The boy who cried hell hound

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Silent whispers, episode 2 "The boy who cried Hell Hound"

(Starts off showing Clavis Dux playing out in a open field)
Clavis Dux: hahaha, hello butterfly
(Clavis Dux starts chasing the butterfly)
Clavis Dux: hey where are you going buddy?
Unknown voice: hello Clavis, I'm over here
Clavis Dux: (said to himself) huh sounds like a woman's voice, it sounds familiar, hello who's there
Unknown voice: come here
(Clavis Dux runs out from around a corner of trees)
Clavis Dux: (gasp) mom, dad
(Clavis runs up and hugs them)
Clavis Dux: I I... I thought you were dead, oh how I missed you
Angel: we missed you too honey
Henry: we would never leave you
Clavis Dux: I've been so lonely without you guys
Angel: oh baby, we love you so much, never forget that
Henry: you will never be alone, we are always here for you
Clavis Dux: come I have a lot I want to tell you about, I've met a pixie, haha her name is Pixxy by the way and....
Henry: I'm sorry son we cant
Clavis Dux: why not dad?
Angel: cause we can't leave, we are only a figment of your imagination
Clavis Dux: No! You, you cant be just a figment, you just can't!
Angel: I'm sorry sweetie
Henry: but you will still never be alone, we are right here
(Henry points to Clavis's heart)
Henry: we are alive in your mind, and we love you dearly
Clavis Dux: no no no, this cant be a dream
Angel: listen
(Clavis hears the sound of something splashing around)
Clavis Dux: uh what was that
Henry: ha from the sounds of it you're gonna have a nasty wake up
(Everything goes white)
Pixxy: wake up sleepy head wake up, I don't want to have to do this, actually I would love to do it but that's not the point...
(Clavis Dux quickly opens his eyes to see Pixxy standing over him with a bucket of water)
Clavis Dux: (leans over and grabs his glasses) were you gonna dump that on me? (Sounding all disgusted)
Pixxy: what who me I would neve...
(Clavis raised his eye brow)
Pixxy: ok yes, I was gonna, I might not now though
Clavis Dux: might not?
Pixxy: ok I lied I'm still gonna do it
Clavis Dux: No! You're not
Pixxy: fine (rolls her eyes) here you're gonna need this for hell hound hollow.
(Pixxy tosses a axe at Clavis's tail, Clavis Dux jumped)
Clavis Dux:Ahhhh! you almost hit me! I'd really rather not become de-tailed!
Pixxy: oh lighten up it was only a centimeter away, you're fine ya big baby
(Deliela comes running in)
Deliela: I heard a scream, is everyone ok?
Clavis Dux: she nearly hit me with a axe
Pixxy: I tossed the axe to where it was sitting a centimeter away from him, you're welcome Clavis
Clavis Dux: for what!
Pixxy: for making the axe easy to reach
Clavis Dux: reach...
Deliela: Enough!
(John woke up)
Deliela: we are going to have a good stinkin day, ok?
Pixxy: uhh....
Deliela: okay!
Clavis Dux: yes mam
Deliela: Pixxy!
Pixxy: uh... Ok
Deliela: that's better
John Bleu: hey you woke Steve
Deliela: hay is for horses, now get up and ready you guys, Clavis you need to make that remedy for John
Clavis Dux: yes mam
Deliela: Pixxy let's head out and go shopping, when we get back Clavis should have the remedy done
Pixxy: yes mam
Deliela: now I'm going to get ready
Clavis Dux: well I guess I better get that mixture going for John
Pixxy: while you are doing that Deliela and I will head over to the mall
Deliela: we will be back soon
Clavis Dux: alrighty then will do
(Pixxy and Deliela leave)
(Clavis picks up the letter with the recipe on it to disguise Brimm blood)
Clavis Dux: ok wait here while I collect ingredients
John Bleu: ok, Steve and I will find something to do
Clavis Dux: how about you make the bed while I'm gone, think of it as a mission.
John Bleu: (sigh) ok, but I'm gonna take my sweet time doing it
(Clavis gave him a un-approving look)
Clavis Dux: just make sure it gets done
(Clavis leaves)
John Bleu: ok Steve what shall we do first
Steve: chirp
John Bleu: that sounds like so much fun!
(Goes over to Deliela and Pixxy)
(Pixxy and Deliela riding in the vehicle to the mall)
Pixxy: you know wouldn't you drive better if you had a personalized license plate?
Deliela: hahaha I would think so cause later I will still be able to remember the license plate "baybee".
Pixxy: hahaha hey baybee get off my bumper
Deliela: well this is defiantly a interesting way to start off a trip to the mall.
(Goes over to Clavis, in the woods)
Clavis Dux: ok so we need sugar, high bush berries and some crystal blood.
Clavis Dux: huh I wonder what crystal blood is?
Unknown: ahh help me I'm bleeding!
(Clavis looks over)
Clavis Dux: oh perfect
(Clavis reaches over and grabs the crystal)
Crystal: no wait I'm blee(muffled sound)(Clavis puts the crystal in a sack)
Clavis Dux: now I only need 2 ingredients
(A spider falls down in front of Clavis)
Spider: why hello there I am.....
(Clavis punches the spider on to the ground and squishes it)
Clavis Dux: eww I hate spiders (shivers)
(Then he sets a match on fire and drops it on the squished spider)
Clavis Dux: there now it's for sure dead
(Clavis finishes collecting ingredients and heads home)
(Clavis walks into the room John was in)
Clavis Dux: whaaaaaaa.......wha..what happened?
John Bleu: what do you mean?
Clavis Dux: I mean why is the lamp smashed on the floor, what happened to the carpet and why is it sticky, and where did the bed even go?
John Bleu: oh that, well you see here, this giant 8ft monster busted in through that wall, and and and he (scanning the room) aha and he broke into the syrup container and....
Clavis Dux: why would a monster need syrup? (said with a disapproving look)
John Bleu: well you see this 8in monster and his buddy...
Clavis Dux: there were 2 monsters and the one that broke in shrank?
John Bleu: uhhhhh yeah monsters you know well they can grow and shrink if they want too, I told them No, but did they listen nooooooo, his buddy threw syrup on the floor and the 7ft dude took off with the bed out of range and throw it in a river far far away, yep that's how it all went down. (Said with a grin)
Clavis Dux: oh really (said in unbelief) is that river by any chance that kitty pool down there?
John Bleu: it's not my fault they don't know the difference between a river and a pool, pfft big old dumb dumbs.
Clavis Dux: come on let's hurry and clean this up before Pixxy and Delie....
(Before Clavis could finish his sentence Pixxy and Deliela walk in the room)
Deliela: I can't believe you got us banned from the mall
Clavis Dux: so why are you guys back so early?
Pixxy: well.....
(Flash back to the mall parking lot)
Pixxy: hey wanna see something funny?
Deliela: sure, what are you going to do?
Pixxy: I'm gonna scare the next person that walks in front of the car by hitting the horn
Deliela: isn't that a little bit mean?
Pixxy: nah it's all fun and games, oh shhh here comes someone
(A little old lady stepped In from of Pixxy's car)
(Pixxy slammed the horn causing a loud startling honk)
Deliela: uh I you just killed that little old lady!
Pixxy: pfft oh she'll be fine.
Deliela: go check!
Pixxy: (unhappy look) fine I will
Pixxy: uhhhhh
Deliela: what?
Pixxy: um well it turns out she is dead
Random person: what you just killed that woman!
Random person2: I'm calling the police!
(Pixxy and Deliela start speeding off in the car)
Deliela: uh I think I see police lights, we better pull over.
Pixxy: ugh fine
(Police man walks up to car)
Police: mam did you just kill a old woman with a practical joke?
Pixxy: yeah uh..... Want a doughnut?
Deliela: they've got sprinkles
Police:(with a raised brow) is this a bribe little missy?
Pixxy: well... It's only a bribe if you accept.
Deliela: and they've got jelly filling inside
Police: what type of jelly
Deliela: well what's your favorite type of jelly?
Police: cranberry
Pixxy: well that's what's in there
Police: (sounding exited) oh gimme gimme gimme, uh I mean you know for evidence (back to a serious tone)
Deliela: if we give you one are we off the hook?
Police: uh let me think, no
Pixxy: oh screw this I'm out of here, later sucker (Pixxy guns it off the road and as she flies past the unknown person she leans out the car)
Pixxy: hey jerk look at this!
(Unknown person quickly covers the eyes of her kids)
Pixxy: oh snap, there's kids, oh well
Child: momma why did you cover our eyes?
Unknown person: no reason Timmy no reason
Deliela: wow did you really just do that, there was kids around
Pixxy: nah they dont know what that gesture means anyways, plus it was kind of a accident
Deliela: what happens at the mall stays at the mall
Pixxy: haha right
(Flashback ends)
Pixxy: uh no reason
Deliela: I still can't believe you stuck your tongue out at that lady and her kids, real mature
Pixxy: pfft whatever, like I said those kids are to young to know that, that is a rude gesture
Pixxy: uh hey why is the room a mess?
Clavis Dux: uh well, no reason
John Bleu: what happens when you're gone stays when you're gone
Deliela: hmmm ok then
Clavis Dux: let's get the mix together and bathe John in it
John Bleu: ahhh I hate baths!
Pixxy: too bad, you need one (leans closer to John and whispers) but you know your brother needs one way worse than you.
John Bleu: hehehe he does doesn't he
(Clavis with his back turned to them)
Clavis Dux: I can still hear you!
Pixxy: rats well that happened
Clavis Dux: hey Pixxy is there going to be a whole lot of these little crude comments on this journey?
Pixxy: uh yeah dork, what do you expect from me, perfect rainbows and sunshine?
Clavis Dux: that's it how about you stay here ok
Pixxy: ha yeah I'd like to see that, you wouldn't survive a day
Clavis Dux: I could survive
Pixxy: a little bird told me you smashed and burned Charlotte the talented and friendly spider, thanks to you her show had to be cancelled, plus also you set her on fire in a dry brush zone, burney the badger would not approve!
(Shows burney the badger shaming a kid in a commercial)
Burney the badger: hi I'm burney the badger and I do not approve of this message.
(Goes back to clavis and Pixxy)
Clavis Dux: pfft that was a accident
Pixxy: ah right which part was the accident, the part that you smashed her or that you burned her corpse?
John Bleu: Clavis can Pixxy please come with us, pretty pretty please, see even Steve is begging
Deliela: she will be quite helpful to us
Clavis Dux: (unhappily said) fine, but we need to work like a team ok!
Pixxy: alrighty sounds like a plan sir brimmwald
Clavis Dux: (sigh) it's just Brimm
John Bleu: brrr is it just me or is it cold in here
Clavis Dux: just go stand in a corner, they're usually about 90°
Deliela: oh haha funny smart guy, but seriously it feels like fall is coming, we need to make sure that we have a warm spot to stay tonight in the next town.
Pixxy: yeah this forrest gets really weird weather, you never want to just stay outside at night, one minute it's a desert next its snow and ice as far as the eye can see.
Clavis Dux: there we go, let's bathe John
John Bleu: uh no wait I'm I'm uh... Allergic to that stuff, um you know whatever that stuff is
(Deliela picks up John)
Clavis Dux: you really need to stop lying, one of these days no one will believe you when you do finally tell the truth
John Bleu: fine, but it's Steve's fault, he made me do it
(Steve frowned)
(They bathed John in the mixture)
John Bleu: ok I'm clean now, can I please go play in the mud
Deliela: no!
John Bleu: but...
Pixxy: no buts
John blue: hehehe you said butt
Clavis Dux: shall we head out the door?
(They all head out, a few hours later)
Deliela: ugh I'm getting hungry, is there any food here?
Clavis Dux: well there are some high bush berries over there if you want to eat them
Deliela: are they safe
Clavis Dux: yes they're safe
(Deliela walks over and grabs some and starts eating)
Deliela: oh yuck! They're bitter
(Deliela notices John staring at her)
Deliela: what are you looking at
John Bleu: I don't know but it's looking right back at me
Deliela: oh haha very funny (sarcastic tone)
Clavis Dux: oh hey look at that bird in the tree there, its one of my favorite types of birds, (baby talk type voice) aren't you a pretty bird, yes you are yes you are.
Bird: freak
Deliela: hahahaha (gasping for air) oh Clavis you should have seen your reaction (mimicking Clavis) oh hey pretty bird what sound do you make, is it like a cheep cheep (mimicking the bird) freak, hahaha wow
Clavis Dux: oh ha ha (sounding unamused)
Pixxy: you will most likely see tons of weird things on this trip, so be careful
(All of a sudden 2 men jump out in front of them)
Unknown 1: hand over the trail mix and no one gets hurt
Deliela: sorry we don't have any, you want some berries?
Unknown 2: dang it I knew we should have raided those hippies instead
Unknown 1: yeah I guess, those hippies always have the good stuff
Unknown 2: oh well, have a nice day
John Bleu: huh well...
(Pixxy, Clavis, Deliela and John all arrive at hell hound hollow)
(Clavis starts looking around and sees a few kids playing jump rope)
Kids: one, two, Johnny's comin for you, three, four, you better lock your door, five, six, better grab your crucifix, seven, eight, gonna stay up late, nine, ten, never sleep again.
Clavis Dux: huh kinda feels like were in a horror movie or something.
John Bleu: how would you even pronounce the name of this street, mle street maybe?
(A tall dark mysterious man wearing a cloak that made it to where you can't see his face comes up to Pixxy,Clavis,John and Deliela)
Mysterious man: hello welcome to our humble town, hell hound hollow, my name is Shadow, how may I help you.
Pixxy: do you have a place we could stay for the night?
Clavis Dux: oh we don't need a place to stay, were just gonna head on through
Pixxy: but it's getting late
Shadow: she's right, you don't want to lurk around here at night
Clavis Dux: why?
Shadow: the hell hound will slaughter anyone who romes the vast forest at night, so follow me I have a place you can stay
(Shadow goes up ahead)
(Deliela just stands there staring in space)
Pixxy: are you ok?
Deliela: oh hubba buba help I've fallen in love and I can't get up, awe he's just so mysterious!!
Clavis Dux: eww girls, just come on
John Bleu: ahh! Look over there it's a hell hound!
(Everyone jumps and turns to look but see nothing)
John Bleu: hehehe I got you guys
Clavis Dux: that's not funny!
Deliela: seriously you need to quit that!
John Bleu: (sigh) sorry
(They all head off with shadow)
Shadow: well here we are, it's not perfect but it will do
Clavis Dux: oh thank you so much, if you need our help with something we are happy to help
Deliela: oh why yes, many thanks
(John Bleu starts snooping around in rooms)
Deliela: so I was wondering if maybe you could give me.. We... Us a tour of the town?
Shadow: why sure I'd be happy to give you a tour of the town
John Bleu: hey look it looks like the un incredible bulk was in this room, so awesome!
Clavis Dux: John that's rude!
John Bleu: but why, the un incredible bulk is awesome, if it were me I'd think that was a compliment!
John Bleu: I'm gonna go check out the basement
Shadow: NO! I mean uh please don't go in there, it's got a lot of memorabilia in there
Clavis Dux: I'm so sorry sir, we wont go in
Shadow: thank you, I'm gonna go collect firewood, you guys stay here
Deliela: yes sir tall, dark and...
(Pixxy cuts her off)
Pixxy: yeah we'll stay here
(Shadow leaves)
(Clavis stretches out on the old couch)
Clavis Dux: hey guys it's getting pretty late, we should all hit the sack
(Deliela, Pixxy, and John all found places in the living room to sleep)
(All of a sudden)
(Shows Clavis falling out of the sky and landing on the ground)
Clavis Dux:(rubbing his head) ugh where am I?
Unknown: you're in my world kid, aka your worst nightmare, oh btw you have something on your face.... Oooh wait that's apart of your face, ok go back to being confused.
Clavis Dux: what? WHO ARE YOU!?!
Unknown: dear me, I almost forgot you don't know who I am, after all I know so much about you.
Clavis Dux: WHAT! You don't know a thing about me!
Unknown: oh but I do, I know everything about you, you lost your parents at a young age, you have a sister named Deliela and a brother named John, your best friend is named Pixxy, shall I go on?
Clavis Dux: (sounding frightened) have you been following me!?! TELL ME YOUR NAME NOW!
Unknown: well fine if you wanna take the fun out of frightening, my name is tortch.
Clavis Dux: what do you want with me!?!
Tortch: easy easy, you sound like I'm here to kill you, I'm just here to make sure that you remove the barrier.
Clavis Dux: so you're a friend?
Tortch: well that all depends on how you play your cards and what the shadow wishes to be done with you.
Clavis Dux: what do you mean, and who's the shadow, the man we met today?
Tortch: ha ha no this shadow is much uh well hmmm different then the one you've met today. (Said with a grin)
Clavis Dux: what does that mean!?!
Tortch: well not much I can say but I can say this, there will come a day where your enemies will become your friends and your friends your enemies. Psst and by the way, you best wake up and be-careful who you're willing to trust, if I were you I'd trust no one, but hey that's just me (shrugging shoulders)
Clavis Dux: wha....
(Everything goes white and Clavis is awake now)(hears screaming)
Clavis Dux: (whips his head around trying to figure out who was screaming) HEY! Where's John!!
Pixxy: (rubs eyes) he was right here, oh no where did he go!?!
(Hears banging on the door, Clavis flings it open)
John Bleu: Steve and I heard something, it kept saying "come hear, come hear" so we followed the noise to to to edge of the forest and that's where we saw IT!
Clavis Dux: saw what? (Rolling his eyes)
John Bleu: it was the hellhound...
Clavis Dux: I'm getting really tired of these lies JOHN what really happened!?
John Bleu: IM NOT LYING! It was a hellhound, he had no flesh on his face!
Deliela: he had a lot of sugar before bed, he probably imagined the whole thing, he probably saw a creepy tree out there of something..
Pixxy: yeah let's head to bed and continue on in the morning.
John Bleu: ugh but it was true! Steve was there to witness!
Clavis Dux: Bed! Now!
John Bleu: (huffs) fine! But it is true!
(They all go back to sleep)
(Wakes up to a bell type ringing noise outside)
Clavis Dux: huh I wonder what's going on, let's go see.
(They all head to town square)
Woman: he's struck again, the hellhound he's back, he's struck again!
Pixxy: what happened?
Unknown man: the hellhound slaughtered a small girl, are you guys at all by any chance good at hunting monsters?
Clavis Dux: uh well we never tried, plus I mean...
Deliela: we can at least help these people.
Clavis Dux: do what put everyone in danger cause I'm playing detective?
Deliela: please help them, they need help! (Looks at him with pleading eyes)
Clavis Dux: (sigh) fine we'll take the case
Deliela: thank you so much Dux (said with a smile)
(Clavis walks over to where the crime scene is)
Clavis Dux: well I'm not sure what killed her or who, but from the looks of it, it looks like something ripped out her throat and eyes (kneels down and feels her) she feels like she's been dead for a couple of hours
John Bleu: eww I'm scared I knew I saw a hellhound, ain't that right Steve?
Steve: chirp
Clavis Dux: there is no such think as a hellhound, it's merly a myth, so stop lying!
John Bleu: (huff) start believing!
Clavis Dux: can you two please take John back to shadows house, I don't want him having nightmares
Pixxy: sure
Deliela: no prob, come on John
John Bleu: but I don't want to gov
Pixxy: come on
John Bleu: (sigh) fine I'm coming
(The three of them leave)
Clavis Dux: now I can really look.... Hey what's that over there? Is that piece of a chain necklace with a pendant?
(Clavis Dux looking around some more noticing bloody paw prints leading to the forest, he starts following them)
Clavis Dux: huh if I didn't know better I'd say the girl was originally murdered here.... Hmm
(All of a sudden)
Tortch: so Sherlock what did ya find hmm
Clavis Dux: ugh what are you doing here?
Tortch: oh nothing just making sure you know your friends are going to be kidnapped and slaughtered in oh I dunno three days time....(grinning) tick tock brimmwald tick tock...
Tortch: (leaning back against a tree) oh I dunno if I had to guess though you'd better find this killer.
Clavis Dux: (starts shaking tortch) WHO IS THE KILLER YOU DEMON!
Tortch: whoa whoa take it easy Sherlock, just use that big head of yours, I've gotta go now, see ya on the flip side (as he flipped a coin he disappeared)
Clavis Dux: no no no, ugh who could it have been? I know I'll call in a town meeting and meet everyone!
(Clavis runs back to shadows house)
(Clavis busts through the door)
Clavis Dux: is everyone ok? (Breathing heavily)
Pixxy: yeah were fine
Deliela: just playing puzzles
John Bleu: Steve ate a few pieces
Deliela: any breaks in the case?
Clavis Dux: uh no not really yet, uh I want you  guys to um stay by my side though I'm calling in a town meeting to get a better idea of suspects and I want your opinions
John Bleu: AWESOME! Steve and I are gonna be under cover agents, sing it Steve.
Steve: (intense music) chiiiirp chirp ciiiiiiirp chirp chirp chiiiiiiirp!
Pixxy: cool this will be fun
Clavis Dux: wheres shadow?
Deliela: he's in the basement, why?
Clavis Dux: cause I need him to set up the meeting
(Clavis goes and knocks on the basement door)
Clavis Dux: shadow we need you to set up a town meeting (yelled through the door)
Shadow: uh sure thing I'll set it up in a min, just head to town square I'll meet you there (yelled through the door)
Clavis Dux: ok
(They all head out to town square)
(Clavis looks at the crime scene a little more)
Clavis Dux: hmm the bloody paw prints on one of the feet have only three claws hmm.
Clavis Dux: keep an eye on everyone's toes ok you three
Deliela: sure thing
(Everyone starts showing up)
Clavis Dux: so I'm sure you all know why you're here, we have a murder on our hands and among you there is a murderer
(Everyone gasps)
Clavis Dux: I intend to bring justice to this little girl here
Clavis Dux: Pixxy start check feet but be casual
Pixxy: aye aye sir brimmwald I shalt doest tho the deed
(While Pixxy was looking Clavis noticed that the sun was going down and everyone was getting antsy)
Clavis Dux: due to time we shall continue this tomorrow, everyone may go home.
(Everyone heads home)
Pixxy: the man wearing jake on his name tag had only three toes on one foot and pretty badly cut up arms
Clavis Dux: good job my dear watson...
Pixxy: don't call me that!
Clavis Dux: fine, tonight I will go out and snoop at his house
Deliela: ok be safe, tonight I'm gonna go to dinner with eh hem uh ya know shadow, just ya know a casual dinner, nothing fancy..
John Bleu: ooooooooh (his face light up)
Pixxy: awe someone's got it bad for the shadow
Deliela: (red face) pfft what no I uh don't it's just dinner, not anything else
Pixxy: sure thing Casanova hehe
(They all head back to shadows house to re group)
Clavis Dux: ok it's 11:30 I'm gonna go to jakes house and snoop around, I'll be back
Deliela: so you ready shadow, where shall we eat
Shadow: I was thinking a nice I dunno place that serves really good meat
Deliela: hehe ok, behave you two
(The three of them leave)
John Bleu: soooo should we crash their date
Pixxy: uh yeah like totally!!
(Clavis at jakes house)
Clavis Dux: hmm jake isn't home, now is my time to snoop
(Clavis starts snooping through stuff)
Clavis Dux: hmm (sniff sniff) he has awful taste in air fresheners bleh
(Clavis snoops some more)
Clavis Dux: hey who's this in the photo here, where is the skin on his face (shows a framed photo of jake and a faceless friend)
Clavis Dux: maybe John was telling the truth, only got mistaken for what this thing was...(gets a call on his walkie)
Pixxy: (really staticky) help........ Not........think he is......... Basement filled....... (Walkie died)
Clavis Dux: hey hey can you hear me... Ugh nothing it's dead, I need to get back to Pixxy and John!
(Clavis starts running back)
(Shows Deliela and shadow)
Deliela: this a odd restaurant, I mean why is it out in the middle of nowhere and hey where are we
Shadow: shhh my sweetie everything will be fine, there's nothing to fear
Deliela: uh ok, how much further is the restaurant
Shadow: oh don't worry it'll come sooner then you think
(Shows Clavis, Pixxy, and John)
John Bleu: look what I found in the basement when Steve and I were playing
(Clavis walks down the steps into the creepy basement)
Pixxy: down there in that hole
(Clavis looks down)
Clavis Dux: oh no, WHERES DELIELA!
Pixxy: she's out with shadow!
Clavis Dux: come on!
(They all go running out sniffing the ground to find her)
John Bleu: I've I've got her scent come on
(They all run north into the forest)
Clavis Dux: DELIELA!
Pixxy: Deliela where are you
(Shows Deliela and shadow)
Deliela: hey did you hear that (she turns around to see shadow removing his hood)
Shadow: why hello Deliela..... Scared?
Deliela: you're y.y.youre hellhound
Shadow: (grins) my real name is massacre, and yes sweetie I am...
(Shows Clavis Pixxy John and Steve)
Clavis Dux: come on this way!
(They arrived at Deliela and massacre)
Clavis Dux: get away from her you beast!
(Massacre ran over to Clavis cutting him with his claws)
Massacre: come, join me Clavis, be a hellhound
Clavis Dux: what did you do to me (noticing his body was changing)
Massacre: I'm just turning you into a hellhound, you have the potential to be a great murderer, go kill her Clavis kill her
Clavis Dux: (pained voice) how about I kill you, you faceless beast!
(Clavis in full hellhound form lunged at massacre)
(Massacre bites back)
Massacre: haha you'll never win, it's pretty much like dangerous rabies
Clavis Dux: (snarls trying to see and think straight) leave my family alone!
(John picks up Henry's journal that Clavis dropped)
John Bleu: there's gotta be something in here
Steve: chirp chirp
John Bleu: play a soft music tune to calm down a hellhound and put crystal blood in their mouths, hey Clavis still has crystal blood in his bag, Steve sing a pretty song!
(Clavis Dux charges at massacre but misses)
Massacre: (said in a odd sounding voice) hey good ball you don't want to kill me!
(Clavis shakes his head and charges again, this time pinning down massacre)
Massacre: please Clavis stop you're hurting me!
(Clavis shakes his head again and then notices he's pinned Deliela to the tree)
Clavis Dux: snorts (releases Deliela)
Massacre: ha ha ha have you had enough Clavis have you had....
(Both Clavis and massacre fall asleep)
Steve: chirp chirp chhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrp (then bows)
John Bleu: good job Steve (John goes and forces crystal blood in their mouths) there ya go, you should feel good as new
(Clavis changes back to normal)
Clavis Dux: ah hah I'm normal again whoo
(Massacre changes back to normal too)
Massacre: oh thank you thank you for freeing me from my prison little one, how can I ever thank you
John Bleu: hmmm ice cream?
Clavis Dux: nah just a simple thank you works, thank you John and I'm sorry I didn't believe you
John Bleu: ahh it's ok, I promise I'll tell the truth from now on.... You need a bath
Clavis Dux: ha ha thanks John
Pixxy: wow what a night
Deliela: heh yeah, crazy murderer dates wow never thought I'd say that huh
(John catches something out if the corner of his eye)
John Bleu: hey look what's that (runs and picks it up) it says Brimm on it
Clavis Dux: looks like a skeleton key but what does it go to...
Pixxy: we should continue on, it's morning now and light enough
(Clavis pulls out the map)
Clavis Dux: well the next place marked here is howlywood..
Deliela: alrighty then let's go........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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