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"Her Darrel!  I am so sorry I didn't pay attention! I just didn't feel like it. Accept my apology?" Cole came from behind and hugged Darrel. Darrel sighed and nodded.

"You better be sorry. We don't have much time left. So go and read this book. I have to be somewhere."

Cole pouted childishly and Darrel walked out of the room to Nick's room. She hadn't seen him in a while and was worried. Walking to his room, she knocked lightly and then entered to see his back facing her. Clearing her throat, she saw him flinch and stand up quickly. Looking at his face, she felt sadness wash over her as she noticed his eyes swollen and red and tears flowing down his face.

"W-why are you here?" he asked sniffing.

"Should I come back later?" she asked cautiously.

"Is something important?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"This isn't a good time for that question. Bet you know how you feel when you lose your sister or brother."

"I do know. I am sorry. I will come back later. Stay safe okay? Sleep on it if you wish."

Nick just nodded and Darrel walked out and saw Raymond stomping into his office. She sighed shaking her head and she walked to his office slowly. Knocking she entered once she heard the words 'come in'. 

"You okay? What's got you mad?"

"Tom. That betrayer! He betrayed me! He told all about our plans!" Raymond stopped and took in deep breaths. 

"Tom? He did that? But he's so young!"

"Exactly! That's why we had him! And now! We don't!"

"Raymond. Calm down. He is small. He couldn't have said everything right?"

"He did!"

"Okay okay. We have other options. Maybe the leak of information can be used as an advantage! We can change the plans and surprise the other side. Like whoever knows the plans."

"What about Tom?" Raymond asked looking much more calm than before.

"He chose the other group. Let him be there."

"What if he was threatened by them?"

"Question him. See why he did it. Take action according to his words."

"Wow. Thanks a lot Darrel. And I am sorry for losing my temper."

"It's natural. Don't worry about it. And please don't be harsh on him."

"Of course not. But why?"

Darrel sighed and smiled slightly. "Part of a sister's love."

Raymond looked at her stunned and then smiled and came forward to hug her. "You are an amazing person Darrel. I am so proud to call you a part of our agency. You are wise and strong and simply, perfect."

"Actually, perfection doesn't exist."

Raymond pulled back and raised his eyebrow. Darrel smiled, "It simply doesn't exist. You say I  am perfect because right now, you are happy. So your thinking is influenced by it. Think of me when angry at me, and then you will remember each and every of my flaws and stupidity."

"I guess you are right. But what about the people who see only their flaws?"

"They should know their flaws are what make them, them. If they were perfect, the world would be a boring place. Imagine a place where everyone is perfect, thin and tall. White or black skin color doesn't exist, they have one skin color. Same eye color, nothing different. How on Earth are you gonna remember names? There's a reason for everything."

Raymond nodded, then pulled her into another hug. "Thanks a lot. That's helped me."

-- 1 year later--

"Cole, you are now a part of this secret agency! Thanks for your co operation and congratulations! Enjoy your night." Raymond announced a grin on his face. "And for Cole's success, I would like to give special credit to our top secret agent; Darrel Thompson."

Cole just hugged Darrel smiling and laughing. "Thanks a lot for this Darrel. I owe you a lot! Thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you properly! Ugh!"

Darrel just chuckled and then hugged him tighter then pulled away and dragged him into the party. 

Later they walked out of the party room and then walked outside, under the moonlight. "What's the best thing and the worst thing of this whole year with me?" Cole asked pulling his jacket closer to himself.

"The best, teaching you I guess. It was the first time I ever taught someone. The worst, waiting for one certain thing to happen and it hasn't."

"What is the thing?"

"I won't tell. Figure it yourself."


Darrel laughed and then shoved him away, and Cole tripped and fell on the snow. Laughing he tried to get up and Darrel bent down to help him but he pulled her down with him. 

--3 years later--

"Stop! Sofia! Behave yourself little lady! Oh dear, stop splashing water. I am helping you here!" Darrel exclaimed as she tried to bathe her daughter. 

Darrel heard the door open and slam shut so she quickly picked up Sofia and was drying her when the door to the room opened. 

"Honey! I am back!"

"Mustard! I can hear you."


"I thought we were naming sauces."

Cole laughed loudly and Sofia started bouncing on the bed as Darrel pulled down the frock on her little body. Cole picked up Sofia and took her out of the room, turning around to stick out his tongue at Darrel Darrel just rolled her eyes and then plopped down on the bed.

'These have been the wildest years of my life! Ugh! But I am so happy! Dan is in the agency, I have my own team, own daughter, a complete home! Wow! I cannot believe this.' 

The door opened and Cole came in, a panicked look on his face and a crying Sofia in his arms. Darrel stood up quickly to see Cole's cheek red.

"What happened?" she asked taking Sofia.

"She tried to slap me. I told her to do it harder but then she started crying!"

"Oh my gosh! Cole! Are you crazy? She's not even 2 yet!"

"I know! I am sorry. Hey Sof! Look! I will give you a candy! I have one! Come on?" Cole stood behind Darrel looking at Sofia as she buried her head further into Darrel's shoulder. 

"Cole, go rest. She's probably sleepy too. Don't worry." Darrel said turning around and saw Cole nod. She smiled and then lay Sofia on the bed and then lay beside her.

And that was how she was certain, at that moment, she would ask for anything more


The End.

Thanks a lot for the reads, comments and votes. Every single one of them means a lot! It makes me so happy when I see my notifications just to see that you all have read my book! It sincerely means a lot! I really enjoyed writing this book and hope you feel the same way when you read it.

All Love.

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