the room he couldn't hide so he ran out feeling embarrassed. John felt bad for bringing more attention to Alex and looks at his friends and then ran after Alex who had gone and hidden in his soon to be dorm room.
"Alex I'm sorry for saying that, I didn't mean to embarrass you" Laurens said apologetically,
Alex looks at him "it's okay"
Laurens looked around "why are we in my dorm, wait are you my dorm mate, awesome" he smiles happily and hugs Alexander happily
Alex was shocked as everyone he had hugged had died, he hesitated to hug back but did anyway
Lauren's pulled back first, "wanna go back to class or skip"x
Alex nodded "I need help moving into the dorm so we could do that and you can get your friends to grab our stuff for us while we do"
Laurens nodded and texted Lafayette and Herc, before turning and smiling at Alex "so where are we going
Alex looked down "I've kinda been living in a motel since I moved so..."
Laurens nodded, "I'll drive you direct" he pulled Alex out and to his car, "after you,"
Alex got in worriedly not knowing Laurens almost at all,
Laurens smiled and got into the driver's seat and with Alex's help drove and a parked at the mote.
After everything has been put in the car and they were heading back Laurens decided to talk
"So Alex where are you from?"
"Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done"
"Why do your things look water damaged or crushed"
"I'd rather not discuss my past just my future and my present" Laurens nodded "I don't mind that past as it defines who you are, mom died, dad's not very nice, I work weekends to help my siblings, heck one of my best friends is an immigrant"
Alex sighed "which me or the French guy"
Laurens looked away from the road for a second "you have a slight Caribbean accent to you, wait were you in the hurricane that hit the Caribbean?"
Alex nodded slowly feeling awkward. Laurens looked sad then smiled,
"So is that why you came here?Alex looked at him "I got a scholarship for my writing, back home, I don't know if I can even call it home, we have 1 telephone in the whole village and no other electricity"
Laurens parked at the college and turned to Alex and hugged him "it's ok, I know it was probably really hard for you"
Alex hugged back "yeah it was I'm sorry if you don't won't to room with me, I don't tend to sleep much I also talk too much"
Laurens laughed " I think you don't talk enough I like listening to your voice"
Alex blushed "really?"
Lauren's nodded " it's not even the only thing I like about you"
Alex was shocked by this "what else do you like?"
Laurens hadn't expected that response "your hair, eyes, everything" he mumbled the last word
Alex had heard it and blushed "I like you too, your hair freckles, yes, smile, voice" he covered his mouth feeling extremely embarrassed by what he had just said "sorry"
Laurens smiled and got out of the car "I know hey 'lex? I know this is sudden and we just met but would you go out with me?
Alex got out and looked at him before nodding "yes, it would be fun and it means we get to spend a lot of time together, we are sharing a dorm after all, he walked to the back of the car just as john opened the boot (uk term not sure what Americans call it). They each grabbed a box before closing it again and making their  way to the dorm, this took 4 trips back and forth, and as Alex put things away they talked more about what they were studying and what they planned to do afterwards as Alex finished putting things away john hugged him "welcome to America and welcome to college or as many like to call it, hell"
"I don't think it will be unless that Jefferson kid tries something again"
Lauren's laughed, "yeah, hey can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead the floor is yours"
"Can I kiss you?" Laurens had no idea what Alex would say but was sure it would be a no until he saw Alex lean forward and up till their lips connected. They kissed for a minute or so before there was a knock on the door, and when it was opened you could see Lafayette and Hercules standing there holding bags papers coats and a computer. "We got your message but got in Trouble, here you go"
They took their things from their friends quickly
"Thanks guys " John smiled, can you send us the notes?
Lafayette smiles"I typed them up for you on the computer"
Lafayette and herc left waving to the two.
Laurens hugged Alex as he closed the door "so you ready?
"For what john?"
"More kissing and maybe a cuddle or two?"
"If you promise to never die on me"
"I promise alexander Hamilton"
And so for the rest of their free period they cuddles and stole kisses from each other

(AN: sorry that it's so late posting hope it's not too late, I kept falling a sleep before I could write so today I wrote it in between guide dog training sessions and lunch
Tyler_Elizabeth_KB )

It's not Alexandra - lams one shotWhere stories live. Discover now