4. taking a... vacation?

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Kara walked back to her room
A few moments later she finished packing and walked out with her bags.
Okay.. She said.
Im ready to go.
Barry and cisco got up from the couch and Cisco opened the portal and Barry took Kara's things
and they stepped through the portal.

Barry's pov

We end up back on my earth in star labs
As soon as we all get through, Caitlyn walks in the room.
She looks a little startled at first but begins to talk.
Who is this she asks?
Oh this is my friend Kara, remember when i was stuck on another universe. Well Kara and her friends helped me get back.
She is a superhero too!
Kara puts out her hand and Caitlyn shakes it
Hi im kara nice to meet you.
She had a warm smile on her face
It wasnt ever fake,unless she was hurting
In this case she wasnt.
She had a true genuine smile and was really pretty
There it was.
Thinking about kara like that again
Apparently Barry had zoned out and he was just staring at kara.
She snapped her fingers at him
Barry wake up. She said
I ended my gaze from her and began to speak.
So there are aliens here that want to invade
I tell her the story that we learned earlier that day.
So we have to form an alliance. I say
Like a team? Kara asks
Like a team. I reply
So who is on it?
Obviously all of us but im gonna need oliver and his crew and then we might have to go find the legends.
Kara looks at me with a brave look.
We can do this barry. I know we can
I look at the time and its almost 9pm
Maybe we should do that tomorrow says cisco.
Okay well, ill see you guys tomorrow then.
Kara and i are going to head home.
Cisco and Caitlyn eventually leave and its just me and kara.
She walks around and looks at the place.
So this is where the flash does his planning huh?
She looks at me and laughs
I laugh too.
Yeah this is the place. I say
Not too bad. She says
My place is cooler though.
I laugh.
Why is that? I say pretending to be offended?
Because its kinda underground.
Pretty much hidden in rocks.
Beat that. She says
We laugh some more.
I have that feeling again.
Do you wanna go take a walk? I say
Sure! I love walks. She exclaimed.
We grab our jackets and head to the car so i can put all her stuff away
We just begin to walk around the building
She looks absolutely beautiful.
I have that feeling again.

Kara's pov
Barry looks so cute.
Im having these thoughts again
Were walking around and i wanna tell him he looks so.. Cute.
So.. How have you been? I ask
Pretty good i guess. He replies
Ill be honest
Being a superhero gets kinda lonely and its scary and i get anxiety and i miss you and i think about you alot and i just really really like you and you make me laugh so much and we have a great time together and when i hug you i....
I had gone too far.
Barry was looking at me
I was so stupid
Oh my... Im so sorry. I trailed off and...
He cut me off.
You like me?
We stopped walking
I nod.
My head is now down facing the ground
He takes his hand and picks my head up
He pulls me closer to him and hugs me.
It was a long hug and i was falling hard for him.
I was falling hard for barry allen.
We let go and i start to stutter an apology.
He interupts me and speaks.
Kara look... I have those thoughts too
I really like you too.
Ive always kinda liked you.
Small tears are running down my face.
He looks at me and then he kisses me.
It was long and by now he is holding me.
This is everything ive ever wanted.
We finally break apart.
He holds me tighter.
I love you kara danvers.
I love you barry allen.

i added all that bc we need it.
I love being single uhgg.
But i hoped yall missed me 😛
More coming soon!! Be sure to check out my other fanfics 💘💘

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