You Scared? [Chapter 4]

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It was 2:30 before the guys decided it was time to come back to the hotel. I didn’t mind much, I know how hard it is to stop drinking.

“Addi, love! I’m sorry we stayed out so late. Were you scared all by your wittle self?” Danny slurred.

“No, I wasn’t. I actually enjoyed the quiet.” I said.

“Ohhh, okay. Whatever you say!”

“C’mon, you guys are going to bed.” I demanded; making them lay down, like I was some kind of mom.

The last for me to put to bed was Danny, “Daniel, get your ass in this bed before I kill you.”

“What are we gonna' do in bed?” He giggled.

I pushed him onto the bed and put the covers over him, getting annoyed. I went to the other side and laid down.

“Ohhh Addi, I lovers you!” He whispered. “Goodnight, honey!”

“Goodnight faggot.”

I figured I’d wake up before the guys, so I tried to be as quiet as possible for the sake of my life. I knew hangovers were a bitch, and I know how pissed I got when people tried to make me feel worse than I already did. So, I got my clothes, took a shower and all that shit. I was wearing a BOTDF shirt with red skinny jeans and my BOTDF seatbelt belt. I put on my usual black eyeliner. I brushed the tangles out of my hair and sat on my bed, putting on my boots.

I wasn’t sure of what else I could do in here, so I decided to go down to the dining area and get some breakfast. As I got there, I noticed a couple wearing tight ass skinny jeans, tighter than mine, it seemed, and I didn’t even know you could get them tighter than mine. Once they turned around, I realized it was my cousin Brandon and his girlfriend. I hadn’t seen him since I was in 6th grade. I ran to him and jumped on his back. “Brandon!”

“Holy shit, Addison. You’re so old!” He exclaimed

“Wow, thanks for the compliment!” I replied, pretending to be sad.

“I love you!” He tried to make me less sad. “What are you doing in California?”

“I joined Asking Alexandria on their latest tour.” I answered. “I found out the drummer was my brother.”

“James? Man, I haven’t seen him since that trip we went to the UK when I was like, four. Where is he?” He asked.

“He’s asleep. Hangover,” I explained.

“Ah, I knew he’d be a partier, growing up over in Europe.” He laughed.

“Yeah, sometimes I wish I lived there. What about you? I know you live in California, but you live in Los Angeles, not San Diego.”

“I just got married.” He said.

“Oh, well congrats! I was wondering when you two would get hitched.” I awed.

“Yeah. Well we’re gonna' go. I’ll see you around.” We hugged before he walked away.

I got a cinnamon roll before going back to the room. When I got there, I could hear Cameron throwing up, so I sat on the balcony to eat.

Soon, they were all up, puking and complaining about their terrible headache. I finished my breakfast and put the dishes on the table. I knew I wouldn’t have to take them back down because the maid would be here soon. I sat down on one of the chairs, where the boys were seated. “Good morning,” I said, at a low tone.

They all mumbled back, “Fuck you.” I knew they were kidding, so I just smiled.

We stayed pretty quiet all morning, besides the sound of them puking every now and then.

You Scared? (Danny Worsnop Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now