Part 1 - Moving to Trofors

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Sofia's pov

Monday, 6:37 pm

I wake up to my mom calling my name.
"Sofia, Sofia!" she says.
I rub my eyes and look out of the car window. The brightness of the sun stings my eyes.
"What?" I ask her and yawn.
"We'll be in Trofors in about 10 minutes!" she says and seems really excited.
"Whatever" I say and look down at my thighs. I'm not so excited about moving to Trofors. Just a small town in the middle of nowhere. Ofcourse it has good sides to it. I don't have to stay in a school in Oslo with fake friends, bullies and Jake, my ex boyfriend. We actually never broke up officially. We hardly talked during the last months of school. He was with the gang. Also known as my fake bestfriends or bullies. And those last months I spent my time alone like I had until Jake came back to me. I had known the people in the gang since first grade and from then we've always been best friends until about a year ago. When my dad and my two sisters were in a car crash in the summer. I didn't talk to any of them about it because when it happend I simply couldn't it was too tough for me. I thought I'd tell them when school starts. In someway they found out I'm not sure how. But anyway I didn't want to talk to anyone and I mean anyone not even my mom. Losing my twinsister, littlesister and dad was the most terrible thing that could've ever happened to me. I thought when I went to school I'd be happier and could talk to my friends about it but once I got there all of them had turned against me. And I really mean against me. They started bullying me. My best friends started bullying me. I didn't have anyone there for me. Even Jake had broken up with me and joined the gang. Luckily after a few months he came back to me but I should've known... He never came back to me because he liked me. That's probably why he joined the gang again. Or I don't know. I didn't really understand anything that happend and I still don't. There's something wrong with me.
"Here we are!" my mom shouts excitedly and parks the car. I get out of the car and take my bag. It's so heavy that I have to use both my hands to carry it. We get to the front door of our new house. It's much bigger than our old house. We empty the car and I go to my new room. For some reason I like it. A bit. No but I like my room in Oslo. Or my room... It wasn't really mine I shared it with my twin Sasha until the car accident. We kept her bed in the room and every time I looked at it I almost started to cry. Maybe this is better. My mom's right this is a new start for me and her. Although I don't usually show it, I love my mom. A lot.

Monday, 8:21 am

A week has gone past quite fast as we've decorated the house. I've said it many times but I'll say it once more. I like our new house. Because I really do. I walk down the stairs from my room to the kitchen. My mom's awake cooking breakfast for us I guess.
"Good morning" she says.
"Morning" I reply and look at the food. I'm cold. I go and get a jumper and fuzzy socks. When I'm back my mom sits in the table.
"Come and eat" she says and I walk to the table and sit down.
"What are we doing today?" I ask her.
"I thought we could go and watch a movie" she says again with excitement in her voice. I think she gets over excited really easily or then I'm just boring.
"Yeah sure whatever" I answer with a bored voice. I sometimes wonder how my mom can tolerate me. Well I guess she sort of has to. My mom's already eating. She's staring at me. I know exactly what she's going to say. She opens her mouth.
"I'm not hungry!" I say just before she starts.
"Sofia, I've told you so many times that if you don't eat we have to go to the doctor, this is getting serious" she says. I don't understand her. If I'm not hungry then I don't eat. And why do I have to go to the doctor. It's not like they can help me when I don't even need help.
"We don't have to go to the doctor everyone will have an apointment with the school nurse anyway" I say. She doesn't understand.
"And she'll send you to a doctor to take care of you" she says back to me.
"Why would she do that!?" I almost shout. I don't want to go to the doctor.
"Because you need help and no one else can help you" she shouts back. I hate these kind of arguments. I always end up crying as I do this time too. I feel tears rolling down my cheaks. My mom comes over to me and hugs me.
"Honey I'm just trying to look after you. I want you to be healthy" she says. It's hard to admit, but I know what she's talking about. I know exactly what she's talking about and it's true no one can help me. Except a doctor. But I don't want to go to the doctor. I don't want to gain weight. Then I'll be called fat again and I'll get bullied. I don't want that. This is what the bullies have made me become, an over thin girl who is tired, cold and weak all the time. I don't eat more than a fruit or two in a day. In Oslo the school nurse tried to talk to me but every time I had an appointment I didn't go there or then I didn't answer truthfully when I was there. I want to be me again with no one judging me. But I feel like anywhere I go everyone stares at me. It makes me feel uncomfortable that's one reason why I don't want to go to the movies.


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