Not just some passing trend: a phanfiction

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"Please make sure your seats are in the full upright position, your tray tables are up, and your electronics are all turned off. We will begin our descent shortly." The flight attendant finished her instructions as she started to check to see if anyone was following them. I closed up my 3DS, saving my animal crossing game and sat back in my chair. Others around me were sleeping, but even though it was so late, I could not sleep. First of all, how are you supposed to sleep on a plane with all the turbulence, lights, people, lack of room, etc. Second of all, my leg was too busy tapping in excitement for me to get a bit of rest even if I was in my bed or somewhere else comfortable.  

I was just so excited to be returning back from Florida because I would get to see Dan again! I felt so terrible when I was listening to the radio show he did without me this week, and wished I was there by his side instead of on the phone with him. 

After a short while, the plane landed and I began the tedious process of getting my things together and waiting to get off the plane. I left, walking onto real floors again in the aeroport and going outside to hail a cab. I made Dan promise that he would not come get me, the aeroport's an hour from home and its already two in the morning, besides, that just makes the reunion all the better.  

I finally arrived home and opened the door to find Dan on the couch, sleeping, his laptop open on his lap. I went over to him and picked up his laptop(it was on tumblr, go figure), shutting it down for him. This woke him up, groaning "ughh, Phil, im tired now" then sat up and looked at me "PHILYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! You're home!". Dan jumped up and  wrapped his arms around me. I found his lips and proceeded to kiss him, placing my hands on is adorably dimpled cheeks as he pulled me closer. I broke the kiss, nuzzling into his neck. 

"I missed you soooo much Dan, I thought that I couldn't live another day without your devious little smile" I pulled away to look him in the eyes, my hands keeping contact on his waist. "You look exausted Dan, and im pretty wiped from my plane ride, c'mon, lets go sleep on a real bed, none of this silly couch stuff." Dan looked at me with sleep deprived eyes and I moved to grab his hand and intertwined my pale fingers with his beautifully tanned ones, leading him down to my bedroom (we swapped all the time but I wanted my own bed tonight). I lay him down, grabbing his blanket from his room as well as my own (wow, he must'a really missed me!) and lay down with him, covering us with the two comforters. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned into me, his head resting in the crook of my neck as we fell asleep together. 


Hello Lovelies!  Please vote/ comment, whatever you want. Sorry, i was going to make something out of this, but i just decided to keep it a one shot, if you have any suggestions though, please message me



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