The Root of All Evil

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I awoke on a hard, metal operating table. The sudden burst of light was definately not something I wanted to wake up to.

"Yes, yes, my beautiful conduit. You are finally awake!" Someone said to my right.

Once I fully regained consciousness, I could make out my surroundings.

I was in an operating room, it was completely white other than blood covering about 75% of the walls and the various human organs strewn about the room.

I was laying on an operating table surrounded by machinery, and the only other person in the room was a bald, skinny, malnourished, and grotesque alien like man standing beside me. He was naked other than having a doctor's lab coat and a surgical mask on, and his skin was basically destroyed by wounds.

"Oh goodness, where are my manners. My name, is of course, none of your business! HA! Gets em' everytime!" The disgusting thing said from under its mask.

 "What the fuck is this?" I tried to scream, but it hurt so bad to talk I could only whisper.

"This? This is none of your fucking business!" The man slammed his fist down daringly close to my head. I then realized I was the one strapped to the table, not him.

Suddenly, the lights started to flicker.

They went out.

I could hear the man muttering to himself.

"Not good, not good, this is not good," I could tell he was very frightened.

That was when I got worried, I could tell something very very bad was about to happen.


Across the hall, doors were slamming open and shut. Someone was walking along the hallway, opening the doors, and checking inside of them. For what?

I saw something outside of the window. It was a child- a small girl actually. She was wearing a surgical mask, but what most disturbed me about her was her eyes.

They weren't there. There was only darkness.


Suddenly, a whisper could be heard throughout the room.

"Eustace, who is this you brought into my sanctuary?" It was the little girl talking, except her mouth remained shut, and she continued to stare forward.

"M-mother please don't hurt me- I-I found him outside and I-" the man next to me responded to the girl, but to my confusion he was completely terriffed of her.

The little girl began to speak again, and even though me and the man called "Eustace" were the only people that could hear her, it was if her ice cold tone rang through the depths of Hell.

"And you did this without my consent, Eustace?" The girl asked.

"It was for a-"

"DID YOU DO THIS WITHOUT MY CONSENT?" If only my hands wern't bound I'd be covering my ears.

"Y-yes mother," he responded.

"Very well," the door into the room slowly creaked open. The girl entered the room, and very very panicked pleads could be heared from Eustace. It was to dark to see anything, but everything could be heard almost to well.

Eustace screamed, and screamed, and screamed, and the most horrid sound of piercing flesh rang in my ears. Right when I thought it was never going to end, he stopped screaming.

"W-what are you?" I whispered.

"The root of all evil," the girl responded.

Suddenly, the lights were back on, the girl was gone, and Eustace was nowhere to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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