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I was alone in the house for once, finally alone where I can do anything... where I can finally give myself the courage to finally end it. To finally fucking kill myself for once in my useless and pathetic life. I started running the warm water in the bathtub getting the razors out and putting them next to the tub, I'm not pussying out like last time... I grab my notes and send a final goodbye to my close friends and my boyfriend, before getting into the tub and pulling my sleeves up to reveal over 50 scars on my left arm. I slowly brought the razor blade to my arm and pushed until blood started to come out, then dragged it across my arm down the vein. I also decided to overdose on my anti anxiety medication so there was no coming back. The bath water soon became a crimson blood red and I started to fade in and out. I took my last breaths and passed out still bleeding out into the tub, where my brother would end up finding me later that day...The funeral was short not many people went, no one really cared, who would anyway. I doubt that you will.

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