Chapter 3: The 8th Member

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Namjoon steps out in front to speak again. “Thank you all for coming this evening. It has been our great pleasure to celebrate with you. We feel very welcomed!” He smiles. “Each member is holding a raffle ticket in their hands, which has the name of one of you on it. We will call out the name on our tickets, one by one, starting with mine.”

Namjoon reads the name on his ticket, and you hear a girl squeal to your left and run up to take it. Namjoon smiles at her and says congrats before giving it to her. As each member calls out the names, your heart sinks each time it's not your own. You smile a bit at the fact that two fanboys were called, one by Tae and the other by Hoseok. As Jin reads out the last raffle ticket that is also not your name, you sigh.

Maybe it’s for the best, now I can’t embarrass myself anymore. ‘Four for Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco. And none for Gretchen Wieners, bye!’

You look down at the floor, shaking your head at the reference you made, preparing to leave, when you hear Namjoon clear his throat and speak once more.

“I hope everyone has had an amazing time tonight! I know I have and so have the rest of us, right guys?” Each member nods enthusiastically and says yes.

“Of, course, this wouldn’t be possible without you, our fans, our Army. And because of that,” Namjoon gives a slight pause and nods at Jimin, who pulls out a stuffed toy from behind his back. You squint your eyes and gasp when you realize it's the Mario Jin you gifted to your bias. The stuffed toy is “holding” another raffle ticket in its hands.

Your eyes go wide in shock. How’d he even get that from Jin so quickly? And…what does this mean? Why are they holding up the toy I gave to Jin? No, it can't be!

Namjoon looks directly at you, and you meet his gaze nervously. “Because of that,” he goes on. “We've decided at the last minute to choose an ‘8th member’, if you will, to join the other 7 guest crew members for tomorrow night. And I think she already knows who she is. Katie, come on up!”

He holds his hand out to you, and you just stare. Jimin is grinning widely at you, wiggling the bear, and says encouragingly, “Come on Katie!” his voice pitches higher on the last syllable in your name, drawing it out. You can’t believe what is happening as you make your way through the crowd. You steal a glance over at Jin, who seems just as surprised as you are. He shrugs at you, scratching the back of his head.

Looking over to each member, you see Yoongi purposefully looking away, and realization dawns on you.

He’s trying to ensure my silence over the cigarette incident. Fine, I’ll play along.

You smirk, and happily take the raffle ticket from Jimin, who hugs you in excitement. You laugh as each member closes in on you for a group hug except for Yoongi, who’s crossing his arms and scoffing.

Maybe I should pick locks more often.

Yoongi finally glances back at you when you give hima knowing gaze, only to roll his eyes and look away. But to your surprise, he joins the hug and pats your back, giving you an insincere smile.

I don’t think Yoongi likes me.

You smile at him anyway, and give him a wink. He stares daggers into your eyes and you giggle, despite feeling a little sad at his hostility.

Yoongi’s POV (right after he left the balcony):

Fucking Jin let a fangirl walk right in there and catch us. Aish! What if the press finds out about this?! And Bang PD would kill us if he found out we were smoking and drinking like that. I have to do something!

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