Shin-Ah x Drunk male reader

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Yona's POV

We walkes through the quiet town, shivering in the cold as we walked to find some where to stay. I felt like iceicles were about to form from my hair from how cold it was, and it seemed like Shin-Ah was doing worse. He could barely move through the cold winds with out shivering like a naked cat in the arctic.

The sound of shveling caught my attentions. An elder woman had been shoveling a path to her house. Her light pink haired poked out in a frizzy manner. She then looked up at us and gasped.

"Oh my. You all must be so cold. Why don't you come in." The lady said.

"Oh no. We couldn't. We dont even have any money." I said, denying her offer.

"No need to pay. You poor young children traveling through our town. You need to come in." She said sympethetically before opening the door. "(M/n)! We have guests."

"No need to fucking scream mom!" Another person shouted from inside.

The lady looked at us with a bright smile. "Come in. Just for the night."

We all looked at eachother. There was nothing so I spoke for them.

"Thank you very much." I said before walking in.

"Oh my. Iss that your friend?" The pinkete asked, pointing to the fur ball outside.

"Shin-ah!" I yelled.

Suddenly, from above, someone jumped down and ran over to them before easily picking up Shin-ah and carrying him to the front door, bare footed.

"Seriously. Who decides to go to our village when they cant even withstand the cold?" They questioned.

Their bangs covered their eyes making them seem mysterious.

"(M/n). Don't be rude. Bring the boy inside before he freezes to death." The female said.

"He's got another hour before he dies mom." The male said as they walked in the house.

Now that I had a better look at him, he was barely wearing any clothes suited for this weather. Just a t-shirt and shorts. His hair was all messy and it covered his eyew. And his beard and mustach made him look older and creepier. Probably an inch or two taller then me.

"I bet you are all starving. Come sit an eat." The mother pestered.

"Yeah. I made enough for a herd of elephants to eat." (M/n) said as they were already at the fireplace.

They laid Shin-ah down, taking off his fur. He gently touched Shin-ah's face and sighed.

"He's got a cold. It just might go down tonight though." (M/n) said cooley. "I'll give him some medicine though."

"Really? That would be great."

"(M/n). Come help me grab the bowls." The mother said.

"Hmm? Ok." (M/n) answered, standing up.

We all stood around, not knowing what to do. (M/n) came back and looked at all of us like we were crazy.

Various Male x Uke! Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now