Chapter Five: The Mystery box.

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Morning, the sky is still orange dark as usually, with the thick fog covering the town of Hanford. Richtofen wakes up from the loud screaming of people being mauled to death from the echos of the town. "Oh how wunderbar, screaming of the weak begging for mercy, that fills joy in mein heart." He gets up and watches the sky. "Mein, it's still dark," he turns to the Mystery box "Ja, zhe mystery box is still here." He pats the box. "You were nothing but trouble to me box, but now I really need you." He pats the box and smiles. A few Zombies began to come over to the Corner where Richtofen is. "Ahhhh, I guess they love me a lot." He pulls out his Bowie knife. "Time to kill mein minions."

At the farm, the crew are ready for their next stop to see Richtofen. "Let's go, all of you." Russman said. "I'm...*YAWN* so tired still." Stuhlinger said getting his weapon. "You can take a nap when we're in the bus Stu, but we have to go see the German." Russman said. "Sure thing. Maybe we can stop at the power plant and turn on the power." Stuhlinger. "Why?" Russman asked. " just we have to, don't you wanna see the light on again? Heh heh." Stuhlinger said nervously. "Okay I guess. Let's go now." The four walk to the bus, Stuhlinger and Russman enter inside. "After you Misty, heh heh..." Marlton said, letting her in first. "Hmmm, why thank you Marlton." Misty said. She grabs Marlton's hand and gets inside the bus, Marlton blushes and is in shocked that she took his hand. "Oh no, touching. I despise touching, all the germs and diseases but she's holding my hand.....she's holding my hand!.......awesome." Marlton said in his mind. "Ready for your next journey you people?" The robot bus driver. "Yeah yeah, takes us already." Stuhlinger said. "Next stop, blood city!" The bus honks and begins to move. "Can't you go a little faster you hunk of junk?!" Stuhlinger said frustrating. "Do not upset the robot Stuhlinger." Marlton said. "Oh come on, robots don't have feelings Darlington." Stuhlinger said. He hits the robot in the head. "Come on go faster!" The robot turns to Stuhlinger with red lights. "Keep fucking with me Asshole and you're going to get it." The robot said. "What the Fuck!?" Stuhlinger said angrily.Russman approaches to him"Calm down Stu, let the r..." CLANK! Stuhlinger punches the robot in the head. "No one calls me a Asshole you fucker!" He said pissed off. The robot turn back to Stuhlinger and it's eyes turn bright red. It turn back driving faster. "That's what I thought!" Stuhlinger said. "Hey I can see the power planet." Misty said. "Good now we go turn on the power" The bus doesn't stop, it still keeps going. "Hey we're here?..." Stuhlinger try's to open the door, "what the?!" "Is it stuck?" Russman asked. "No it's locked! What the hell?!" The robot passes the power plant and heads to the town. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?" Stuhlinger yelled. "I told you don't fuck with me." The robot bus driver said. "You son of..." "come on Stu, let it go." Russman said putting his hand on his shoulder. "Mmmmmm fine!" Stuhlinger said. "Idiot." Misty said from the back, Stuhlinger didn't hear. "I say." Marlton said. "I can see the light, it must be at the town." Misty said. "Well good. Maybe we can see that German again." "I don't know..." Marlton said, he shakes a little in fear. "What's wrong Marlton? You're shaking?" Misty asked. " just that I don't trust that German doctor, I don't know what he is or where he came from, but he's insane and dangerous." Marlton said. "Look..." Misty touches his shoulder "just don't get near okay, you'll be okay Marlton." Misty said smiling. Marlton feels a little bit of relief but also nervous for Misty touching him. "Thanks Misty.....heh heh..." Marlton said. HONK HONK! "Looks like we' here." Russman said.

The crew have arrived to the town, only to see lava in the intersection of the road and burning buildings. They all got off the buss"There's the light." Stuhlinger said, seeing the light. "Where?" Marlton asked. "It's behind in the right side of that building in the corner." Misty said. "Where is that crazy German? He did told us to come here." "OH HEY!" Richtofen yelled over the corner where the mystery box is. Everyone see him. "Come here all of you! I'm so glad you could make it ha ha." Richtofen said smiling evilly crazy. "What the hell happened to you?!" Misty asked looking at his uniform. Richtofen is covered in blood, blood stains in his clothes. "Oh.....well I was 'playing' with mein minions ha ha." "Playing?" Marlton asked in confused. "Oh ya..." he pulls out his Bowie knife and licks the blade covered in blood, "I was playing with them ya." Everyone freaked out a little. Stuhlinger see the mystery box and looks confused. "What's that box?" He asked. "We came all the way for a box? You gotta be fucking kidding me." Misty said. Richtofen chuckle. "You stupid Americans don't understand this box Ja?" He said in a smug way. "What is it?" Russman asked. Richtofen look to the left then to his right. "Shhhhhhhh......" he said shushing. He place his hand on the mystery box with him facing the others. He opens it. The tune of a child music box comes from the box as guns to appear in the air from the box. The four back up in fear while Richtofen stands beside the box smiling devilish. Soon the tune stop with a S-12 shotgun appears. "Ahhhh a weapon. Farm girl come get it please." Richtofen said to Misty. "What?! Me?" Misty asked in a little fear"Ja. Lady's first ha ha" Richtofen said. Misty approach to the box and grabs the S-12. She holds it and study it a bit "'s some sort of assault a AK." "Actually It's the S12 semi automatic shotgun Misty. It's a very classic Russian weapon with the damage of 270-23x4, the fire rate of 468 Revolutions per minute, size of magazine is 10 and the mobility is medium." Marlton said. "Wow really? Automatic shotgun, sweet!" Misty said proudly. "Your turn Samuel." Richtofen said. "Uhhhhh?.....I...don't know..." Stuhlinger said nervously and amazed to see such thing that's unbelievable. Richtofen opens the box again, guns to appear again. The tune stop with a executioner appears. "Oh what?!" Stuhlinger said in surprise. He goes to the box and take the executioner.
"Oh yeah! This is definitely going to kill these rotten gobblers for good." He said with confidence and pride. "This defines all laws of physics and reasons. Not even science can explain about this." Marlton said in amazed and shock. Richtofen smirked and rolled his eyes on Marlton's comment, but he was right. Richtofen always believed in science but ever since he discovered the box it blew his mind. "Russman, you're turn." Richtofen said. "Mmmm don't know if I should, Russman has bad feeling about this magic box." Russman said in a worried. "Don't you want to have a new gun Russ?" Stuhlinger said. "Well.....yeah...." "Then go for it." Stuhlinger said. Richtofen opens the box again. The tune stops with a MTAR in the air. "Well look at that." Russman takes the MTAR. "Well this will be better than the crappy rifle." He said. "Now it's yours turn boy." Richtofen said to Marlton. "Mmmmmm....." Marlton feels uncomfortable with this happening. He thinks this all a dream but it all feels too real for him. "This can't be real. This has to be a dream!" He said in his mind. "HEY!" Richtofen said loudly. Marlton jump in spook a little "Ahhh what!?" He replied back. "Ready?" Richtofen said in a corky way. He opens the box and guns appears again in the air inside the box. The tune stop, a RPD machine gun appears. "Oh my." Marlton said in surprise. He takes the weapon "The Soviet RPD light machine gun with a 100-round 7.62mm drum magazine...I will not be changing clips very often ha ha." Marlton said. "What a Nerd." Richtofen said in his mind. "Okay now, do you all love your toys?" Richtofen said. "Oh hell yes!" Stuhlinger said holding the executioner. "Yup." Misty said taking aim with her S-12. "Fuck yeah!" Russman said checking the clip. "I suppose I am happy that this box gave me a better advantage weapon." Marlton said. "Good! Now it's Mein turn! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Richtofen laugh evilly as he opens the box with his foo. "Come on Ray gun, Come on Ray gun!" Richtofen said excited as grips his hands waiting for the Ray Gun. "Ray gun?" Marlton said in his head. The tune stop with Ballistic knife. Richtofen smile turn frown upside down. "Ehhhhhh...." he takes the basaltic knife, "Vhat is this?" He asked even though he knows what it is. "That is the ballistic knife. A single hit fired as when used to melee. The magazine size is one, the amount of ammo it carries is four and its has a high mobility." Marlton said. "Oh Veally?..." Richtofen said in a scratching tone."Damn Marlton, you know a lot about guns." Misty said, she's impressed with Marlton knowledge of facts and techniques of weapons and knives. "Why of course. It's always good to know a-* THACK! "AAUUH?!?!" The ballistic knife almost hit close to Marlton's head. Richtofen is pissed off and breathing heavy. "What the Fuck!?!?" Misty yelled at Richtofen. "Whoa man..." Stuhlinger said, "you need to calm dow..." "HOW DARE ZHIS BOX GIVES ME A USELESS TOOL!!!" Richtofen said loudly. He opens the box again. "Do not toy with me box!" Richtofen said. The tune stop and an teddy bear appears in the box with a creepy laugh of child. "A teddy bear!?!?" Misty said. Richtofen smiled very devilishly with his eyes twitching and his teeth cringing. He got on his knees. Then the box begins to float up in the air. "Holy Shit!?" Stuhlinger said in shock. "That.....that's the devil's box!" Russman said in fear. "BYE BYE......." a creepy voice said. "What!?!?" Marlton said. The box begins to spin around and disappears in the air. "Heh heh...." Richtofen chuckles. Everyone looked at him. "Uhhhhh?...." Stuhlinger said. "Mmmm, you all now zee vhat is happening Ja?" Richtofen said. " you know what's going on?...." Russman asked in a little fear. "Of course, I'm zhe doctor ya? Believe me, I know vhat is going on here haha. That's vhy I'm going to fix it." Richtofen said smiling evilly. "Well....maybe you....if you....can help us..." Stuhlinger said nervously. "Oh joy!" Richtofen said happily. "Mmmm if you know what's really going on then maybe we can have you to help us. Seeing this shit happened makes me feel....feel....mmmm weird." Misty said. "Mmmm you mean crazy ya?" Richtofen said devilish. Misty couldn't reply back to that. "Now then," he holds his wunderwaffe, "if you all wish to survive zhis apocalypse that has brought zhese beautiful undead creatures from zhe ground, I say you do vhat I say okay. Unless....." Richtofen said. "Unless what?" Marlton asked. "Unless you vant to go your own separate way and get killed by zhe zombies that are dying to eat you beautiful delicious flesh.....mmmmm, flesh." Richtofen said. The four couldn't say anything to him, they were quiet. "Guten!" Richtofen said. He goes to intersection. "Ahhh! Zhe beautiful bodies." He looks at the bodies in the streets. "So....uhhhh Richtofen?" Stuhlinger said. "Ja iz mein name." Richtofen said jokingly. "So do you what we're going to do? How are we going to get out of this town? Stuhlinger said. "Ja. All ve need to do is get out of zhis town." Richtofen said smiling. "Like how though?" Stuhlinger asked. Richtofen puts his hand on his shoulder and brings him closer to him "uhhhhh?" Stuhlinger sputtering nervously. "I know vhat I'm doing okay..." Richtofen said, he pulls out his Hitler Youth knife, "believe me mein dear boy, I do." Richtofen said very creepy. He let's go of him.

Meanwhile the other three are still unsure about what just happened. "I don't believe this." Misty said. "Either do I." Marlton said. "This has to be a nightmare but it's all too real." Russman said, he starts to walk away. "Where are you going?" Misty asked. "To see Stu. I need make sure he's okay." Russman said. He leaves them in the back. "You know what Marlton." Misty said. "Yes?" Marlton said. "This making feel confused and weird. Either I'm dreaming or knock out." Misty said. "I do have the same feeling like you." Marlton said. "All this magic and weird shit that's going on." Misty said. "I wouldn't say magic but I..." "Marlton you just saw a box that had millions of guns floating in the air and a teddy bear and it disappears. How can 'science' explain that?" Misty said. Marlton looked at her surprise but she had a point. "'re right. Even I don't have solution to explain about all this." Marlton said. "Exactly, but between you and me..." Misty signals to Marlton to come closer to her. "Yeah?" Marlton said. "...I don't like that German." Misty said. "I can see that. Even I despise him as well." Marlton said. "I think he's up to something. All this shit that's happening like that magic box, I bet this has to do something with him. He probably know what's going on." Misty said. "Mmmm I can see what your explaining to me. He knows what's going on." Marlton said. "Let's watch out for him, you and me. Stuhlinger and Russman already trust him, but I don't, either do you right?" Misty asked. "Of course not, I don't know him and I will not trust him, but I agree with you. We will watch out for him." Marlton said. "Awesome," Misty pats his back, "I knew I can count on ya." She said. "Yeah heh touching ha ha.....ehhhhh..." Marlton said nervously as Misty pats his back, he blushes a little. "YOO WHO!!!" Richtofen waving his arm to called out for Misty and Marlton. "What!" Misty said. "Farm girl, Nerd boy, come over here now! I have something to tell you guys!" Richtofen said. "Nerd?..." Marlton said in shocking disappointment. "Don't worry about Marlton,let's go see what he wants." Misty said. "I.....umm....okay." Marlton said as he couldn't say anything to that. He was no stranger being called nerd for he been called a nerd his whole life, he's used to it but it gets annoying when he hears it. Misty and Marlton meets him up with the rest. "Guten. Now you two are here it's time to tell my plans vith you all!" Richtofen said. "What plan?" Misty asked."Vell zhe first priority is ve must turn on zhe power."

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