Chapter 13- cool grandma, skype calls

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"Home again home again... how does the rest of the songs goes?" I say out loud "oh come on Leticia, grandma says this all the time, talking about grandma i wonder how she is, maybe i should call her. Yep thats what i would do" grabbing out my phone and dialling my grandma

After two rings a happy cheery voice comes on the other end

"Hey sweetly, have you seen twitter? your everywhere!"

"Hi grandma yes i have seen twitter"

"So is it true your dating Niall from One direction?"

"Yes i am dating him"

"Aww LOOK AT YOUUU all grown up and dating and everything you two look so cute together!"

"Thanks grandma"

"Oh and is it true that Harry likes older women?" i laugh as you can tell my grandma likes to keep up to date with all the latest goss she knows shes getting old but shes always tells me "age is just a number" so age doesn't bother her

"Sorry grandma not that old"

"Ohh poo... is what you kids so now?" I laugh

"No grandma"

"Well I'm bringing it in!" I laugh again

"Okay grandma, look i have to go and do some shopping for mum i will tweet you soon"

"Okay hunnie, tweet me whenever you can my little buzz bee" i smile and at the nick name i used to have when i was younger my grandma always had reputation for buying new things all the time so by the time i could walk i was as busy and a working bee exploring all the things she had in her garden and getting my clothes and hands dirty and all the things in the house so that is why i was called buzz bee i haven't been called that for while because i have grown so laid back just like my beloved grandma

I grab the shopping list mum left me on the counter my phone and keys and head out the door

I was just getting some bread when two girls come up to me smiles wide holding pieces of paper and pens too i look at them with a smile they must be fans of the boys

"Hi girls, how may i help you?"

"Um can you.. er sign this?" They hold out their paper and pens to me i gladly take them and sign

"Sure thing, may i ask you two a question?" They continue to smile and i continue

"Why would you want me to sign it?"

"Because we love your singing and we are big letiall shippers" one girl says

"Letiall?, Is that out ship name?" i laugh

"Yep! it sure is, and can you follow us on twitter?" the other girl asks

"Sure can, what are your usernames?" i grab out my phone and go into the notes app and type in their usernames as they tell me them the girls then thank me and we say goodbye

after i little while i leave the shop having a huge smile on my face loving how i have such loyal fans

My fan base dropped a little when i started dating Niall thinking that i am using him for the fame when really i want to do it on my own i want to achieve my dream by myself

I soon get home to see that Niall wants to Skype call me, i click 'Accept'

"Hey Princess" he greets me and i notice one thing he is well.. shirtless

"Hey Prince" i wink and he laughs

"How are you?" i ask him

"Lonely" he pouts

"Awww poor Niall, my poor Ba-by" i tease he rolls his eyes at me but smiles

"I miss you too, Niall"

"Love ya" he tells me "i miss you so so much"

"I love you too, i miss you more"

"On yeah? i bet ya i miss you more

"No i bet i do" i tell him

"Okay then prove it" i place my hands on my hips and raises my eyebrow

"Move in with me"

Wait what?

I open my mouth to stay something but nothing comes out so my mouth just hangs there

"You think we are ready for that now?"

"Yeah i think we are, if it's okay with your parents of course"

"I think they would just be happy to get me out of the house" i laugh he laughs too

"So? do you want to move in with me?" he asks again

"You know that if i move in you would have to share your food"

"I would share anything with you, Leticia"

"Awww Niall!" i can feel my eyes tear up "oh gosh i feel like I'm gonna cry, you just said you would share your food with me!!" i cry out he laughs

"Yeah,yeah i did"

"I better answer or you would think i don't want to" i regain myself "of course i want to move in with you!" Niall stares at me with the biggest smile on his face i've ever seen him wear


"Yeah of course Niall i love you"

"I really wish i could kiss you right now" before i could reply i bunch of girly 'aww's and i can see Niall turning red an trying to hide his face

Then two familiar faces come onto the screen

"El! Perrie!" i nearly scream

"I haven't see you in ages girl!" Perrie tells us

"I know its been so long!" i tell them

"So does anyone want to tell me why Niall really bad wants to kiss you?" Eleanor asks

"Im moving into his house" i tell her smiling wide

"Awww!" the girls coo

"I always knew you two would be together!" Perrie tells everyone hitting Niall's leg i laugh

"Oww!" Niall whines

"Aww perrie! don't hurt my baby! i need him!" the girls laugh and Niall blows me kiss i pretend to catch it and i place it on my check though Niall looks at me confused

"Why ya put it there?"

"Oh sorry, blow me another" he does so i catch it and put it one my forehead Niall rolls his eyes at me

"Hey! you didn't say where!" i tease and blow him the kiss this time

"You two done yet?" Eleanor asks

"Yep!" we say at the same time they laugh

"Okay you lovebirds we leave you to it" Perrie tells us then they disappear

Me and Niall talk for hours after speaking about the house and when he will get back from tour and i also tell him about the girls at the shop and our ship name he loves our ship name and tweets asking to send in art of our ship name we get so many responses it amazes me how talented they are Niall becomes very proud of his fans then

i love how he how much he loves the fans and how much he would for them to be happy thats why they are always working on a new album and putting in lots of hours into the music videos and the tours to repay them for what they have done to him and the other boys and if it wasn't for the rest of the fans i wouldn't of met Niall though they can be sometime rude i respect them even the ones who hate me and Niall being together they are just projective of the boys and want the best for them i really do respect all of the fans

So i decided to send out a tweet

"I just wanted all of u to know how much i respect u fans even the ones who hate me love you all <3 xx"

Niall retweets it and so does Harry and Liam i guess not the other boys because they aren't on twitter that much

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