A unlikely adventure for Thatchner and friends

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Chapter 1: (all goes alright?)

It was a beautifully warm june evening, some time after 7:00PM where Ethan AKA Thachner was playing pokemon XY for his ever growing fans on twitch. He was blissfully bantering on about smash bros and nintendo in general. His bantering soon came to a sudden stop when a beeping noise came out of his computer. "Good news everyone, Abby made it to the stream" Ethan said with excitement. Joe and Jeff who were quietly listening to Ethan's past bantering broke there silence with aloud "YES" from Jeff and "FINALLY" from Joe. The fans in Ethan's stream started typing in the streams chat again. These fans included KingDrew21st,Melonparfait,LordNumbers,Kill_till_you_drop,Justgaming64,MegaBreloom,Flareonboy and coreupted. They were all expressing there excitement for the arrival of Abby a long time viewer of Thatchner who luckily got him to allow her on his Skype call. Abby's voice broke through the voices of Joe,Jeff and Ethan himself with a sturdy "Hey everyone". "Hey Abby" said Jeff,Joe and Ethan at the same moment. After Joe,Jeff and Ethan realized how weirdly in sync there words where they all went silent,until Abby broke the silence by saying greetings to the chat. Ethan resumed playing has Joe and Jeff went back to what they where doing."How was your day" said Ethan. "It was boring" said Joe. "Not you Joe, i was asking Abby" said Thatchner. Jeff then spoke up and said... "God damn it Joe, every time". "Stop it you two" Ethan said in a fit of tiny rage. All four fell silent after that. The chat was still zooming by fast with messages from everyone who were getting board from the silence. A few moments pass when Ethan starts to speak " Im sorry to everyone in the chat, i know Abby just got here but its late and i need my" before he could finish Jeff cut him off and said its only 7:21."I know, but i'm tired" Where the final words the chat heard from Thatchner before he stopped the stream leaving the chat with a staggering uproar of messages filled with confusion and anger.

But it turns out Ethan wasn't tired and he had other plans that night. He then told everyone in his Skype call goodnight and disconnected before they could say anything. "Finally i'm almost finished" Ethan said with a happy tone of his voice filling the room with a loud thundering boom. He ran down to his basement where there lied a table with a what seemed to be a man under a white sheet on top. He then pulled off the sheet to reveal a white robot with a single large grey eye laying along the table. "Now its finally time, all the time i put into this and its finally time" Ethan smiled with glee after stated his joy for his creation was almost complete, with a flash he turned the robot on with a push of a button on the robots neck. It sat upwards and looked around the room, it caught Ethan in its sight and said"Hello Thatchner i'm Roburt your robotic crime fighting and handsome buddy". Ethan was now in great joy for tomorrow he would show off his robot to his stream followers. The next night Ethan opened his streaming system turned it on and starting streaming, it took a few minutes for anyone to arrive but slowly they did. No one spoke about the sudden halt in the stream before nor did they care about it cause on there stream once all was there, Ethan suddenly screamed with no warning shouting "Alright everyone its time for the grand revealing of...Roburt". Without a single word from Abby,Joe and Jeff Roburt walked in front of Ethan and said hello to everyone in the Skype and in the chat. " oh my gosh" was the only thing Joe could udder. " Ethan, is Roburt for real? Are you pranking us?" Said Jeff. Abby didnt say a word and the chat was now going insane with awe and doubt. "Yep he's for real, and he will be joining us in all are streams" Thatchner said with extreme joy on his face. Has stream went on with Thacthner and his new creation making puns and playing Project M no one had noticed the disappearance of Abby. But she didn't simply leave the stream, She flew out of her dorm room has she only had on thought in mind. Get KingDrew who was only a short fly away from Toronto, and go straight to Ethan's house to confront him about how he "made" or gotten Roburt. After getting a hold of Drew the great Magical Saiyan Kriptonian king, they made there way to Ethan's place where he was still leaving Joe,Jeff and the chat mind blown. They decided to wait until the stream was over to confront Ethan about Roburt has they found great amusement in Joe being unable to form words about the amazing robot in front of him, and Jeff just going along with it all thinking he's asleep. So later that night at around 11:30 AM Ethan finally stopped streaming and it was time to confront him about Roburt.

A unlikely adventure for Thatchner and friendsWhere stories live. Discover now