I ~ I'm in a quest with my lame brother and annoying uncle

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The best thing you could ask a goddess like me to do is knock some sense into some brother of mine.

I was sparring with Ares again. Yeah, yeah, daily practice and the opportunity to beat my bigheaded brother Ares up was a win-win.

Currently I was holding my spear in one hand and Aegis in the other, plus a double edged sword by my hip, and standing across from Ares. We were in a rocky terrain, making the battle more relishing.

Ares, meanwhile, was grinning sadistically like a maniac brandishing a broadsword while a gladius was at his side and a javelin was strapped to his back. 

Apollo, our referee for the game, was perched on top of a huge rock, humming some sort of tune.

Seeing Apollo wasn't paying attention, Ares glared at Apollo. "Sorry to break it to ya, punk, like every day, but we got a match to start. And we aren't going to wait all day for you to finish your silly old music stuff."

Apollo, only looking slightly offended as he was used to this already, turned to us and said in a bored tone, "Why do I even need to judge? You guys know the rules, no powers, only three weapons, blah blah blah, begin!"

Smirking, I muttered under my breath, "That's because I trust you more than I trust than other idiotic son of Zeus."

Ares, seizing another chance to boast about himself started the match formally.

"I am Ares, god of war and battle, one of the twelve Olympians and your worst nightmare! Prepare to meet your doom!" And with a huge smirk plastered on his face he held his broadsword at a ready position.

I rolled my eyes at his boastfulness. "Finding every moment to gloat about yourself and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies?" I taunted him, "Nobody's going to fall for that."

As I expected, he answered the challenge, lunging to sweep his broadsword in an arc towards my feet. I jumped over it, then brought my spear down in a downward thrust, which he blocked with one of the bracers on his hands. Apparently he could hold a broadsword with one hand.

He then slashed diagonally, aiming for my chestplate. I blocked using Aegis and pushed his sword off to the side. In those few precious seconds, I rammed Aegis at him, causing him to stumble back and giving me enough time to backtrack so that I could use my spear.

I stood a good distance away from him, my weapons held at an attack stance. "Come on," I teased him, " the god of war can't be defeated that easily, can he?"

After that comment, he succumbed to his rage, blinded by the insult thrown at him. He charged forward like a bull, but I continued to parry him off with my spear. Suddenly I darted in and smashed Aegis against his face, then used my spear to stab him through his left thigh. 

He roared in agony, and when I stabbed him he immediately started slashing with his broadsword at me. I jumped back, but not before he cut my right arm. I winced in pain and stepped back to where I was safe from Ares' sword. I strapped Aegis onto my right arm, as it was light enough that it wouldn't be a burden.

Wanting a funner fight, I threw my spear aside and unsheathed my double edged sword. Ares, always up for a challenge, threw his broadsword aside as well and drew his gladius. We circled around each other for a while then I charged and we both played a dangerous game of offense and defense.

At one moment I could be ready to press my blade against the flat of his neck when he would suddenly thrust at me and I would have to parry. This went on for a while until I got a moment to assess my surroundings. From my peripheral vision I spot the huge rock Apollo was sitting on before the match started.. That gave me an idea. I quickly ran over to it while facing Ares and scrambled onto it quickly when Ares was momentarily distracted.

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