Living With The Hunter Boys

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Death, I never really though about it until now, it's so strange to think that one day your walking and talking, and the next you could just drop dead, never be able to walk or talk again, never be able to touch or feel your loved ones again.

I sit here in my now empty, cold and silent penthouse in New York all alone - Well apart from my brother Chase who is always UN-reachable- I'm alone, and I'm hoping, hoping that this is all a really bad dream, a bad nightmare, and it's just about to end.

But of course, a knock on my door, brings my mind tumbling back down to face the miserable truth, that my two loving and caring parents and my twin sister are now dead because of some idiotic, drunken druggie, and now because of that dumb ass, the people on the other side of that door are going to take me to their home and take care of me, something my parents were doing perfectly fine, Until, again, that asshole drove around high and drunk.

I have not shed a single tear since I found out, and I don't know what's wrong with me, and I can't figure it out. There's just this empty feeling in my heart and there is nothing here to fill it, there's nothing left, nothing else I can do to help ease it.

I haven't cried, and I don't feel like crying. I don't feel anything but this numbness that courses strongly through my body, nothing but numbness pushing through my veins and powers my body. The numbness; is like a fuel to me now, it runs throughout my whole body and I don't want it to stop.

I open the door to see two people, a woman who defiantly belongs on a runway even though she is softy weeping into the shirt that belongs to the man who is equally as beautiful standing next to her they both have puffy red, tired looking eyes. The man strongly grasp the woman's shoulders supporting her.

Well, I guess this is it, Bye New-York. Hello River Stone. It is a sad goodbye but your memories are set in stone, I'm not going to say 'Fresh Start' or 'Bye Old Life, Hello New Life' because that's not true, it's not true at all, reason being is that, it won't be a fresh start for me, it just feels like I'm running away from all my problems. And it's not a New Life if I still remember everything, my friends, family, the fun things I used to do here, the miserable weeping that we used to do here too, so no, it's none of those, NOT a fresh start and NOT a New Life, the same life, continuing where I was last, just trying to push through it all day by day.

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