Chapter 5

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A/n Hello world Wolf the Dragon Rider here with another chapter. Before I get started I wanted to say thank you for 1k views on this story. When I started this story last week I never thought I would have this many views in under a week. So thank you. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yang's pov*

It's been about a week since  (Y/n) and his team left for there mission. The longer their gone the more I worry about him. I was currently in Professor Ports class with my teammates. Port was rambling on as usual. I wonder if he's okay! I hope he's okay! I thought to myself as I pretend to listen to Port's speech. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked to see who it was to see my teammates with a concerned look on their faces. "Yang are you okay?" Ruby asked me. "I'm fine Ruby." I told her. "Are you sure? Because you haven't been yourself lately. It's kinda scary." Weiss said to me. "Like I said I'm fine!" I said to her. Blake let out a sigh and look at Weiss and Ruby. "Why don't you two go on ahead to lunch we'll catch up." Blake told them. Weiss started walking off but Ruby was a little hesitant but went with Weiss. Blake looked back at me. "Him being gone must be affecting you a lot!" Blake said to me as we slowly walked out of Port's class room. I nodded. "I'm just so worried about him!" I told her. "You really do love him huh?" Blake said to me. "Yes I do. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't make it back!" I told Blake only to be slapped in the back of the head. "Ow! Blake what was that for?" I asked her. "You can't go thinking like that Yang! He'll make it back. Besides his a third year student and part of (Team/name). They are one of the best teams in Beacon after all." Blake told me. I sighed and looked at her. "I know Blake. But I still can't help but to worry about him." I told her and she nodded. We then got to the cafeteria and joined Weiss and Ruby. "You two sure took your time!" Weiss said to us. "Yang I know you keep saying your fine but are you sure your okay?" Ruby asked me. "Yes Ruby I'm fine." I told her. She just looked at me with a look of uncertainty. We continued eating lunch then we went to our next class.


A few days later I was in the courtyard with my team when Sara came over to us. "Hey Sara I didn't know you guys were back!" Ruby said to her. I looked at her to see she had a sorrowful look on her face and her silver wolf ears were flat against her head. "Sara what's wrong?" I asked her. "It's (Y/n). He's in the infirmary!" Sara said. "What!?" I practically yelled. "Calm down Yang. He's okay. He's just unconscious is all. The doctors say he should wake up soon though." Sara told me. "How bad is he?" Blake asked her. "Well he's got several cuts and bruises but nothing serious!" She said to us. "What happened?" I asked her. She looked at the ground. "We were fighting a hoarde of Grimm when a beowolf managed to sneak up behind me. (Y/n) noticed it but couldn't stop it from attacking me in time so he took the hit and was thrown into a tree. When we got to him he was unconscious." Sara told us. Now I know why she has that look she blames herself for what happened to  (Y/n). "Sara it's not your fault  (Y/n) got hurt. He knew what he was getting into and so did you guys." I told her and she nodded. "I can take you to him if you want me too." She told me and I nodded. "Can we come?" Ruby asked and Sara nodded. We then followed her to (Y/n)'s room in the infirmary. Once we got there  I saw him lying in a hospital bed unconscious. He has a cast on his left leg. "What'swith the cast?" Sara asked Jaiden. "The doctor said he has a fracture in his left leg and it needed to be put in a cast." He told us. "Oh okay." Sara said. I walked over to (Y/n)'s side and sat down in the chair next to his bed. Ruby came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry sis. The doctors did say he'll be fine." Ruby told me. "I know Ruby. I'm just glad he's okay." I told her. "Hey Yang can I ask you about something?" Jaiden said to me. I looked at Jaiden. "What is it?" I asked him. He reached into his pocket. "I found this on (Y/n) when we were getting him on the bullhead." Jaiden said pulling out (Y/n)'s wedding ring. "You know anything about it?" He asked me and my face pailed knowing we can't keep it a secret anymore. Oh man! This could be bad! I thought to myself as I tried to come up with something to say to them.

And done with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also again thanks for over 1k views on this story. Please leave a comment and tell me what you guys think.

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