Chapter 6

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A/n Hello world Wolf the Dragon Rider here with another chapter. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yang's pov*

I was in the infirmary with (y/n), his team, and my team. Jaiden just pulled (Y/n)'s wedding ring. So now I'm trying to figure out something to tell them or if I should just tell the truth. "Yang you might as well tell them!" Blake said to me. I sighed and looked at her. "Yeah I might as well." I told her. "Tell us what?" Weiss said. "Well you see me and (Y/n) might be sort of married!" I told them and they were all shocked. "What!?" Weiss said. "When did this happen?" Ruby asked. I sighed and then explained to them everything that happened. To say the least Ruby seemed to be happy for me but Weiss was a little pissed that I went out and got drunk then wound up marrying a guy. "What were you thinking getting that drunk!" Weiss said to me. "Hey ease up Weiss! She was trying to help a friend." Blake said to her. "How come you're not shocked?" Weiss asked her. Blake sighed. "Because I already knew. I was suspicious that something else was going on with Yang so I went through her drawers when she was in the shower and found her engagement ring and wedding ring. Then when she got out I asked her about them and she told me but asked me to keep it quiet." Blake told them. I looked over at (Y/n)'s teammates. "You guys are oddly quiet over there!" I said to them. "Well we're just a bit shocked to find out our teammate is married." Jaiden said. "Yeah it is quite shocking but why didn't you guys say anything?" Evan said. "Well me and (Y/n) decided to keep it a secret for the time being. We planned on telling you guys." I said to them. "Well as long as you two are happy I guess that's what is important." Jaiden said to me and I nodded. "Oh sis I'm so happy for you!" Ruby said hugging me. "Thanks Ruby." I told her. "Hey we should throw these two a party to celebrate!" Sara said smiling. "Yeah!" Ruby said excitedly. I laughed at Ruby energetic nature. "Perhaps we should wait for (y/n) to wake up first." I said to them. "Yeah that's probably a good idea." Jaiden said. "Though we can still do the planning." Sara said. "Okay but can we keep the marriage thing between us for now?" I asked them. "Yeah we can keep it quiet." Sara said. "Thanks." I said to her. She smiled. "No problem." Sara said to me. "Uhh my aching head!" I heard a voice I looked to the bed to see (Y/n) is awake. "(Y/n) your awake!" I said hugging him. "Umm yeah but who are you?" He asked me. "Wait you don't recognize me?" I asked him and he shook his head no. "How about me?" Jaiden asked him and he looked at him and gave him the same response. Jaiden sighed and looked at Evan. "You mind going to get the doctor?" Jaiden asked him. "Yeah sure." Evan said leaving the room. "How can he not remember us?" Ruby asked. "He must have hit his head harder than we thought." Jaiden said. (Y/n) looked at me. "Umm why are you holding my hand?" He asked me. "Because I'm your wife!" I told him and he looked at me shocked. "What!? When did I get married?" He said to me. "A few months ago." I told him. He looked at me even more shocked. But before we could say anymore the doctor walked in. "Ah so he is awake." The doctor said walking over to him. "How are you feeling Mr. (L/n)?" He asked him. "I'm okay. My head hurts though and who's Mr. (L/n)?" He responded to the doctor. The doctor started looking him over and then when he was finished he looked at us. "It seems your friend has amnesia." The doctor said. "Amnesia? What's that?" Ruby asked. "Short term memory loss. He can't remember anything not even his name." The doctor told her. "Oh I see." Ruby replied. "Well how long will his memory loss last?" I asked him. "Unknown. Due to the force he took from hitting that tree it could be a few days or weeks. It could even be months." The doctor told me. "Is there anything we can do to help him?" Jaiden asked. "Well familiar sights and smells have often help jog memory loss but it'll be a few days before you can start taking him anywhere. His leg still needs to heal some before we can let him out." The doctor told us. "Okay doctor thank you!" Jaiden told him. "Anytime. Come get me if anything changes." He told us before leaving the room. After he left I started crying because (Y/n) isn't the same anymore. But as I was crying something unexpected happened.

*Your pov*

After that doctor left the blonde haired girl who was sitting on the bed next to me started crying. I don't know why but I didn't like seeing her cry. So I pulled her into hug. She tensed up at first but then wrapped her arms around me. This feeling I was getting from the hug felt familiar yet foreign at the same time. I can't help but think that this girl is important to me but I'm just not sure I mean she did say she's my wife but I'm not sure. I guess only time will tell.

And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please leave a comment and tell me what you guys think of this story.

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