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Katie's POV

"How do you feel, Kate?" Mom asked once I was awake from surgery Thursday afternoon.

I shrugged. "Groggy," I muttered.

"That makes sense," Mom said as she rubbed my hand. "Anyway, the doctor said they would discharge us after they check on you once you woke up. I can go get the doctor if you'd like."

I nodded. "Yes please."

Mom left the room for a couple minutes to get the doctor and then came back.

The doctor and one of the nurses checked me and cleared me to go home. They signed my discharge papers and the nurse wheeled me in a wheelchair to Mom's car in the parking lot.

"You want something to eat?" Mom asked.

"No thanks," I replied. "I'll just eat at home."

When we got home, I went to my room and watched Netflix; typically boring Katie.

While I was loading a new Pretty Little Liars episode, my phone buzzed.

I picked it up to see Caleb had texted me; I forgot that I told him I was getting surgery!

I picked it up to see Caleb had texted me; I forgot that I told him I was getting surgery!

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