Chapter 5

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"Jamie, you can't do this", I say, smiling brightly, but hiding it as much as possible by covering my mouth with my hand. Jamie and I are standing in front of the most expensive restaurant in whole London. And even though I'm not from England, I know this is the most expensive place there is.
I look to my left, right into Jamie's eyes. I can see him smiling softly, and it makes me feel warm inside.
"I'll do whatever I want", he says with a smirk. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. "I'll take you wherever I want."
I smile before pressing my lips onto his, but remove them the moment all the press is standing around us, taking pictures and asking questions. I start to feel nervous, and Jamie notices it. He takes my hand and squeezes in it.

"Do you have a new girlfriend ?"
"Who is this lovely lady by your side ?"
"How long have you two been dating ?"
"What happened to your ex girlfriend Julia ?"

Questions and questions are thrown at my head. I can't even hear them all and it makes me anxious. But as I look at my side, I see Jamie, who's still being extremely calm. His calmness makes me feel calm as well all of the sudden. He happily answers all the questions to the press and his fans. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. As soon as I feel like I can answer questions as well, I do. There isn't any reason to be nervous anymore, and I love the way how Jamie is taking time for his fans.

After Jamie and I have spend almost 15 minutes answering questions, Jamie presses a kiss on my lips. The lights of the cameras are flashing like crazy. I giggle softly between the kiss before I pull back.
"Now if you'll all please excuse us, I'd like to have a quiet evening with my lady", Jamie says. I nod and smile one last time, before we both walk inside.

No one has ever treated me so amazingly as Jamie is treating me right now. It feels great. He's the sweetest person I have ever met.

As we are both inside, it's extremely quiet all of the sudden. There are still a few people looking up every now and then, but I don't mind.
Jamie takes me to a table, and he presses a kiss on my lips before I sit down. He sits down opposite of me.

After we both have talked about lots of things, laughed a lot, and ate and drank, the subjects of the conversations start to get deeper.
"How did it happen ?" I ask, taking a sip of my wine.
"How did what happen ?" Jamie looks at me, rather confused.
"You and Julia. How did you two break up ?"
Jamie smiles softly and places his hand on mine.
"Do you really want to be talking about that right now ?"
He's right, it wouldn't exactly be the most happy subject.
"Yes, I do", we suddenly hear someone say. I turn around, and see Jamie's ex girlfriend standing there. I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to act, so I smile weakly at her. She gives me a rather foul look, then turns to look at Jamie.
"I'd like to hear it all, babe", Julia says as she takes a chair and sits down next to Jamie.
"Babe ?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. My eyes travel back and forth between Jamie and Julia.
"Yes. Babe", Julia says as she looks at me, as if I'm stupid. "Tell her", Julia looks back at Jamie.
Jamie looks at me and mouths me a 'sorry', then closes his eyes.
"Tell her what, Julia ? Can you please leave ?" Jamie says as he looks at Julia.
"Oh, I'd love to, but I'd also love to stay here with my boyfriend", Julia says. She gives me a bitchy look. It's as if she's enjoying this.
"Boyfriend ? Excuse me ?" I ask. "Jamie ?"
But Jamie doesn't even have the time to say something, for Julia starts talking again.
"Yes. I'm sure he hasn't told you, but Jamie and I never broke up. Thought you ought to know that", Julia says. She smirks at me before grabbing Jamie's face and pressing her lips onto his. Tears start to form in my eyes as I notice that Jamie isn't even trying to get away from kissing her. He's not pulling back at all.
I stand up, tears running all over my cheeks now, and only now, Jamie has pulled back and looks at me.
"How could you ?" I yell, tears streaming down my face.
"Emma, Julia and I aren't together anymore, I promise", Jamie says as he also stands up. We've made quite a scene, because everyone around us is looking at us. I look at Julia, to see a smirk on her face.
"I could see that", I say sarcastically and calmly. "Don't ever talk to me ever again, please." I look at Jamie one last time before turning around and walking away.
"Emma ? I love you !", I hear Jamie yell. It causes me to cry even more. I really thought he did love me. I really thought that he did care for me. But I now see that he never did. He lied to me. Made me feel special, when the truth is, I'm nothing special to him. He still loves his stupid ex girlfriend.

I walk away, out of the restaurant, to see the press and Jamie's fans taking pictures of me. My eyes are all red and puffy, and I haven't stopped crying yet. I can't deal with this right now.
I run away as fast as I can, and get into a cab. I look outside through the window of the back seat, and start crying quietly. I never thought this would happen, but it did. And when I walked out of the restaurant, he didn't even follow me. I guess she really is right then. I guess Jamie and Julia are still together then, even when he claimed to love me.

When I get back to my hotel, I run upstairs and try to find my keys. Jamie has tried to call me several times, and texted me, but I don't want to talk to him.
I open my hotel door, and make way for my bed, but I notice I can't walk anymore. I feel weak at my knees. I feel useless.
I fall onto the ground, and even though I had finally stopped crying, small tears are coming out of my eyes again.
He told me he loved me, but I guess he never did.

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