Chapter 12

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It's been three weeks since I found out that I'm a witch and left home with Minnie and Margaret for an uncertain future. Finally, I'm returning to our little bungalow.

My parents have tons of questions and I answer them, having the reverse conversation as I did with Bobby Gold—telling them everything about my new life, like I told him all about my old life.

I saw him a couple of times in the dining hall before I left. His smile somehow stays with me like sunshine, following me wherever I go, even on these dreary, cloudy almost-autumn days. I can't take my mind off him or his golden eyes. However, when my mom asks about the bonus class, the seminal seminar, another pair of eyes replaces those. They're steely and powerful. I try to flash back to Bobby, but my brain won't budge until my mom waves her hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Come home, my darling girl." She smiles knowingly. "Tell me the rest while I make dinner."

My parents and I talk late into the night, all about school and my new friends. They also explain better why they didn't tell me about the early visit from the CWC, mostly because they didn't fully understand what would become of it and didn't want to imagine their daughter leaving someday or being different from them.

My dad looks at my mother lovingly, "But it's our differences that make us unique and figuring out what we share in common brings us together." He wraps us each in a side hug. "Glad to have you back though. Even if only for a little while."

My mom sniffles. "We've missed you a lot and the truth is, we were afraid you'd like the magical world better than the ordinary one we gave you."

I look at each of my parents in turn: my dad with his fair skin and my mom with her smooth brown complexion, his eyeglasses and her dark eyes, tall, thin and shorter, curvier. I'm half of each and also very much myself. I smile, feeling a boundless love for them and say, "Guys, you gave me the magical world as much you did this one. I wouldn't be who I am without you." Finally, I'm starting to feel like I might soon know who that person is.

My parents keep me company, interested in my textbooks and studies, but unfortunately, I spend the rest of the weekend doing homework. I don't visit with Chelsea because she's away for a wedding, but write her a long email, telling her about school, but leaving out everything magical. Mostly I ask questions about junior year, wondering what's going on with Logan, and asking her to give Keiko and Reggie big hugs from me.

I get even bigger hugs from my parents when Minnie arrives to drive me back to Applemoor. I'm afraid they might not let go, their grips are so tight. But they do, and I let a tear escape as they grow smaller and smaller as the sedan pulls away.

"It'll get easier," Minnie says. "It's only two years."

As we drive back to Applemoor, I tell her about my classes, mentioning seminal seminar. "Professor Arrowsmith never showed up for class. I was told something happened to her."

"Oh yes, tragic accident. Turned to stone. Transfixed we suspect. It's been all over the news. Not the regular news, mind you. We have the Daily Vine as you probably know. They say print is dying, but not in our world. The papers from the trees are actually still alive. It's a magical form of recycling."

"So my class is cancelled then?"

"Best to see someone in the administration office to answer that. They'll have to find a replacement. It's vital you cultivate your wish witch abilities."

"Wish witch?" I scoff. "I can hardly cast a levitating spell. Popperwell isn't pleased with me. I have to go in for extra work next week. I don't think I'm a wish witch."

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