A sweet battle part 2

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"You still haven't forgiven me, have you?" Julian asked Ichigo, voice soft and full of regret. Regret of using her, of not telling her the truth earlier.

"No, I haven't" she answered, getting ready for her great presentation.

She was nervous, it's been a while since she sang in front of people. Specially for such an important event.

"Will you ever forgive me?" He tried again, watching their teammates put the last touches to the café- not being brave enough to look at her face.

"With time" she replied after a while "But you have to prove me that you are my friend, first"

"I am!" He exclaimed, hating that she wouldn't believe him.

"I don't know that! You used me, making me trust you, making me believe that you were helping me because you saw talent on me and because you were my friend. But you did it for your own gain! I believed in me again, because of you... and you used me..." her voice broke, at the edge of tears "Now leave me, I have to get ready and you keep on interrupting me"

Julian looked at his friend... the one he loved and it broke his heart, how much he had broken her. He sighed, but did as she wished and left her to her own. As he walked away, Ichigo looked around the place. It was so different to what she would have liked it to be... but at the same time it felt so right.

The place was decorated in a modern North American way, in silver and black colors. The sweets they had chosen for the menu, weren't prepared in the normal way, they were decorated in a cool and fun way- searching for the entertainment and the fun. Of course, they also are delicious! There was even a karaoke on a small stage!

Ichigo had tried to ignore this side of her for a long time. After all, she could still her sensei screaming at her ear, telling her what a horrible artist she was. That if she wasn't perfect she was no one. That good is not good enough. No matter how many times she was crowned queen, or how many times she beat her, and other people's, records. It reached a point that she forgot what fun meant, she forgot the excitement of just getting on stage having a good time and enjoying the smiles she put on other's faces. It became about how may fans she had, how many prizes she got, about how perfect she was.

But still... it was part of her. Some part of Ichigo missed the feeling of being on stage and just having fun. The decoration of the café reminded her of her time in Star Academy. It made her think of her old friends, rivals and schoolmates. Think of what they were doing and what is of their lives now. She hasn't seen them in a long time.

Maybe I should pay them a visit. It's been a year now. Also, they are not to fault about my sensei's actions. Ichigo thought, hopefully.

Before she knew it, it was time for her performance to attract people to their café.

Cafe Buono, by Buono:

Ciao! Hey, do you know? Around that corner, see

Is the cafe that everyone in the class has been talking about

Ciao! This way! The girl on the billboard, yeah

Is me, the cutest girl in town

Ichigo jumped on the sides of a fountain, in the middle of the plaza- where all the cafe's, built for the competition, were surrounding it. Everyone together, turned to look at the pretty brunet smiling brightly at them in happiness- a happiness only given by the chance to have a crowd to sing for once again, after so long.

We recommend the donuts and caffe¨ latte

Chocolate mint ice cream

Napoletana and omu-rice

And the pizza margherita!

A bright white pinkish light began glowing around her, a sign that she could reach for the music magic reserved only for Music Spirits of the court, and artists who have great talent and a pure heart. Only when an artist was able to open her heart completely, while a presentation, and synchronize her feelings with the ones of the crowd observing them, it's when they are able to touch the music magic. That's a gift Ichigo always had, ever since her first performance- the reason why her sensei recluted her.

If you get hungry, say Buono! A password that fills you with energy

It'll make you smile right away when you're worried or down

Just come on in, Buono! Any time is fine

We'll always be here, so come on, tuck in

Every time she said Buono, she place her right pointing finger on the same side cheek, and her smile grew bigger- something that made Julian gape at, not believing someone's lips could be stretched so much. On the second Buono, the crowd followed her lead and placed their right pointing finger on the same side cheek, and smiled having fun.

My dad, who cooks better than the best chefs

Always says a full stomach makes a full heart

And my food-loving, pretty mum

Says eating a lot makes you pretty

You could see some mothers and fathers nodding in accordance at the lyrics, making their children blush embarrassedly and their friends to laugh at their expense- but not with malice, instead it was in companionship.

When we've made the espresso

We prepare the pasta

From the moment we open, ahh, there's a nice smell

We take a quick taste for ourselves, a little isn't enough

Her movements were full of grace, something that surprised her team- cause Ichigo is very well known for her clumsiness. But on the stage... she owned it, it was as if she was another person. The beat took control of her movements, making her move almost automatically at the compass, and her voice flew melodiously with every note.

It's fit for a king, Buono! I want to eat this and that and everything

Our recipes for a menu of happiness are still a secret only we know

We love seeing you enjoy it, Buono! You're not done yet!

Moderation? Don't say that, come on, tuck in

This time people didn't wait for the second Buono, they sang along the word 'Buono' and repeated Ichigo's movements. Everyone was so into the performance that they forgot what they were principally here for. Luckily, Ichigo would remind them of that at the end...

However, for her team's own gain.

Put your finger to your cheek and say Buono! A magic word that fills you with energy

It'll make you smile right away when you're worried or down

Just come on in, Buono! Any time is fine

We'll always be here, so come on, tuck in

At the end of the song Julian's team's spirits flew high and threw pamphlets for their café, to the wind to carry all over the plaza. A lot of the spectators caught them, for then give to their friends and familiars to enjoy.

"We hope you all enjoyed the performance! I'll be here every morning for the following week, but if you want to listen more of my music in my team's café: Buono- there will be my music playing all day. Please, come in and enjoy our sweets with us!" With that said, Ichigo bowed at the crowd- which went wild, as they always do at the end of her performances- and popped of the fountain.

She headed towards her café, with half the multitude behind her, the rest deciding to wait until later to see how good her team's sweets were. That day was a great success and so the following six. Before they knew it, time passing fast as they sang and cooked all day, they had won the first round of the competition with the most sales. They even had recurrent costumers!

It was a good start, but Julian reminded them not to get cocky since this was just the start. Also, they still had to face the one who wanted the rules of the kingdom to change- who are not afraid to play dirty to get what they want.

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