Chapter 13: The Young Prodigy

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Andenon awoke early in the morning, just as the golden rays of dawn were threading their fingers over the mountains and showering the landscape in shimmering light. As if on cue, Larisse knocked lightly before opening the door connecting their rooms carrying a tray of breakfast in her paws.

"Good morning, Andenon," she smiled as she set the loaded tray upon the end table aside his bed.

"Good morning," he replied, eyes wide at the marvelous food in front of him.

There were scrambled eggs and bacon, toast with butter and several flavors of jam. A tall pitcher of milk accompanied the meal along with a banana and an apple.

Larisse poured the milk from the pitcher into a crystalline glass.

"Thank you," the boy said appreciatively.

"You're very welcome. I'm sure you're starving, so please help yourself to as much as you like."

He dug in to the steaming eggs, gobbling them up with a ravenous appetite.

Larisse sat down in the armchair next to the window and spoke.

"You have a big day ahead of you, Andenon. You'll need all your strength. Shen Lang plans to take you to the training arena to practice spells."

"What's spells?" he managed to ask with his mouth half full of bacon.

"Well, let's see... It's rather hard to explain. You're a human, and in this land humans have special powers that only they can use. You'll soon see what I mean."

"I have powers?" he asked, sounding curious, yet scared.

"Oh, yes." Larisse took on a serious tone, "You will be able to do incredible things once you learn to use them, but promise me one thing..."

"What?" he asked.

"That you'll never use your powers to harm innocent creatures. Shen Lang does, and I never want to see you become evil like him," she said bravely, knowing that if he were to relay what she said to the emperor she'd soon be killed.

"I... don't think I will," the young boy replied meekly.

The lynx's eyes softened. "Of course you won't, dear. When you're finished with breakfast please get dressed and then give my door a knock and I'll take you down to see Shen Lang."

"Okay." Andenon said.

With that, Larisse left him to eat the rest of his breakfast. Andenon could only eat the banana, for by then he was very full. He grabbed his glass of milk and tiptoed over to the window to look upon the amazing scenery.

As he gazed over the landscape at the sparkling mountains and treetops, his thoughts rested upon Abigail. He wondered where she was and if he'd ever see her again. He started to feel a lump forming in his throat, but remembered the words Abigail had said to him before they were separated. "You must always be brave and not cry, Andenon," she had said. "Whether I'm here or not, you must depend on yourself and be strong." He sniffed and did his best to fight the tears that threatened to burst forth from his eyes. Pulling himself together, Andenon went over to the wardrobe and put on an outfit that had been laid out for him. It was a black tunic lined with leather to be worn over black pants.

He then walked over to the door and knocked bravely. Larisse promptly opened it and took him by the hand.

"Are you ready, young master?" she asked.

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