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I wake up drenched in sweat.

What the fuck was that? A nightmare maybe..? I've never had one before...

My thoughts are cut off by the voice of the captain speaking through the intercom.

'We'll be arriving in south Korea in a few minutes so please stay seated and buckle your seat belts.'

I forgot I was on the plane. I was pretty tired, even after the nap I had in the car, so I slept the whole way here. Guess who's not going to sleep tonight!

We were finally off the plane and I was waiting for my luggage. I had calmed down now and I'm feeling a bit better. So far nothing strange has happened and no one's annoyed me so I'm feeling pretty good about this situation.

I collect my luggage and so do my parents, then we make our way out of the terminal. I recall my parents saying that my uncle was picking us up so I put on my headphones to ignore them. Maybe they'll leave me alone if I act like a bad kid.

We're making our way down the escalators when I notice a man in a black suit holding a piece of paper with our family name on it. It was written in Hangul but I was able to read it since I speak fluent korean. Good thing I'm here or my parents would be lost.

We make our way to the man and my parents start speaking with him.

'Ahh you must be one of woojong's workers?' My father asks.

Who is woojong? And when did my dad speak korean?!

'Yes I am sir.' He smiles, he's kinda cute, 'if you'd like to follow me, I'll take you to the car.'

'Is woojong busy?' My mum asks, also in korean.

'Yes. He sends his apologies.' He bows. He looks at me with wide eyes.

'I-is this your daughter?...' He asks, eyes still wide.

'Uh yes this is my daughter. Y/n say hello!' My dad smiles at me asif he did me a favour...wait! Is he trying to set me up?!

'H-hi..' I mumble. I don't really want to speak to anyone at the minute.

'Hi! I'm Kim taehyung but you can call me tae!' He smiles cutely and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

I take his hand and shake it cautiously.

Omg his hands are so beautiful! Wtfhdkjsjslahsssj

He pulls his hand away after a few seconds and we continue to make our way to the car. My dad sits up front with tae and I sit in the back with my mum.

'Do you think he's cute?' My mum proceeds to speak to me in English while nudging me in the arm.

'Y-yeah I guess...' I stutter from nerves. What if he knows English?

'I think he li-' I cut my mum off.

'Look I uderstand you're trying to bond with me over boys but they're not the type of thing that I'm interested In so can you stop?' I whisper yell. I have better things to think about then boys at the minute!

'O-ok sorry...' I don't like seeing my mum upset but she can be real fucking annoying most of the time.

We sit in silence for the rest of the ride, just the muffled sound of my music can be heard from my headphones.

I peacefully watch the scenery fly by and from what I've seen so far, Korea is perfect for me.

It's so peaceful here. There are shops and cafes everywhere. There's a few parks that i could go to and draw. It's everything I've ever wanted. I've never been so happy!

~time skip~
We're in a different part of town now. It seems like the "rich" side considering how big the houses are. There are multiple mansions being guarded by large gold gates.

As we go on, the houses get bigger and I wonder if we should be here or not.

My uncles not rich! He can't be....right?

Just as my thoughts begin to wonder, we pull in to a drive way. My family and tae get out the car and I follow soon after. I look up at the house, realising that it's one of the biggest ones I've seen.

I admire it's modern class with my mouth hanging open.

No way does my uncle own this! M-maybe it's some sort of house share or hotel...

'Are you coming or what?!' My dad shouts from the door step. I see the door open and everyone going inside. Even our luggage had been taken in.

Was I really staring at it for that long?!

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