Chapter 4

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D: *Yawns and wakes up*
M: Yeah sweetie?
D: I am feeling better now, when is the next practice?
M: Well today is Friday so next Tuesday.
D: Kk
M: Oh, Thomas and Sofia left you cookies down stairs on the counter.
D: K cool
M:*Walks out of room*

Time skip
D: Oooo, double chocolate chip cookies my favorite ( I don't really know if that is her favorite so please don't judge me)
D: * Grabs the whole basket of them and runs up stairs with cookie in mouth*

Time skip

D: *wakes up from alarm*
D: I gotta get ready for shooting the movie
D: *Does everything she needs to get ready*
D: Ok, now I just need my make up. Oops I forgot to pack lunch, MOM
M: Yeah?
D: Can you get lunch from wawa
M: Kk
Time skip
S&T(Sofia and Thomas): Your back!
D: yup
Dir:(Director) Dove your back now lets get to shooting!
D: Kk
*They film up to the last 2 scenes*
Dir: That a wrap everyone! Now go get lunch and lets finish the movie!
D: *Gets her wawa bag and looks through* Sweet! Thanks mom!
*Everybody eats their lunch and gets back to filming*
Dir: Okay, now China (Uma) all we have to do is film the ending
C: Kk
Dir: You remember your lines
C: yup
*They film it once or twice and when finished everybody claps*
D:Yay we finished!

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