Chapter 8: Another Battle

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Chapter 8: Another Battle

Melissa was the first person I had let myself get close to in years. And there was no uncomfortable telling her that I'm a vampire and I'm in an evil family. For some reason, her being my sworn enemy made all conversation more comfortable. Even though I didn't have to tell her that I was a vampire, because she already knew, there were still some uncomfortable things that I had to tell her. But it was like they were regular comments. Like "How are you?" And, "What's up?"

I was sitting on my bed, waiting for the sun to rise. I loved how I was one step closer to being human. I could walk freely in the sunshine. No one could get suspicious. I could be free.

Another benefit of being immune to the sun's harmful rays, my parents. If they ever walked through the door to my bedroom, they would be ashes in about 10 seconds. There's a possibility that they wouldn't be able to get out in time, too. The sun would probably be considered too blinding. My room is the only room in the entire house that has any windows, and my parents were never even closed to being exposed to the sunlight. Back when sunlight still wasn't an option for me, I still ket the curtains open and hid in the shadows.

I listened to wildlife and the movement in White CIty for entertainment. There was nothing better to do than to observe.

That's when I noticed my bookshelf. I hadn't payed any attention to my bookshelf in years. There were many old novels in there that still looked brand new. I kept the books in good condition. I feared that if I didn't, then one day, when I wanted to go back to the time I was born, I would have no chance. I wouldn't even get to read the books that were written back then.

I examined my room closely. This room may seem odd to Melissa if she ever sees it. There were many old things in this room. Including an old copy of the Bible. I swallowed, but couldn't. There seemed to be a lump in my throat.

I wanted to burn it, or get rid of it some how. I felt guilty for having such a thing, when I was like a walking demon. I was close enough. Yet, there sat a Bible, which I hadn't even realized was there.

I tried to think about how long I had lived in London. How long I have lived in this house. Our house seemed to be sort of out there, so no one really saw it. I never payed attention when I saw it from the outside. I never really left my room, and when I did, I was oblivious to every thing around me. I shivered at what could possibly be down there.

It wasn't until recently that I had even gone into town. I would only leave the safe haven of the woods to fight wizards or the Crystal Sky Army. As a matter of fact, going to Phoenix High School had been the first time in at least five years that I had seen the town.

It was hard for me to count the years that I had been in London. I knew that I had left for a little while after I was changed, but I really couldn't recall ever coming back. I frowned a little to myself. How is it that I don't remember these things?

And then I knew.

I don't remember, because life was very unimportant to me before I met Melissa. I couldn't remember, because every second seemed to be a blur. I never thought about what I did, never did anything different from schedule.

I slept, sat in my bed, fought, and fed when necessary.

That's all I ever seemed to do. But when I met Melissa, everything seemed to change. I started thinking, acting closer to a human the second I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. I could feel magic pulsing off of her. It was much better than the death that seemed to pulse off of every other vampire, and vampires were the only thing I payed any attention to.

I didn't think about attacking my dad when I did, though. It seemed to come naturally. He hurt her. He hurt this mysteriously beautiful witch that I had never seen before. I had to kill him. Or, at least, make an attempt. I couldn't let him get away with hurting her. And back then, I didn't even know her name. I didn't know that she was the daughter of the Hawkrider family. I didn't realize that she was the daughter of the women Stephaun killed 13 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2010 ⏰

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