The Last Plant

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Birdwing heart was racing faster as the water edged nearer towards the group.

"Why do we have two natural disasters RIGHT AFTER EACH OTHER?!" He cried out in shock.

"Just shut up and run!" MeadowWing cried. Suddenly, Birdwing tripped on a rock sticking out, and he fell, his body hitting the ground. Hollywhisker and Bramblefire turned around in horror. Waterfur rushed back towards Birdwing. But before his friend could get to him, Birdwing felt extreme pain as the wall of water smashed into him like a fireball. His vision went black for a second, and the air got knocked out from his lungs. It seemed like seconds, until he could actually resurface, chocking and coughing in the dirty earth. Trees were scattered all around him, sticks and stones cutting his body painfully. Suddenly, he felt teeth bite down upon his scuff, and before he knew it, he was being dragged by another cat. Or in this case, more than one.

"Waterfur! Holly!" Birdwing let out an exhale of relief. They swam hard, water drowning their fur, until finally, they managed to get to the side of the mountain, where a cave laid waiting. Waterfur and Hollywhisker gasped as they stopped swimming, sliding their bodies inside. Birdwing just laid there still in shock.

"How the heck did we get up here?" Birdwing wondered. Waterfur just shook his head.

"Just shut up for a second please, I wanna have at least a moment of silence." Waterfur mummered agitated to the core. Birdwing's heart lurched suddenly.

"Wait, where's MeadowWing and Bramblefire?!" He cried out. As if magic, they appeared behind a corner of the cave. But their eyes weren't in relief, more like horror.

"There's something that you all should see." Bramblefire meowed, his tail quivering in the air. Birdwing stood up swallowing nervously.

"Is it good or bad?"


Hollywhisker was dreading of the fact that she was going to die. Either here or elsewhere. Somewhere with water. And swimming painfully to a cave was about have of the problems they're going to run into soon. And worse, her fear was rising steadily after each turn the group made into another dark hallway. Soon enough, the tight hallway opened up into a clearing, not very big, but big enough to fit everyone together. The walls were scarred with paint, drawings of cats writing like words of hope. Bramblefire moved forwards, speaking.

"Flameheart and Waterfur saw these images in the sinkhole a few days ago," He pointed out, running his paws across the wall, "But there are more than they were before."

"Yeah," Waterfur shook, his eyes scanning the drawings, "I've noticed." The pictures showed a bunch of 23 cats, racing into a giant wall of grey, which they presumed was the Mists.

"Hey, look its ME!" MeadowWing squealed. Hollywhisker narrowed her eyes,

"Who could've drawn these and at the same time know the future?"

"Unless they're watching us right now," MeadowWing pointed out, "It could be StarClan." The next images were disasters, an earthquake, a flood, a storm, a snowstorm, and a giant cloud of fire racing across the earth.

"That disaster doesn't seem right. I've never seen that before," Hollywhisker meowed. But after those pictures, came one that truly haunted everyone. Dead cats. There were those who were laying down bloody, some not, but they were dead, surrounded by what killed them. Hollywhisker already knew about Hollytuft, and saw her neck jerking from the gunshot, while Silverwind watched in horror. There was another one, with white fur, Swiftclaw, who was flattened underneath a fallen tree, splinters of wood shattered all around. Hollywhisker swallowed when she saw her picture on the wall.

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