Chapter 19- Chocolate chip muffin

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Chapter 19- Chocolate chip muffin

Leticia POV

Holding hands with Niall, we walk down to the cafe. I knew he was upset i can tell so, when I asked him he said it was nothing to worry about but I

was worried. Of course I didn't believe him when he said only one reason why he was upset but i didn't feel like arguing with him so i let it go for now anyway.

"Hello?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts "you still there, Princess?" Niall asks me giving me a smirk.

"Yeah sorry, whats happening?" I smile at him

"What do you want?" the boy at the service desk asks me.

"Oh, just a chocolate chip muffin, please" i say and them turn to Niall.

He brushes the hair away from my face and asks "Are you okay?" He looks at me concerned "You zoned out, you never zone out" i nod and smile at him

"I'm fine, just happy to be home"

"Your always home" i give him a confused look "when you're with me you are"

I had missed him so much and he just said one of the cutest things so i obviously don't care if we are out in public but i kiss him right then and there.

But unfortunately our kiss is cut short to some familiar Aussie accents yelling at us to "GET A ROOM YOU TOO!" I laugh and run over to greet my second favourite band in the world '5 Seconds of Summer' i hug all the boys leaving Luke last. But weird enough his hug is different. He holds me differently and for the longest out of all the boys.

A throat clears and i instantly let go and turn around to see Niall holding a plate for me with my Chocolate chip muffin on it.

I take a huge bite then i realise i didn't say thank you so i tired with my mouthful. Everyone laughs at me and i go bright red.

Luke POV (A/N hope you guys like this!!!)

I cant help but fall for the red headed girl. Her bubbly personality lights up the room and her smile is so catchable whenever she smiles i smile. She is the cutest too and she is Aussie!

Though I've only seen her in real life twice now I looked her up on twitter finding out she has a youtube she has the most amazing voice but she gets so much hate and i hate that!

When the boys did a twitcam on saying what would happen if they keep hating on her any more after she got pulled to the ground i was furious when i found out about that and i couldn't agree more with them that's unacceptable for someone like Leticia.

If she wasn't taken i would of asked her out straight away.


So Niall was right about Luke!!

He has a crush!!

I wonder what he's gonna do about it!

What do you think he's gonna do?

What do you thinks gonna happen next??

I would love to hear your thought!!

Make sure to leave your comments below i would love to hear from you!

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