The Bar

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Kara POV

I arrived at the bar first I see Winn and James now

Kara: Hey Guys

*hugs them*

Winn: hey Kara

James: hey

Kara: I've missed you guys

James: we've missed you too

Winn: hey Alex and Maggie

*They all hug then Winn tries to hug Maggie*

Maggie: touch me and I'll stab you

*Winn throws hands up in surrender*

Kara: hahahah- um hey Lena!

Lena: Hey eveybody

*They all sit and talk Kara can't stop staring at Lena though and it's getting a little obvious and Maggie says something*

Maggie: Kara
No Answer

Maggie: hey Kara
Still no answer

Maggie: KARA

Kara: huh... What

Maggie: come here real quick

Kara: ok

*They make there way to the pool table*

Maggie: Kara are you ok?

Kara: yes, why?

Maggie: nothing you just kind of dazed out over there I was just wondering

Kara: no I'm fine

*Walks back over to the group*

Alex: and then Kara tells hi-

Kara: don't finish that sentence or I'll punch you

Alex: alright alright

Lena: aww come on she was just getting to the good part *giggling*

James: let's play team pool Me and Winn vs Alex and Maggie vs Kara and Lena

Alex: y'all are going down

*After what seems like endless rounds of pool they all had shots and of course Kara can't get drunk so she just sat around and drunk with them. She made sure Maggie and Winn didn't drink so much so they could drive Alex and James home safely.*

Kara: we haven't had fun like this in a while

Alex: sssssssssuureeeeee haaaaaaavent

Maggie: it's time to go Winn and James come on

James: nnnnooooo I'm having fun

Maggie: we'll continue this on game night next week

Kara: ok, Lena let's go

*Kara takes Lena to her car only after realizing she shouldn't be driving she asks Lena for the keys because she doesn't want anything to happen to her*

Kara: give me the keys Lena

Lena: okayyyyyy

*On the way back to Lena's house Lena falls asleep in the seat next to Kara then they stop at a red light and Kara just admires they dark color of Lena's hair and her strong check bones looking so sharp Kara catches her self staring when she realizes cars behind her are honking and yelling. She then proceeds to Lena's condo. Kara then open the car door for Lena and telling her to get yo then realizing Lena can barely walk so she picks her and walks her into the house.*

Lena: wow Kara I didn't know you were so strong *squeezing Kara's arm*

Kara: *blushing* I do hit the gym alot

*Kara outs her down in her bed and starts to realize she can't leave her like that so she asks Lena to change into her pajamas she just moans a sigh and Kara is kind of now forced into changing her Kara is uncomfortable doing this until she sees Lena's half-naked body in just her undergarments she then hurries and dresses her in a sleeping gown then tucks her in her bed. Kara starts to leave then-*

Lena: Kara where are are you going

Kara: I have to get home

Lena: okayyyyyy seeeeee yaaaaa

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