Feels bad man :')

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Do you know that feel....when you're half-chinese and can't even speak chinese? Yeahhh it feels bad man ;w;

So I was with my chinese relatives today and so they decided to go talk to me....but they spoke to me in chinese KDOSOOSOPSPSPPS....I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING THEY SAID skisosoaooxxoosoos

As someone who's half-chinese, im a disgrace to my kind ahahaha. I really wish I know how to speak in chinese...so i can at least understand my relatives lmao;; LIKE PLUS I NEED MANDARIN AND FUKYUEN LESSONS....MAYBE SOME JAPANESE AND KOREAN LESSONS TOO

To change topic, my singing voice improved a lot yasss. I was in my choir practice for  a performance me and my choir will do. We were all singing and I suddenly hit DEM HIGH NOTE AND THEY WENT SILENT. They started clapping and saying how my voice is so good JSKSOOAOSOAOAOAO IDK WHAT TO FEEL.

I also noticed how my Japanese pronunciation improved lololol....when it comes to singing in English, I tend to have a bit of a problem pronouncing words even though I'm fluent in English ahaha. And then when it comes to my own mother tonghe which is Filipino.....i can completely understand it but I just cant.....communicate verbally because I SOUND LIKE AN AMERICAN TRYING TO SPEAK TAGALOG HNGHHHH. IT'S CRINGEYY but I'm totally capable of understanding and communicating in Tagalog~

KaitlinAnnetteDavis psstttt where's dem Norsk lessons? OvO JEG VIL LÆRE NORSK

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