chapter 9

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Oh my goodness I can not believe it. I am going to have a boy. I had a strong feeling that it was a boy but I had some second thoughts and at the last minute thinking it was a girl. I was wrong.  I think that I am going to talk to Augustus today because we really left on the wrong foot. I am excited to see him and talk to him but on the other hand I don't want anything bad to happen. I am with Blake and I really love Blake. 

Augustus and I decided to go to the ice cream shoot to talk because I was craving ice cream and it's a public area. We talked about everything that has been going on and honestly I think I might have over reacted just a little bit but, he also reacted but guess what it is life. Augustus than leans in to try to kiss me   I back away and tell him no that I am with Blake. He didn't really care and he forced a kiss onto me.  I pushed him in his chest and started crying and left. I really didn't need this right now. I just want to be friends with him why does he have to act like that.

When I got home I went straight into my room to continue to cry. I was still crying mostly because I don't know how Blake will react. I am afraid something bad will happen. I don't want to deal with what's coming. I don't know what to do?

I hear some one come up the stares so I cover my head with my blanket. Blake than comes into my room and lays next to me. He heard me crying and moved the blanket out of the way. Blake than asks me why I was crying and asked what's the matter. I try to speak but my voice was starting to go. So in my raspy voice I told him that Augustus kissed me when I went to have the chat with him. Blake than stands up and asked me if I kissed him back. I told him no I pushed him in the chest and left crying. Blake still got mad and left. I try to run after him and I slipped and fell straight on my back and it knocked me out.

   The next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital with almost everyone by me. The doctor came in saying that I rolled my ankle and bruised my back. He also said that it did put a lot of stress on the baby. That I am on strict bed rest and if I did not want to do it at home than I have to stay here at the hospital.

I decided to do it at home and to stay in my room. They discharged me from the hospital and I went straight to my room when I got home. My mom checked every half hour to see if I was okay and if I need anything which for the most part I did not need anything.

Blake comes and tries to apologize and I look the other way and cry. All I could tell him is that I did not kiss him back so you should have not treated me that way. I could have killed the baby if I fell on my belly. The doctor even told me after you left the room that I still have a chance where the baby might still be in stress causing me to miscarry.

He tries to apologize again and all I could do is cry. I don't want anything bad happen to the baby. I am just not ready to forgive. I am going to have to do something about school. I am going to ask the doctor if I get one of those chairs if I can still go to school.

School is actually tomorrow so I am definitely not wanting to go so I will probably stay home. I can't even imagine seeing Augustus right now he is half the reason this even happens.

I needed a little space from both of them I hope nothing happens at school between Blake and Augustus. I really hope that nothing happens because that will devastate me even more.

The next day

I wake up and check my phone seeing that it was already three class periods have already happen and everyone is at lunch at school so I face time Becca.

Becca answers and she has a worried look on her face and I hear someone fighting. I ask who is fighting now. There is always someone fighting at the school. She turns the camera around and it is Blake and Augustus.

I tell her to bring her phone to one of them I need to talk to them. She yells at Blake saying that Bella is on the phone and she needs to talk to you right now. He grabs the phone and ask whats the matter.

I tell him do you think that is going to help me forgiving you or you Augustus me forgiving you, no it makes me more stressed out therefore it will hurt the baby. You guys need to stop it I am not in the state of mind for you to right now. Also Blake you need to come to my house right now.

Blake hands the phone back to Becca and he says I am on my way right now. When he gets to my house I tell him I will be back with him if he will stop acting like an asshole. He agrees that he will stop.

I also tell him I have a name for our child. I have wanted this name since I was little so no changing it. His name is Liam Lee Smith. He smiles saying that the baby will have his last name. I said yes of course your the dad duh. He smiles and tries to kiss me. I swerve and tell him I am going to make you wait and really want it.

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