Chapter 3

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The elevator doors shut and I stared at the many buttons lining the wall right to the left of the door. "this elevator goes up, down, left, right, forwards, and backwards. kind of like the one in Charlie in the Chocolate factory." Brady explained. She pushed a button near the bottom labeled 2 and then pushed a button behind her all the way on the left. "floor 2 is boys dormitory and this button." she said pointing to the button all the way on the left," brings you to the upper left corner of the building.This one goes to lower left." She said pointing to the button on the right "this one to upper right" she said pointing at the button to the right. "and this one to lower right." she said pointing at the last one.

"Confusing," I replied staring at the 4 buttons on the back of the elevator before turning back to the buttons near the door.

"These are the floor buttons." Brady said." As you already know the boys dormitory is floor 2 the only other one you need to know right now is the cafeteria is floor 3." I nodded telling her I understood. "there are exactly 100 floors in the Sparve, each floor has a purpose none of them are empty."

A ding sounded through the elevator and the doors slid open revealing a large room with chairs and tables. from the ceiling of the room held banners that read, Seekers, Trainers, Builders, Keepers, and Office.

"This is the upper left common room." Brady said," For almost everything you do will be in upper left, where you eat, where you sleep, and sometimes where you work." Brady motioned for me to follow her down a hallway, she stopped in front of room UL17.

"You will be sharing a room with Zack, he's a Seeker" She said pushing the door open. "tomorrow at 12 sharp you need to be in the cafeteria for your beginning of training." She handed me a watch with a blue wrist band." Everyone gets these to see the time of day because there are no windows down here." I nodded my head in thanks and pulled the wrist watch onto my wrist and clasped it.

"12 sharp" Brady said walking down the hall leaving me in front of a slightly open door. I pushed the door open all the way and entered the room. The room was a normal size big enough for 2 twin beds and 2 small bedside tables. The walls where a navy blue and on the right side of the room, posters hung all around. also on the right side of the room was a messy unmade bed with a bedside table covered in crap. The left side of the room was bare and plain.

"Hi." A boy who I guess was Zack said. "I kinda took the right side of the room, hope you don't mind. this is the first time I had a roommate." The boy exclaimed. I stood in the doorway awkwardly, "oh I'm Zack by the way." The boy said standing from his messy bed to shake my hand.

"Seth." I replied.

"Oh I know, you are the one that only took like 10 minutes in the light room." Zack exclaimed.

"Ya," I nodded "that's me." I walked to the left side of the room and sat down on the bed.

"You want to go to the shoppes? You start off with a little money when you first get here." Zack asked. I nodded and got off my bed.

"Lead the way." I said with a smirk as Zack walked out of the room and headed to the upper left elevator.


"So you only have like 50 bucks so spend wisely" Zack said as we headed through the crowded shoppe which was on floor 4. We wondered around a bit and I spent about 30 minutes discussing with Zack why this place has curtains when there where no windows. But then he explained maybe for homesick people, make them think that there where actually windows behind the curtains. I agreed and we moved on.

When we finally got back to our room, my watch read 10:30 PM. "How long were we at the shoppes?"

"2 maybe 3 hours." Zack replied helping me hang up a poster of some guy jumping through a window with full army clothes but firing a water gun. It made me laugh so hard that I had to by it. Even though it was like 20 bucks. I only had enough money left to by some green bedding so my side of the room didn't look so plain.

"Wow that long? and we only got 2 things."

"Ya, mostly because you couldn't decide what color bedding you wanted." Zack said crossing his arms over his chest. His bleach blond hair falling into his eyes. He brushed his hair out of his eyes before adding "You really are one picky dude."

"Hey it not my fault I wanted this room to be," I paused falling back onto my bed,"perfect." I chuckled and Zack laughed along with me. At least I've made one friend today.


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