Chapter 11

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"Your love is bright as ever.

 Even in the shadows.

 Baby kiss me.

 Before they turn the lights out.

 Your heart is glowing.

 And I'm crashin' into you.

 Baby kiss me.

 Before they turn the lights out.

 Before they turn the lights out.

 Baby love me lights out!


 London P.O.V

 Friday: 1:00pm

 This was one of the hardest weeks at work i've had in a long time. On tuesday I only had about 60 customers all day. Thursday was horrible. I only had maybe 23 customers all day. Damn! Kids don't like shoes no more? Anyway. Beaast texted me this morning asking if he could come over. I hope he don't think he finna get no pussy cause im on my period and that's nasty. Plus he still got me on lock jaw from bout 2 weeks ago. I got up,cooked,freshened up and got dressed. I just put on some gray sweat pants and a black sports bra. Nothin fancy. 

 Beaast P.O.V

 I texted London round 11 asking her if I could come over her house. She responded back with her apartment complex name and her apartment number. . I got up,ate,freshened up and got dressed. I put on my teal and purple basketball shorts. My purple and white grape 5s and a white wife beater. . I walked outside and got in my 2014 candy apple red dodge charger. After starting the car, I took my phone from my shorts pocket and looked at the address. Typing the address into the gps system I was on my way. Gps says she stays about 15 minutes away. Good deal.

 London P.O.V

  I get up and unlock my door to reveal Beaast standing in some teal and purple basketball shorts. A white wife beater and his purple and white grape 5s. I gave him a hug and let him in. After closing and locking my door,I see him sitting on my couch.

 "Come on" He says. Did this nigga just invite me to sit on my own couch? "I know how to sit. I'm good. Thank you." I say with attitude. "Damn. Attitude." "Mhm. Wassup. What you want?" "Fuck you mean?" "What? Pussy?Head?" "Aye bruh. Chill widd all that. I just came to see wassup. A nigga aint even feelin all that right now." "Mhm. So wassup? We chillin." "Bye." He starts walking towards the door. "I'm sorry." I say. Something I haven't said in years. "What?" He asks. "I'm sorry." I say,with tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. "Why you cryin'?" He asks,walking back towards me. "I-i-im sorry." I stammer. "What's wrong? Who did it?" "H-his b-b-bi-birthday" Was all I could get out before I broke down crying. . A good 15 minutes later my loud,uncontrollable sobs stopped. Here I am,crying in a mans arms that I've only known for a good 2 weeks. Wow. "You good?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Who did it? Wassup?" He asks,concerned. "His birthday." I say. "Who? Who birthday?" "My s-son." I stammer,once again. "Son?" He asks with worry in his eyes. 

 Beaast P.O.V

  "It was 6 years ago. I was 14. I was walking home from dance practice. My mom had left me at the studio. I was gang raped. It lasted for hours. I got home and was raped again by my own blood. My father. He had been sexually abusing me since I was 12."  I clenched my jaw. "That same night,he had raped me before practice too. Guess mom wasn't doing her job. That night my dad left. Never came back. I told my mom about the rape,after he left. She just yelled and screamed at me. She was drunk off her ass. She pushed me down,got on top of me and beat my ass. After that was over,she drug me outside and beat me with her broken beer bottle. When she was done with that,she drug me back inside by my hair. Ripping some of it in the process. Sometimes I think he made that gang do that to me. About 4 months later I found out I was pregnant. 5 months after that I found myself at the hospital in labor. 6 hours after that I found myself with a handsome little boy in my arms. Keynan Chance Daniels. 2 days after that,my baby was taken from me. Dead. He died in my arms. I never knew what happened. The nurses never told me what happened. My mom didn't even show up to his funeral. It was only me and my dead son there. I'm an only child. Her own grandson. I never knew who his dad was. It was either my dad,or the first guy that raped me. He woulda been 6 today. 4/19,I always cry. By the time I was 16,I had dropped out and was a stripper. That's why I'm so good at it now. When I was 17,I was working at Kids Footlocker. Never quit. Never got fired. Never graduated. Never got my diploma. Here I am now. 20 years old,my own apartment and still at footlocker. Stripping on occasions.  My mom? I wish that lil devil would go back to hell right along with my dad. I lost all respect for both of them. No grandparents. Aunts and uncles? They dont care. Cousins? Never met 'em. It was just me and Keynan. He's gone. I failed him. I failed us. Now it's just me. Nobody else." She sniffs. Damn..  "What about you?" She asks. "Huh?" I ask. "What about you? What's your story?" I sigh.

 London P.O.V

 "I was 14. Fresh outta middle school, just goin' into high school. I came home from my first day of high school to find all the furniture gone. No note. No tv. No beds. No Mom. I was young,so I figured she was just gonna come back around dinner time and tell me we were moving. I waited for months. One day I woke up to find an eviction note on the front door. I had officially dropped outta school. No place to go. One night I walked to the corner store to buy a arizona. I seen a group of about 3 guys. They were talking to another boy who looked about my age. I heard the word money and all of a sudden my spirit lit up. My soul started singing. I walked over to the group of boys asking for more information on how to get money. One of the guys told me I had to sell candy. I didn't see what was so big about selling candy. It's just candy,right? Wrong. They took me and the boy to a run down house. Trap house. Gave us little bags filled with weed. Dropped us back off at the store and made us sell it. 2 weeks tops I had about 1k and so did Tay. By the time me and Tay were 16,we were trap lords. I haven't seen my mom since I was 14. I'm 21. 7 years went by. Not 1 phone call,text,email. Nothing. I'm okay with that,tho. My pops? He died when I was born. Never knew him, but I always knew that if he was alive he woulda been my hero. My savior. My escape from reality. No siblings. Grandparents? Never knew 'em. Aunts? Uncles? None. Just me and my money." I sigh. "Damn. Sorry, Beaast." I say. "It's cool. You ain't have nothin' to do with it. Nah,but i'm really sorry bout ya story." He apologizes. "I'm good." I say. "Alright." He says. "This was nice." I say. "Yeah. It was. I wanna ask you somethin'." "Shoot." "Alright. I know we only known each other for a good 2 weeks. But,I really feel like I know you all the way. London,will you be my girlfriend?" He asks with red cheeks. "Of course." I respond without hesitation,kissing his cheek. "Cool." He responds. "So,where we go from here?" I ask. "Ion know bout you,but I'm Gone Ride" He responds. Kissing my right hand. "Well,damn I'm Gone Ride,too" I respond giggling. 

 --And The Story Beginsss !!--

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