Chapter 7

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Kristina's P.O.V

Louis ended up going to bed after Mean Girls 2 was over. We watched about six other chick flicks and Harry stayed up with us through them all. I was laying on Harry’s chest talking to Amelia about everything that has gone on in our lives. I am pretty sure Harry fell asleep during our forth movie, Sleepover. But we both just stayed on the couch not knowing the sleeping arraignments that were made by Louis.

I woke up to Louis screaming, “WE DIDN’T DO THE TWITCAM LAST NIGHT!” Scaring all three of us who were on the couch.

“Lou shut up.” Harry groaned, he turned to his side making me fall off the couch. A burst of laughter came from Amelia and Louis and Harry just sat there and asked why I slept on the floor in his morning voice.

I didn’t even change into my pajamas last night. It was just like old times, but this time Harry was there to join us. Harry got up off the couch and helps me off the floor. “Why was the twitcam important?” Harry asked still waking up.

“So people won’t ask questions about you two!” Louis said excitedly, he must have been up for hours. He was already clothed and did his hair. “Naill and Zayn will be here in thirty minutes; they just landed and go their bags.”

“Go get ready babe we are heading out to lunch when they get here, you know how Naill gets.” Harry said trying to lighten the mood about the topic of Niall. I told him everything about what had happened between us and he keeps trying to get him to just talk to me but he won’t budge, he must be really mad.

Amelia and Harry get ready quickly and they walk in while I am still getting ready. I can hear them talking in the other room,

“Are you sure she’s not avoiding me?” I heard Niall say in his Irish accent.

“I doubt it mate, you guys are great friends.” Harry said.

Were friends. Now I hate being in her presence.”

“Please, she is always worried about what you think about her, she really cares.”

“She wouldn’t care about me if I were on my death bed.” I heard Niall say and a door slam.

“Harry?” I said walking in.

“Did you hear any of that?” He said coming to give me a hug.

“Just the end…does he really hate me?”

“I really doubt it, he’s just being difficult. You ready for lunch? Lou, Zayn and Amelia are waiting in the kitchen.” He says as he takes my hand.

We walk into the room and Niall is nowhere to be found. But right as Zayn yells, “Niall we are going to leave and get food without you!” he comes running.

“Kris, I didn’t get a formal hug yet.” Zayn said holding his arms out. I hug him and walk over to Amelia.

“Guys, this is Amelia. She’ll be hanging with us while we are in New York. So that’s Zayn.” I didn’t even bother to introduce her to Niall, he doesn’t deserve to be spoken to.

“We met.” Zayn said with a sheepish smile on his face.

“Let’s go!” Niall said storming out of the room.

Amelia walked over to me and said, “It’s okay, he’s probably just tired from the plane and is moody and wants to avoid all people until he has food.” I laughed a little. But then Louis always trying to lighten the mood said, “You just described a girl on her period.” I laughed at that a lot more than. Niall was just like a girl on her period, just being unreasonable. Maybe at the restaurant he will be better.

We get to the restaurant and take our seats, Niall and I at opposite ends. I can just tell this is going to be a long four days.

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