Introducing yourself

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Your POV- I lay in my bed looking at my ceiling wishing I wasn't living here in this dump. Only reason why I live here is because my dad and my big brother are in a gang. My mother hates living here as well because we always here gun shots every night police knocking on the door and the gang members are always over. We get no privacy. It's something you don't like hearing or seeing every night. I get scared but I'm use to it my dad tries to make me tough which I know I am but I have a heart and feelings. And god forbid if my brother and dad saw me with a guy they would kill him and me. I've never had a boyfriend in my life because of them everyone is scared of me because of them. I don't ask to live a lavish life but I wish I could I live in a stable normal home. Living with gangsters is the worse thing you can wish for. And everyone now and days want to be like them but for what you got everything you want and have I wish I can leave this place forever and ever. And that is why I'm going to school to get my career and leave here forever and never come back.
"Mi hija get up already."
"I am ma"
Did I forget to mention I'm Spanish which is worse. I get out of my bed to get ready for school the last month of grade 12. How exciting is this at least I don't have to see any gang members when I'm out of school because we all know they don't go to college and whateva. I go to the washroom to shower and brush my teeth but I can't because my brother is in there.
"Can you hurry up in there stupido"
"Hey watch who your talking to like that princessa"
As my brother gets up in my face.
"Yea you don't scare me Julio"
"Wasn't trying to scare you."
I go in the shower to rinse my body and I let the hot water fall on my face. I scrub my body with body wash and once I get out I start to brush my teeth.
"Si Papi?"
"Hurry up in there please."
"Yea I'm almost done."
I spit my tooth paste out and rinse my mouth with water. I get out I see my dad outside the washroom shirtless and seeing his body fully covered with tatts. He gives me a kiss on the cheek as I start to leave to go to my room. I start to change into a black off the shoulder romper. Then I start to fix my hair and I put it into a side bun I live doing those buns it's so cute. I start to do my makeup so I can look a bit normal. And I have you know my eyebrows don't look like cholas and neither does my makeup. I grab my purse for school and I go down stairs to eat some breakfast.
"Hola mami."
"Good morning mi hija"
"How are you ma?"
"Estoy bien."
"How about you baby girl?"
"Same as always good."
"Good baby girl I made you lunch and here's your breakfast since I have nothing to do."
"Thanks ma."
"Your welcome."
"Ma since you never have anything to do why won't you look for a job or something?"While I'm munching on my eggs.
"Baby girl I wish I could but your father doesn't want me to work I hate being here in this fucked up home."
"I feel you mom don't worry in about two years and a half we both will be gone from here I promise."
"I believe in you baby girl."
"Good now I'm gonna go to school bye ma."
"Bye mi hija be safe."
I walk out of my house and I start to leave the neighbourhood to catch the bus. But whenever I walk out of here the younger guys or the guys the same age start to whistle at me and it bothers me so much.
"Jeez mami come through." As he starts to walk near me
"Taylor I'm not interested get away from me."
" I didn't even want you and my street name eastside princess get it straight."
I would kill myself if I were to date any of them I swear to god so rude and disrespectful. I see my two friends as I start to get happy and feel normal.
"Ok I see you looking all good."
"Okay girl that highlight in on point."
"Thank you Taylor and Adelle."
These are my two of my good friends and yet they make me feel normal is their a feeling to that I don't even know. We get on the bus we start talking and whateva and I see more gang members get on the bus from my hood. I look up at one I've seen him a couple times. but I never really stared at him and this time I did. He was so cute and I start to think to myself I could do better I can't ever be with him.
"Angie you good?"
"Um yea sorry I was day dreaming."
"No you weren't you were looking at that gang member."
"No I wasn't."
"Yes you were you can't lie to me and Taylor."
"It was just a glair."
"So what if your dad or brother were to see that your eyeballs would of been gone."
I start to look down at my bag and I was waiting for the bus to stop so I can get to school. As my friends were talking I would do a little glair to see him. I was never focused on the guys in were I live because I don't like them at all.
"Yeo Shawn we gonna poke him after school."
I turned to look who said it and it was Cameron only Cameron he just loves to stab people.
"Shawn homes I'm trying to talk to you."
"Um yea where we going tho?"
He wouldn't stop looking at me either fuck man I made myself obvious. The bus stops and we start to stand up and get off my friends are in front of me because I was at the window. And I felt someone touch my ass and I start to scream.
"Who the fuck touched my fucking ass."
I knew it was one of the gang members because it was only them in the back.
"He did it." As Cameron was pointing at the cute guy which I'm guessing his name was Shawn.
"You touched my ass?" As I started to point at him
"No what the fuck your gonna believe him I have respect for women I know I wouldn't of grabbed your ass."
"Honestly you guys have no respect for women at all I hate you guys."
"What's gonna happen Huh princess your gonna tell your dad or brother we touched your ass"
"I'm not you fucking idiots but if he heard one of his boys touched his daughter or sister they would slit your throat."
I get off the bus all pissed because that was disgusting I do nothing to deserve that disrespect. I start to walk away very angrily because what the fuck they grabbed my ass. I felt someone coming behind me and grabbed me by the arm to stop me from walking. It was Shawn ugh he's so beautiful up close.
"Hey stop"
"What now?"
"Look I'm sorry for them grabbing your ass just know I'm not that type of guy."
"Oh like I know that for sure right?"
"Look I'm serious chica I have serious respect that's how my mom taught me."
"Hmm okay and?"
I start to add a little sass onto myself.
"Your a sassy one huh?"
"Yea and what are you gonna do about it?"
He comes closer to me as I feel the tension between us. I look up to him since he's six foot and I'm four nine. He comes near my ear and says
"Well you see if no one was here baby girl I would shut you up with my lips on your lips and you being sassy turns me on a bit. Playing hard to get huh?"
As he stop and blows on my ear and bites it after.
"Ugh you're annoying"
"We can walk home after school princess?"
" I don't think my dad will like that."
As I walk away saying that.
"I don't care what your dad says."
Has I bite my lip and I know I shouldn't fall for his shit. I walk to my locker and I see my friends there just waiting for me and curious to know what happen.
"Okay so you're not gonna tell us what happen?"
"Yea Angie come on."
"Nothing happened"
"You're lying you can't lie to us we know you so well"
"He said he was sorry for the dumb asses."
"Mhm and?"
"And he asked to walk me home."
"Girl shut up"
"Yea but let's not get excited right now because I'm not to sure."
"You guys can't say anything to anyone because everyone is rats around here and if my dad finds out he'll kill him."
"Promise Angie"
"You have my word Angie"
"Thank you babies."
Shawn's P.O.V~ Seeing Angie's fine ass walk away makes me want her more. The way she is ugh drives me insane I understand why all the guys like her now. But why would she be interested in some bum like me. She seems like she needs no man at the point. She deserves better and the world she's perfect in every way. And if I could change my ways I would find ways to be with her.
"Yeo Shawn?"
"You got your giggy?"
"Yea dog I got it in my pocket don't worry dog."
I didn't even introduce myself to you guys yet. I'm Shawn last is Mendes and I'm in gang. I started to be part of gang ever since my parents have been broken and we moved to the hood to get a smaller house. I'm in a gang for the money and to protect my family from them. Believe it or not I'm a really smart kid and I was really rich and something happen to the money. Yet now I turned into one of them for my family in doing it for them. But I'm into music and I do want to go to college but now I can't sadly. Because messing up my life for this. And I'm a real bad boy now.

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