Chapter 2

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"Hey are you staring as Mal?" D: Um yeah."I am Thomas Doherty. I am playing Harry Hook." D: I read about him in the script. pretty cool character. T: Thanks.

The director then called people on set for the song "Ways To be Wicked" . D: Gotta go. See you around. T: You too. They started rehearsing ways to be wicked. Thomas was watching Dove the whole time. He started to have a strange feeling "That's a wrap. Lunch break you can go eat your food now." the director said. Of course Dove sat next to her Bff Sofia Carson.

S: Meet anyone new Dove? D: This guy named Thomas. Thomas sees Dove and walks toward the table she was sitting at. D: There he comes now

S:You must be Thomas. T: Yup! Thats me . D: Isn't that a line from the movie?
T: close enough. So the three of them talked for a little bit. Then BooBoo came. B: Hey Thomas want to go rehearse the sword fight scene when you're done? T: Sure. Infact I just go go done. Let's go

S: He like totally has a crush on you! Do you like him? D: A little bit. So rehearsals passed until Thomas went up to Dove. T: Hey I know it has it only been a few days that we met but I just want to ask if you want to on a date with me. D: OMG! Sure!

Once that happened Dove ran all the way to Sofia and told her all about it. She was just as shocked as Dove. D: We are going to a restaurant with a whole bunch of different foods. S: How romantic! D: It will be on Sunday.

So even more rehearsals passed. Then Sunday came. Thomas picked up Dove. They talked and ate the delicious food.
They both got to know a little bit more about each other. After that , They planned even more dates. They both came to all of them. One of them was special. T: Hey dove I was just wondering if you wanted to take it a step further. D: Like boyfriend and girlfriend stuff? T: Yeah. D: Yes of course!

So after that Thomas dropped off Dove at her house. She ran straight to her room and invited Sofia over. She came and Dove told her what Thomas asked her. S: OMG! Really!?!?!?! It will work out I just know it!

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