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Katie's POV

Finally, today was the last day of sophomore year, and I was happy that it was finally summer.

Well, almost summer; I'm still in last period.

"Now remember, you should study math as often as you can during the summer, because it's very important..." my math teacher went on and on about how important math was, but all I cared about was the clock hitting 3:00 PM.

And then finally, the clock hit 3 PM.

"Have a safe summer everyone! And don't forget about our contest to win a trip to go anywhere! See you all next year!" Our teacher exclaimed as everyone ran out the door. Before I left, I grabbed an exchange form just in case.

"Hey Katie!" My friend, Flora, called out as I walked down the hallway.

"Hey Flora," I greeted as I opened my locker and began to clean it out.

"Are you excited for summer?" Flora asked as she leaned against the locker next to mine.

I shrugged. "Kinda. I don't have too many plans, I just know I'm going to Woodward again this year and hanging out at home."

Flora nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm going to Woodward too but I'm not sure. I'm just glad that we're finally done with trigonometry."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "I liked trig."

"What is wrong with you? Trig was hard," Flora whined as I closed my locker and left it for the summer.

"Trig was easy," I replied as we laughed.

"Whatever you say, Katie-Kat," Flora giggled once we got outside to the car line.

"You're staying over tonight right?" I asked as my mom's car pulled up.

"Yeah, unless you don't want me too," Flora answered with a small laugh as she put her mellophone in my mom's trunk.

"Hey girls, how was the last day of sophomore year?" Mom asked when we got in the car.

"It was good," Flora replied. "I'm so glad we're gonna be juniors next year!"

"Me too, juniors get to do more stuff," I added.

"But then you have to start thinking more about colleges," Mom pointed out.

"I'm hopefully going to Stanford," Flora said. "It's where both my parents went."

"I don't know where I want to go yet, or what I want to be for that matter," I said as we pulled into our driveway (we lived really close to school).

"You should go into photography, you're really good at taking pictures," Flora suggested as we walked into my house.

I shrugged. "Maybe. I just haven't thought of anything, to be honest. It's gonna be a big and hard decision, deciding on what I want to do with the rest of my life."

"True, but you should start thinking; the future will be here sooner than later," Flora said as she pulled out her mellophone and started warming up.

I titled my head in her direction. "Do you have to play that thing here?"

"Yes, I do, pre camp for marching band starts next and I have to be prepared," Flora explained before she continued to play.

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