4.Back Again

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-Baekhyun POV-

I silently watch Haneul as she pay the cab and run towards her house. She looks relived to see the white painted house of them.

But if Kai is really telling the truth,Then the smile on her face will soon disappear.

Waiting patiently,I crouched down,Propping my elbow on my knees and unblinkingly staring at the white house.


Haneul is such a pain in the head.

I can't even sleep properly without her appearing in my dreams. I can't even think straight whenever the topic is about her.

She's the only girl that made me feel like this. She's the only person who let me experienced how love feels like.

Why did I fall for her?

Because of her cherry lips? Her child-like eyes? The chubby cheeks? You might guess those little things about her. But no.

I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels. But for the way the sound of her voice could silence my demons.....

I squinted my eyes when Haneul came running out of the house,Three copes are following her. She's crying and hyperventilating.

The sight tore my heart.

I badly wanted to run and hug her,Comfort her and tell her that everything will be fine.

But I can't.

Cause I don't have the right to do that.

She doesn't trust me,nor love me.
And that's the thing I hate like crazy. Why can't she realize that I love her with all of my heart? Why can't she love me back?

Can't she see my pain? Every time she rejects me,It's breaking me. I never make the pain visible because I always hide it. I'm hiding it behind the poker face and behind the sweet smile I'm always giving her.

But I'm hurting deep inside.

I always pray that she could open her eyes, I'm crazy for her....

Haneul fell in her knees,Crying like a child while covering her face with her hands.

I know that I should let her go. I know that she needs time. But I just can't bring myself to leave her in this place. It always feel like I'm being prodded by a thousands of insects whenever she's away from me. I can't think and I can't relax when she's not near me.

This may sound crazy,But I don't care.

I'm already crazy,Crazy for that one specific girl named Park Haneul.

-Haneul POV-

As soon as I arrive at our house,Relief rushed to me. I'm finally home. I'm safe and I'm free.

I quickly paid the driver before running inside the house.

But the sight of three police officers startled me.

The three copes turn their heads on my direction. One of them,A man with mustache gave me a stern look. As if saying that I'm not supposed to be here.

"Well,Young lady. You do know that you're not allowed to enter this house. It's under investigation."

He said with such authority.

My forehead creased.

Under investigation??? How could it be under investigation??? Then realization hit me. Their investigating because of me! Because I was kidnapped last night!

"You don't really have to. Just stop your operation now Mr.Officer,I'm home. And there's no need for you to search about the kidnappers."

I stated.

Even if I run away,I'm not going to let anyone discover about Baekhyun. I don't want to reveal his secrets because I know everyone will be intrigue. And I don't want him to be in danger,This may sound insane But,I want Baekhyun to be safe.

Like I said,I like him. Even after what he did. And even if he's some kind of a monster.

"Excuse me Miss,But you've got the wrong idea."

One police said,Giving me an unamused face. My eyebrows meet at that.

"What do you mean?"

"Well,Maybe you're her niece,Ms.Park Haneul. We're actually looking for your auntie's testaments and work files."

"She and her son got in a car accident last night. I believe,Their on the way for a business trip."

I didn't clearly hear everything that they said. There's so many thoughts swimming in my head. I can't seem to process everything in just a minute.

My hand instinctively reached over my head. I'm shaking and at the same time,Sweating too. It feels like my lungs is being suffocated,I can't breath.

My chest started tightening. I felt someone's cold hand on my elbow,As if steadying me.

"Mr.Park,Are you okay?"

I heard them ask.

Okay? Do I look okay? I just heard that my auntie and cousin died! My only family left in this world die! How can I be okay after hearing that news?!?!

A hot substance feel on my cheeks,I'm already crying. I didn't dare to stop it and jerked the police hand.


I didn't let them finish as I run out of the house. The house seems like a small place for me,It's suffocating. I can't stay there and I need to feel the breeze of the air again.

The copes followed me but they didn't utter a word. I think they also have the word 'respect' in their vocabulary.

The tears didn't stop from falling and I didn't bother to wipe it away. Instead,I started to sob. I let myself fall on my knees as I cried.

What now? What would I do now that they're gone? I'm all alone now. And I don't know what to do without them. I love my auntie and my cousin. Even if they are sometimes disciplinary,I love them.

And now that they're gone,What will happen to me???

I covered my face with the use of my hand as I sobbed. I don't care if someone see me in this condition,They doesn't need to mind me.

"Why do you choose to be hurt when you could be a princess with me?"

A familiar voice echoed in my ears.

My head slowly craned to the owner of that voice. The vision was a little blurred but by the figure of his body,I know who he is.

This time,I didn't push him away when he crouched down and pulled me into a hug. This time, I didn't stop him from touching me.

At this time,I need comfort. I need his hug and soothing words.

"Shh...I know it hurts,But I'm here okay? Just let it all out."

He assured me,Rubbing smooth circles in my back. I can feel him repeatedly kissing the top of my head.

I cried harder,Snuggling in his chest,Letting his warmth engulfed me. I didn't even notice that the weather is cold. Baekhyun continued to say reassuring words to me.

His sweet gestures made me feel a little bit at ease. It made me feel safe and.....unbelievably, Loved.

I realized something as he tightened his grip around me.

Byun Baekhyun loves me.

He's not lying, He really have a strong feelings for me.

He loves me,Yet as for now, I don't feel the same.

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