A sweet lesson

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"Why can't I understand it at all?!" complained Ichigo as she stared at her Mathematics' book "Why did I end up being able to master Chemistry, but Physics and Maths are impossible!"

"Do we really need to get into that again Ichigo? Nothing is impossible, you are the one that always defends that with your sweets and determination. You work hard each and every day, and the results are showing. You passed your Social Studies test and the French one" Hikaru tried to calm his niece down "You already finished with all the contents of Chemistry, you only have two more subjects. You can do it, just relax and trust yourself. Why don't you go out, breath some fresh air and try to think about how did you finally manage to comprehend Chemistry. It might end up helping you to master Mathematics and Physics".

Even if she didn't want to, Ichigo followed her uncle's wished and went for a walk. As to be expected she ended up at a sweets' shop and ordered a strawberry crep to turn up her spirits.

How did I master Chemistry, eh?, Ichigo thought sadly and then sighed tiredly, all these practice was taking a toll on her. However, she couldn't give up now, she only had a month left of summer vacations.

"What's wrong Ichigo?" Vanilla asked her worriedly.

"Is that I learned Chemistry by relating it to sweets, on how to play with the compositions of the ingredients, especially the colours" the patisserie told her sweet spirit "But I can't do that with Physics and Maths, how can they be related with sweets?!"

"That's not completely true" a feminine sweet voice protested. Both Ichigo and Vanilla turned their heads around to see a tall slender blonde beautiful woman standing behind them, with a black haired male sweet spirit "Nice to meet you Amano Ichigo-san, since I've gotten here I've heard a lot about you" now that she had talked more, Ichigo was able to notice the strong French accent of the woman "May I sit with you?" she asked.

"Of course!" Ichigo exclaimed, once she had snapped out of her trance "Excuse me miss, but who are you?".

"My name is Charlotte Francoise, I am a patisserie from Paris. My specialization is wedding sweets just like you" the beautiful woman told Ichigo "And this is my sweet spirit Pepper".

"Nice to meet you Francoise-san and Pepper-san" both girls replied.

"What are you doing in this small town in Japan?" Ichigo asked confused, if she lived in Paris she would only leave to come visit her family here in Japan.

"My fiance" is from here and he wanted to celebrate out wedding in his hometown she answered.

"Another wedding?!" Ichigo asked excitedly, to then blush embarrassed at her out burst "Sorry".

"No need dear, I've heard a lot of you these last weeks. A lot of mothers, clients from your uncle's shop, wishing that they had such a talented daughter as you or son as Gateau Julie-san. Or people praising your wedding cakes, not only on how tasteful they were but on how beautiful as well. Each perfect for each occasion Charlotte told her, shocking her to silence. But not into a trance, these last weeks she has been getting a lot of praises and has gotten better on receiving them I've seen pictures and let me tell you that your work is amazing, you've got a natural talent. But I can still notice the obvious research and work you've put in each cake... that's why I want to give you a few classes".

"What?!" both Ichigo and Vanilla shouted shocked.

"Yes, not a lot because I am still preparing my wedding and then I am leaving to my honey moon, but I have enough time to give you a few tips and sharpen a few rough edges of your technique" confirmed the blonde woman.

"Thank you very much!" Ichigo exclaimed very grateful at the offer she was getting, a professional patisserie specialized in wedding sweets wanting to help her... it's like a dream coming true!

"As for how to relate Maths and Physics with sweets, if you are specializing in wedding cakes you more than anyone should know how to do that" Charlotte told her seriously "You need to be able to measure the weight of layers and adorns, or the cake won't be able to hold itself and crumble. Especially when you are using marzipan towers to hold the different layers of the cake. And to do that you'll need a good management in mathematics" Ichigo looked down at her crep with a troubled expression "Calm down Amano-san, you can do it if you are determined. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to leave".

"Wow... that was eventful" commented Vanilla not knowing what was going on, they were a lot of coincidences going on here. But as they were helping Ichigo became a better patisserie she wasn't complaining too much.

At the entrance of the shop, Julie stood with a victorious smile thinking: Everything is going accord the plan, just a few more tests and she'll be ready.

"Ichigo, what a coincidence to see you here" Julie lied smoothly, as he sat on the seat in which Charlotte was just a few minutes ago "Taking a break from Mathematics?"

"Do you remember the first wedding we went to? When you said that you have a special Mathematic class for me?" Ichigo asked, and only continued when she received a nod from Julie "I am ready for it now!" she stated, raising her head with the most determined expression she had ever worn.

Yeah... only a few more tests...

Sweet Practice {Yumeiro Patissiere}Where stories live. Discover now