Cursed Of the Moon

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Cursed Of the Moon

(Short story)

Marcus’s POV

“Please sir, listen to me…”

The middle aged man kept on urging me to change my decision, trying to influence me to stop being so stubborn and reckless like a young man, inappropriate to a twenty nine year old, even my mother do the same thing only father had given up hope on taming me a long time ago. I stared out on the vast landscape before me thinking if there is something out there waiting for me to find. As crazy as it seems I don’t have the slightest idea why I have been forever restless, for one thing I have a difficulty listening to people and staying in one place without moving. Someone had told me before I was a lost soul, a soul who never rest without finding one important thing on his life. I’ve laughed hard with the notion but only because it had hit so close to home. I hated to admit that they were right.

“Sir, reconsider madams request, stay for a month. You all need to have this trip together, your mother is ill she needed you most for your father needed to attend some things—“ The old man had been wiping off his sweat on his brow with a handkerchief, with a winced he stops in mid sentence when I spoke louder than he expected to hear.

“I very well known what my father does, Gilbert. There is no reason for you to remind me of that.”

“Yes, but it seems you needed to be reminded of this sort of things often…” The old man barely mumbled the words but I still heard them well but said nothing. He was right, I can always help my father run things on the family, help lessen the load of things but I can’t and I won’t.

“Enjoy the place sir with your mother. Visit the town and meet new people, you might find something that your heart desire.”

The words exactly hit the nerve. Again he was right and it was so hard to accept what they knew to be true. For God, I have been searching something I yearn but didn’t know exactly what, I have been stranded for a long time with nowhere to go and I am so tired with myself that I want to give up.

The man was much pleased when I decided then to give it a try. One month for my mother's sake and then I’ll leave.

“Sit down Marcus.” My mother commanded me in a cheerful elegant way of her own. She was barely in her fifty, frail and ill, she had been trying so hard to conceal her paleness putting on so much make up that I wasn’t used seeing her on, for some reason I didn’t even remember my mother’s face without them. Her auburn hair was tied in a secured chignon she closed the book she was reading and stared me down with her green glassy eyes. She was obviously battling herself if she needs to remind me of the dare time ahead, but decided against it instead she too brought out the thing I didn’t want to hear.

“My dear boy, how long should I wait for you to give me a grandchild?” She sighed over dramatically that anyone who had been watching could have sympathized with her.

“Mother, please…”

“Nonsense!” She said trying so hard to appear annoyed. “If there is a reason for you to be rooted in one place it’s when you settle down and makes a family of yourself.” She reminded me. “I am worried about you Marcus if only I know what you’re searching for.” She said barely murmuring the words and uncertainty sketched on her beautiful face.

“Mother I’m perfectly fine.” I lied.

“You are just like your father, always making it seem perfect even if it’s not.”

I hated when she talks this way, it’s as if she’s trying so hard making things right knowing that tomorrow she won’t be here to help anymore.

“Mom, you’ll be fine.”

“No no, we’re not talking about me here.”

I heaved a sigh.

“It’s decided, you’re coming with me.” She stood up and dropped her book on the chair but before walking out she whirled around and for a surprising moment her eyes looked wistfully.

“Marcus, there is something I want to tell you first.”

I stared at her unable to utter a word because at that moment she wasn’t staring at me like her old self, it was like I was looking at the real woman before she had me brought to the world, the woman my father fell in love with.

“Whatever I show you and tell you from this point on, I wish it helps you find what you are searching for.” She walked briskly out of the parlor preventing me from asking questions. I followed and decided for the first time to follow her command as if I was compelled to.

She walked all the way out with a renewed strength that even my father would be surprise to witness. She denied her maid to assist her and whisked her away with a flicker of her hand without looking back certain I will not try to run away this time. I was half expecting her to fall right then to shout for help but she didn’t, I had to jog myself to keep up with her.

“Where are we going? Don’t we need the couch to travel? I’m concerned on your health mother.”

“Don’t bother my boy, I’m well aware of my own strength, I’m capable of walking this short distance.”

It turns out the short distance needs a lot of walking in the wilderness, I spent a whole lot of time cursing and asking myself why I even agreed on this, if she fell and break her neck my father will skin me or worse! I didn’t even know how long we’ve been walking, her gown had begun to crumple its hem dirty, and never mind that I was soaking in sweat and bloody tired. But the older woman didn’t show any sign of stopping yet nor uttering a word to me, I was worried on what this would do to her fragile health. I watched her ascend and helped her through rocks and fallen trees offering to stop and rest but my mother denied even a single minute to waste.

“We’re almost there.” She said panting.

“Mother, where are you taking me?”  It had been the fifth times I repeated the same question but again didn’t hear the answer. She stopped and pointed her forefinger towards a cluster of trees ahead. I stared expecting someone or something lurking in there to come out.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Your father and mines secret my son.”


“Come.” She hurriedly said and moved forward without waiting for me. The shadows on the side of that place made the hair on the back of my neck stood, there was something in here, an eerily feeling that I hate to admit, but I watched my mother go through them and with a swallow of dread I followed behind. She quickly disappeared behind the thickened that did a somersault to my heart, I was about to call her back when I too stepped out of the darkness.

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