Chapter 3 back again

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Kara was walking home.
It was a normal day and she really didnt feel like flying.
She missed having a friend
Her only friend was Barry.
But he was on another earth
A different universe
He had a girl friend
He had a life
He was a good looking guy.
Kara never thought like this before.
She was feeling some thing ...
Did she like him?
Her thought ended by a blue portal that almost seemed like water in her apartment.
Suddenly a young looking man with long hair popped through.
He had weird sunglasses and some metal gloves that had acted like a robot
Then to her utmost suprise Barry Allen hopped through the portal.
BARRY! kara screamed his name with joy and ran to him and hugged him as tight as possible

Barry's POV

As soon as we hopped through the portal , Kara rushed up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back of course. It was a tight hug. A bond that couldnt break
Yet they broke apart.
Kara! Hey. Barry said happily.
Listen I'm so excited to see you but I have some bad news.
What? Kara said. Whenever Kara was curious she got this cute look on her face Barry loved.
Woah. Barry knew he was back to thinking about how he liked Kara.
He wasn't too sure about his feelings after all he was dating iris.

What are we up against? Kara said
Aliens. I said
Her eyes widened. Then shut.
I dont know what kind , I was hoping you could help!
Yeah she said.
Let me pack up.
I don't know where I'll stay though.
This was it. I stuttered my words but I managed to say it.
You can stay with me!
Cisco stared at me have I said it so loud.
Kara beamed.
I could tell she was happy.
Yeah! I said
Ok let me go pack I'll be back here soon!

Kara left to Go pack.

Kara's POV

That conversation
A million thoughts ran through her head.
What aliens?
How hard are they to fight?
Barry said that pretty loud..
Does Barry like me??
Do I like Barry?
I tossed my hair brush into the bag.
I stared at my desk.
Hmmm.... I'll take it just in case.
She got her huge makeup bag and threw it in.

With Cisco and Barry

Barry was sitting on the couch in Kara's apartment.
Yo. Cisco said
Wut? Barry was staring at the tv
You said that one thing pretty loud.
Ok... Barry started to realize what Cisco was talking about.
You like her don't you?
He said it ears length
Barry shot up from the couch to shut Cisco up.
Kara ran out.
What did you day Cisco?
Oh I said
Barry cut him off
He said that I have a very beautiful girlfriend
Barry struggled to say this.
Especially to Kara
Oh.. She said
She looked down at the floor
There was a moment of silence.
Then Kara walked back to her room

I wrote a really really long chapter 😂
I'm happy with myself!
Supergirl premieres tonight I hope this season superflash will have more cross overs

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