Chapter 12

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I take a deep breath in the sudden silence, then sigh. The apartment is in destruction, but there's nothing I can do about that. Abel said he'd be back, so I go and grab Amber from my room, clasping her leash and petting her gently. She's still growling softly, her hackles at full attention.

"It's okay, baby," I coax softly, bending to pick her up. She whimpers and licks my fingers. Abel reappears with another flash of light and grabs my suitcase.

"Will Kuzo be okay?" I question anxiously. Apparently I'm getting used to how angels get around: I didn't even jump. Abel pauses and sighs.

"Hopefully. I think we got to him before it could set in, but only time will tell." I can tell he's really worried. I had almost forgotten that they're brothers, since they look and act so completely different.

Abel grabs my arm, and we're suddenly standing in the foyer of the Nexis. The change makes my head spin, but I shake it off and grab my suitcase back.

"Go take care of Kuzo," I say. "I can handle this." Abel nods gratefully and heads into the infirmary. I take the task of dragging my suitcase to my room. I'd love to go help, but I wouldn't know what to do and would honestly just get in the way.

I let Amber down, taking her leash off, and she runs around to sniff the room, barking the whole time.  I smile slightly, then get to work putting my clothes away.

When I'm finally done, I shove my empty suitcase under my bed, then change into clean clothes, a plaid skirt with leggings and a red sweater. Amber has dozed off, laying on her back at the foot of my bed. So I leave and close the door behind me, tiptoeing down the steps toward the infirmary. It feels strange to walk through such a huge, empty complex by myself.

I peak into the infirmary. Kuzo is shirtless once again, on a bed, completely unconscious. His arms and stomach are wrapped tightly with bandages, and there are gauze pads on his shoulder. Mara is gently washing some ichor off his face, and she looks up when she sees me.

"You can come in," she says softly, gently smiling. I sneak in and walk over. Kuzo's breaths are deep and even, and he doesn't seem to be in pain.

"Is he okay?" I ask quietly. Mara nods.

"He will be. He'll have a few new scars, and a headache to rival a hangover, but he'll be just fine." I smile at the good news as Mara goes to wash the cloth out.

"He woke up for a moment," she says over her shoulder. "He said you tried to kill the hound with a bat?" I chuckle.

"I tried. Didn't work very well."

Mara smiles at me as she returns and rests the wet cloth across Kuzo's forehead. I sigh, realizing I was worried, too. More so than I'll openly admit.

I hear someone enter the room, and I look back to see Azi. She's still dressed in workout clothes, a tank top and shorts, and I wonder if that's all she wears.

"He alright now?" she asks simply, moving beside me and sliding her hand under the washcloth to check Kuzo's temperature. Mara nods.

"He needs to rest, but he'll be mostly healed by morning."

Azi nods curtly, then turns to walk out. But she pauses when she looks at me, and smiles, her eyes warming. And then she's gone.

"Did...Azi just smile at me?" I ask Mara, wondering if I misinterpreted it. Mara chuckles.

"I believe she did. You tried to save her brother, I'm sure she's very grateful to you."

I nod with a sigh. Mara seems to notice the way I'm looking at Kuzo's unconscious form.

"You're free to stay here until he wakes up, if you'd like," she offers, smiling knowingly. I blush, then nod.

"I would like that."

Mara nods, quickly checking Kuzo's bandages, before she heads toward the door and dims the lights. I sit on the edge of the bed and rest my hand on Kuzo's.

I stay this way for quite a while, but soon grow drowsy. I slowly stretch out on the edge of the bed beside Kuzo, hooking my hands through his uninjured arm so I don't fall. And then I'm asleep, oblivious to the world.

I have dreams, but they make no sense. A blur of feathers, seeing the world from above, and being locked inside a coffin. This last one is terrifying, and so real, my nails bleeding and torn from scratching at the lid to get out.

I feel myself tipping off the bed, and my eyes snap open. But strong arms wrap themselves around me, stopping me from falling, and I'm staring into Kuzo's eyes.

"Oh. U-um, hi..." I say softly, blushing like mad. Kuzo smiles.

"Hi." He pulls me back onto the bed, but doesn't let go of me. "Are you okay?"

I nod, trying to look away from his bright eyes. " You're pretty well wounded."

Kuzo shrugs with his trademark lopsided grin. "I have a migrain, and my shoulder is on fire. But I'm fine."

I blush more, but don't try to get out of Kuzo's arms. He pulls me closer, so I'm no longer balanced precariously on the edge, and I pull my arms against my chest.

"So..." I start. Kuzo chuckles.

"Did you get all your clothes?" he asks. I nod, grateful for something to talk about.

"All that I needed, anyway. And Amber."

"Oh, that little furball," Kuzo laughs softly, then winces. "You weren't bitten, were you?" he asks suddenly. I shake my head.

"No, don't worry, I'm completely fine. You took the brunt of the attack." Kuzo smirks and looks at his shoulder, completely covered by bandages and gauze.

"I guess so."

Mara walks in at this point, and I find myself annoyed by the distraction. Kuzo is warm in this cool room, and honestly, it's nice in his arms. Surprisingly, he doesn't let go when he sees Mara, who sighs.

"You're not supposed to move," she chides Kuzo. He has rolled on his good side so we're almost chest to chest.

"It's my fault," I say, gently wriggling out of his grasp and standing beside the bed. Kuzo gives me a look as if to say that's a lie, and you know it.

Mara gently lays Kuzo back down flat, then checks his bandages.

"Well, you're doing better. You should be well enough to move by morning. Do you want any dinner?" she questions, watching his face. Kuzo shakes his head.

"No, I'm not really hungry. What time is it?" I look at the clock on the wall nearby.

"Almost six. You were asleep for a long time."

Kuzo sighs. "And for once, I feel like going back to sleep. Can I have an aspirin?" Mara nods and grabs him a tablet and a glass of water, then helps him sit up enough to take it. When that's done, he lays down again and smiles at me.

"You don't have to stay here, I'm sure I'm boring. The library is probably calling your name." I laugh.

"Maybe," I say, smiling. I'm glad that Kuzo is okay. I feel safer with him around, even though I know that I couldn't be safer in the Nexis. Kuzo rolls his eyes.

"Go on, shoo, I know you want to get a jump start on the library. Don't worry about me."

I shake my head and poke his shoulder. "Fine. But only because you're injured."

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