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Queen HAS SENT AN ATTACHED FILE [Opened by TinySponHappy, ZoeBee]

This guy is so cute, isn't he? I want one. 😂😂

You've MET him before, [N/Name]! 😂😂

I have?

Weren't you childhood friends with Harper and her brothers, [Y/Name]?

Yeah, why?

Well, that's the younger one of Harper's older brothers... if that made sense.

It's Phil Lester, basically. 😂😂
If you want him, though...
I can pick him up and bring him to your apartment.

That saying really applied to him.
And don't bring him. My house is an absolute state.

"When you're done cooking, you'll  be good-looking."
I'm assuming you mean that.
And fine, I won't.

Yep, I did.
He aged VERY WELL.


He doesn't have a girlfriend, either, [N/Name].


Go for him, [N/Name].
I want some nieces and nephews.


Fucking chill, Happy. 😂😂
Come over to mine. I'm bored and sick of texting you.

Zoe, I'll pick you up on the way. I don't trust you driving at all.

I'm not that bad!

You actually are that bad, Zo. 😂😂

Shut up. 

 😂 😂 

I'm in my new car in the basement, hold on.
Someone's been fucking with the garage door panel.
The people in this apartment block are fucking stupid.

I can imagine.


Stop texting and DRIVE, BITCH, DRIVE. 😂😂

I'm gonna get a drink before I leave.

If you bring one into my car, I'll end you.
No-one's spilling anything in it today.

Okay, I'm gonna shower before you get here. If I don't answer, you know what to do.

Break the door down, got it.

No! 😂😂


After finally getting changed, I opened the glass doors to my porch and flopped down on the single couch in there, hauling a neatly folded blanket from the washing basket and covering myself with it as I fell. Since I knew Harper would probably try to break my door down, despite her being so little compared to me, I was going to wait for her to arrive so I could unlock the door myself and not have a hole in it. (You'll be around 6"1 because I want you to be close to Phil's height. Don't question it.) It took a while but I eventually saw Harper pull into my driveway in a car that obviously wasn't hers.

"Open the door, bitch. I see you there." Harper glared at you playfully through the window in the door, her short, silver-dyed hair blowing around in the wind. Both her and Zoe were starting to get soaked just standing on the open wooden area that was just outside your front door. Zoe was staring rather sadly at the now soaked pillows on the metal bench that was swinging slowly between two plant pots. I opened the door to let them in from the rain but made sure they took their shoes off. I'm that "don't get mud on my white carpets or I'll stab you" kind of gal. Kind of like a mum, you know.

"Those were really nice pillows and you had to put them outside, didn't you?" Zoe complained, smiling a bit at my reaction. Shaking my head, I hastily closed the door so that anything near it inside wouldn't get wet. Of course, besides the girls.

"I'm so glad my hair isn't long anymore." Harper said, shaking like a wet dog and soaking Zoe even more than she already was.

"Oh, ew, Harper! You're not my brother!" Zoe complained, pushing Happy away from her and heading into my house, past the stairs and down the hall to the downstairs bathroom. Harper's phone started ringing as soon as she had made contact with the glass wall that revealed the bare white hallways and black wooden stairs. The opening to 'BTS - Fire' began with Suga lazily speaking the first line of the song. She took her phone out and looked at the caller ID.

"Speaking of Zoe's brother." She chuckled evilly, heading the same way that Zoe did but headed around the corner into the first room on the left rather than the first on the right. I decided to head in to where Zoe had gone, finding that she was rooting through the towel rack trying to find the really fluffy blue one that she liked. Knowing that it was too high for her to reach, I stood on my tiptoes and pulled it down from the very top of the rack and handed it to her, earning a thankful hum from her in response.

"I'm going to take a quick shower if you don't mind. And I'm robbing some of your clothes, too." She pushed me lightly out of the green-tiled bathroom, locking me out... Well, she didn't because she didn't mind if me or Harper walked in. It was her brother that she'd lock the door because of.

"Okay, love you." I heard Harper say from the living room. As I entered, she turned around and away from my white confetti curtains to sit down on the couch, jumping as she saw me standing in the doorway. "You scared the shit out of me, [Y/Name]!" She held her heard, gripping onto the pastel pink jumped she decided to wear.

"'Love you'? Who was that?" I asked with my eyebrow raised, seeing the realisation on her face. She stared at me, wide-eyed in what seemed to be some serious disbelief. "So? Spill, who was it?" I pushed, not realising she'd already told me before when it first started ringing. "Was it your brother or something? Come on, tell me! You can't keep it secret. Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend, even?" I continued to ask, knowing that she was pansexual and it could've been anyone.

"Well, I know you'll react in a way that I'll hate... Despite it being an accident, Zoe would react the same way too." She ran her fingers through her tangled, wet, silver hair and sat down. "I told you before anyway. It was Mr. Joseph Graham Sugg himself." She sighed, throwing her head back against the cushions of the [F/Colour] sofa. I, of course, freaked out inside.

"You did not just tell Zoe's brother that you loved him!" I squealed, jumping down next to her. A muffled shout came from the hallway, obviously Zoe. She most likely heard what I had practically screeched. Or Joe had texted her telling her what Happy had said. "I know it was an accident but he probably didn't know that." I added, making her roll her head over to stare at me, as if to tell me I wasn't helping the situation at all. Zoe opened the door wearing one of my black tank tops and a pair of denim knee-length shorts I owned with the pink towel wrapped around her hair.

"I heard Zoe's brother and loved him. What happened?" Zoe asked, sitting on the matching [F/Colour] armchair off to the right hand side of the couch.

"I was on the phone with Joe and I said 'Love You' at the end like I normally do but I didn't mean to - it's out of habit, you can't blame me." Zoe squealed, her phone in her hand with a tight grasp. It quickly began to vibrate for a few seconds, indicating that she had received a message. Hastily, she unlocked her phone and read the message quickly.

"It's from Joe, funnily enough."

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