Shadow Dancer

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The year was 2012. Said to be the end of the world. Well they weren't kidding. At first they thought it was a new influenza sweeping through the country and making citizens sick. It wasn't long before that was ruled out and a new breed of humanity began. Some were scared, some people were thrilled, others were just curious. Who would have guessed that one scientist could change the world? With one simple vile of hydrogenate acid, clehroforium and cytoplasm; injected into a young girl. The contagious disease spread rapidly. The effects... incredible. The new super human. Fast reflexes, sharper eyesight, able to with stand heavy weights and extreme temperatures. This was the end of the world as we knew it. But the start of something incredible, surely.

I pulled on my black parker and a pair of navy blue jeans. Loaded my gun and strapped it to my waist. I pulled my dark hair into a tight pony tail. Shoved my feet into my boots and sharpened my knife on a cutting block. I tested the edge of my blade and shoved my finger into my mouth. It drew blood, but that was the least of my worries. I hastily filled my nap-sack with nutrient bars and bottles of water. Things that would last on my journey however long that might be.

I was the best of my kind. Determination and stubbornness made me the most fitting for my job. They called me the Shadow Dancer. My job was to locate and protect every last human being in the world. They were precious to us now. There were hybrids who believed the human race must come to an end. That their time on earth was finally up and they should give in to the new race or die. Then there were the others, like me who believed the humans were to be protected at all costs. They were the beginning of our kind and we owed it all to them.

The only way humans could survive was by giving birth to their own kind. If a hybrids cells joined with a humans they would give birth to a hybrid. If a hybrids cells joined with a hybrid well, you betcha, another hybrid. And so; ultimately the fate of the human race rested in our hands.

I opened the case file that was seated neatly on my dining room table.

Case File Number: 9022.

Name: Zacharias Timothy Reed.

Height: 5 ft 10.

Age: Seventeen.

A current photo of the teenager was attached. A tanned, green eyed, blonde haired boy stared back at me. He was slim and pretty looking. I'm sure he could have been one of those Catalogue models in another life.

Zacharias was last seen in New York City on the 4th of October. He was being protected by two Shadows. Rayne and Sun Falters. They were twins; twenty - nine year olds. Dark haired, dark eyed, tall and muscular. While protecting Zacharias Reed they came across six infensus.

Italian for dangerous, hostile, aggressive; because that's just what they are. Infensus were the dark creatures created by own kind. Everything about them made them evil. Their desire to stalk and kill their prey, their aggressive nature, their strength. There were two ways to create an infensus. The first was to kill another hybrid and drink their blood. This was done by choice and was one of the most obscene things a being could do. The other was by force; an infensus feeding a hybrid their own blood. Becoming an Infensus would mean you would gain more strength, blood red eyes, more of a hunger and a real pain in the ass; immortality. Infensus could stay alive by drinking the blood of hybrids or animals but what they really longed for was human blood.

These six infensus attacked and killed the Falter twins and went after Zacharias. What made this case so special was the basis of the attack. A human who was attacked in an ordinary home somewhere without hybrid protection was usual. But a human who was attacked by six infensus while being held in a protected site and watched by two hybrids. That was completely unusual. I had reason to believe that there was a goal behind this attack. Infensus usually killed for blood, why would they go out of their way to attack Zacharias and two Protector's when they could easily find a human or a hybrid on the streets?

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