Ch. 7
I get and walk around, I lock my door. Then, look at the picture my mom gave me of our family, as I put it in my bags. I pack all my things into 5 large, I mean like extra large bags, when I hear a knock on the door. I unlock it and he comes in. I pick up my bags then look up, to see his sparkling ice blue eyes, and bronze colored hair.
“Here i’ll take them.” he said. “By the way my name is Jared.”
“Thanks...?” I hesitate. “...Jared.”
“No problem.” He replied. “Yeah being an orphan and all cause your parents died it’s the least I can do.”
I just stare at him, I drop my bags, while he is saying that. My hands are on my hips and i’m about to go off on him.
“Excuse me!?” I begin “Just because my parents died I am totally capable of taking care of my own siblings, and it doesn’t mean i’m an orphan and i’m 15 I can take care of myself on my own!” I say dropping the last bag.
“Well, sorry.” he replied while taking 3 of my bags with him. “Someone will be here to take your other bags.” “Doesn’t mean i’m an orphan.” he mimics. “How do you know i’m not an orphan?” he whispered so close that I could hardly make out his words.
I think to myself, he’s an orphan? Why is he here, Where are they, What are they doing. Where am I going? Just then one of my sisters comes into my room.
“Where are we going, Alice?” Char asks.
“I don’t know.” I reply.
She puts her head on my shoulder.
“Did you pack?” I ask her.
“Yes, every last little thing in my room.” she replies.
“Good, are Da and Nick packed too.” I ask.
“Uh,, I don’t know?” She replies.
Then I walk up to the door. Turning the handle, when I hear a loud knock at the door it couldn't be Jared because he doesn't knock that loud. So, I turn the switch to lock my door.