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I was sure he would go out that morning and return drunk in the night or angry as usual ,so I gathered all the little pieces of snacks that he left over ,with enough water and locked my self in the basement that was the only place he didn't have the key too ,maybe I just forgot that khatuna didn't need the key to enter where he desires ,I slept and put the key in my pocket ,I just

turned thirteen and it didn't make me feel any better I cuddled myself and it was dark already u could hear his footsteps ,I shivered out of fear ,he bang the door I wonder how he found me so soon, but that didn't matter ,what matter ,what mattered was how to escape from the hands of this stranger,he hit the basement door so hard and threatened to be very hard on me if I

didn't open the door ,I was scared because I knew if I eventually opened the door he would hurt me,I looked down and found what looked like a knife on the floor  ,I picked it up and hid it because I knew if he saw it he would use it to hurt me instead ,I opened the door in fear ,he came closer and

    closer while I went backward as I could,then he started touching me allover and I started feeling uncomfortable and hurt,his body was too weighty on me ,tears dropped down my eyes,but it didn't matter to him ,all that mattered was what he wanted I tried defending myself I almost forgot the knife I had in my pocket out if fear but as soon as I remembered it ,I dragged it out and thrusted  it straight into the very hand he used in touching me and he shouted while blood rushed out I felt satisfied for once and headed for the door but he didn't give up just like that ,he held

my leg ,that was when I fell and hit my head on the floor he came closer and stopped now I could see his masculine figure I mean his shadow I saw him through the wall ,cause it was dark and I was scared already ,i got up half way and cried but it was a basement everywhere

was filled with instruments and tools  so he grabbed a pistle like object and threatened to use it in me,I was very scared and so I freezes,he started touching me and said all kind of rubbish that I could hear but didnt understand ,because I was scared ,I realized he wasn't drunk ,he was doing this

to me and he wasn't drunk he was in his right senses he tried to unbutton my top but I held his hand,that was when  he tore my top my only top the rest where t-shirts old gowns and worn out trousers ,he tore it ,I cried and he said I should stop crying .....

SOMEWHERE IN SOUTH AFRICA, #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now